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PHP issues


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Hi Alamy,


Just posting here to ensure that this is read.


There appear to be multiple issues with the forum operation at present.


The first is that when posting, the returned output is, on occasion, server-side gibberish - including the following as an example:




Refreshing the page resolves the issue and the post is delivered and displayed normally.  The returned code error shown above may never display to other users, but this of course shouldn't happen.


Another problem is that when one tries to quote another's post, on occasion the resulting post does not show in quoted form, but as plain text only.  In other words, the output code is not being processed correctly for some reason.  This has happened to me and I have seen multiple other examples of it recently on the forum.


Lastly, I tried to post last night on the monthly 'Have you found...' thread.  In the post were links to multiple external pages (on the Guardian Website) and images contained on the Guardian Website.  It was a long post!  When I posted it, the returned page did not show the post: it had just disappeared!  No error (well-formatted or otherwise) was displayed,  This may not be a problem, but a deliberate forum setting to prevent multiple image insertion and/or linking, I don't know, but if it is a deliberate setting, then I would expect an error to be displayed.  None was.  It may, of course, also be a setting on the Grauniad designed to prevent multiple image lifting, I don't know, but I would still expect to see an error notification.


Highly infuriating when I had spent so long on a post designed to help contributors to the forum (and, indeed, Alamy), discover image usage examples and so benefit us all.


Perhaps these are issues that need to be brought to the prompt attention of Invision Power, in case they are a prelude of worse to come?!


Thanks for your ongoing attention and help in all matters.

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Thanks for bringing this up. I've had the experience lately of having my posts turned into something incomprehensible. I don't know enough about computers to describe it as well as you have.



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Edited to add:


While creating a post that included a QUOTE, I copied the contents before posting. I've now pasted it below.


Notice a line of info has automatically been added directly above the quote: "losdermas, on 05 Oct 2013 - 14:50, said: (arrow icon).


If you click the arrow icon, you get the error babble, which should give a programmer a clue about what goes wrong so that QUOTE boxes are lost when someone edits a post with a quote in it.




Recently, I noticed that when I inserted a quote it looked fine until I later went back to edit the post, and then the quote box was lost.


(So I selected the quoted part & clicked on quote bubble in formatting above, so it would at least stand out as quote, though with no quote header.)


losdemas, on 05 Oct 2013 - 14:50, said:snapback.png

[....] There appear to be multiple issues with the forum operation at present. [....]


Another problem is that when one tries to quote another's post, on occasion the resulting post does not show in quoted form, but as plain text only.  In other words, the output code is not being processed correctly for some reason.  This has happened to me and I have seen multiple other examples of it recently on the forum. [....]

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Warning: Base directory HTML_PURIFIER_PATHcache/tmp does not exist, please create or change using %Cache.SerializerPath in /home/alamyinv/public_html/ips_kernel/HTMLPurifier/HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache/Serializer.php on line 133


is not a browser problem. It's just that someone needs to find time to look at line 133.  (And maybe change the syntax of that cache?)




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  • 2 weeks later...

Using Chrome on Win 7 problems with the Editor, on occasion I cannot edit a post that I am composing. It's irritating to see a blank screen when trying to update a message. I also find that I am often asked if I want to use the Full Editor, my message occasionally, but not always, appearing in HTML script.  I always want to use the full editor, I have no idea why this occurs, and it is often, but not always, the prelude to worse problems ahead!


Maybe there is a limit to the number of edits that you can post without causing the system problems? When searching for Alamy images found, I frequently update the message for fear of losing my work to date, and I find this to be more efficient that opening a Word window and composing the message off line.


Does Alamy ever respond to this thread? Would be good to know that somebody in power took an interest or should I be writing directly to member services?

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Does Alamy ever respond to this thread? Would be good to know that somebody in power took an interest or should I be writing directly to member services?


Alamy have said that they monitor the two 'Suggestions and Ideas' forums, but do guarantee a reply on either.  One would hope, then, that this is on their radar, but as has been said before regarding other items: if it's a choice between Alamy employees getting out there and licensing images (for decent prices) and dealing with this, then their first priority should be licensing.


As it's a bought service though, this shouldn't be the case?  And Invision Power Services Inc who sell / license this 'IP Board' App should have been notified and be working on a resolution?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Except when I post about server-side/DB errors it seems.


:D;) There is also a further issue (no there isn't) now regarding placing images in a post when those images are located on a remote server.  I have now have encountered this a couple of times and other forum members are beginning to.  Take a look at the first post in this thread (mine) and you will now see the text on the 4th line: alamy-forum-php-errors.jpg.  This is where an image was when I began this thread and should still be - it's still on the remote server, I haven't moved it - http://www.stickyrice.co.uk/images/large/alamy-forum-php-errors.jpg


I do hope that these issues are addressed at some point and raised with the software supplier, Invision Power.


EDIT: Many apologies: this last issue is a result of my own oversight: I had edited the .htaccess file on my personal site to prevent loading of the images on external servers and forgotten about it.  I'm now on the naughty stair and am hanging my head in shame. :(

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Except when I post about server-side/DB errors it seems.


:D;) There is also a further issue now regarding placing images in a post when those images are located on a remote server.  I have now have encountered this a couple of times and other forum members are beginning to.  Take a look at the first post in this thread (mine) and you will now see the text on the 4th line: alamy-forum-php-errors.jpg.  This is where an image was when I began this thread and should still be - it's still on the remote server, I haven't moved it - http://www.stickyrice.co.uk/images/large/alamy-forum-php-errors.jpg


I do hope that these issues are addressed at some point and raised with the software supplier, Invision Power.


The image has now re-appeared!  Maybe some of these issues are being addressed in the background?  Let's hope so!

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Does Alamy ever respond to this thread? Would be good to know that somebody in power took an interest or should I be writing directly to member services?


There are two simple little words that never fail to get their immediate attention, but the thread will be locked so perhaps we'll not go there :-)



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Does Alamy ever respond to this thread? Would be good to know that somebody in power took an interest or should I be writing directly to member services?


There are two simple little words that never fail to get their immediate attention, but the thread will be locked so perhaps we'll not go there :-)





If they are what I'm thinking you would probably be banned too.




OH! and thanks Alamy.



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