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Everything posted by wiskerke

  1. Moving files to Commons ? If it's one of yours, I would be worried. wim
  2. I went back to Bridge 2022 as well. Numerous problems with 2023. First thing I noticed was the arrows on the numeric keypad didn't work. Zooms opening on the wrong monitor without a way to correct that. Lots of extra windows opening somehow. There are updates every week it seems. Current versions: Bridge 2022 12.04. Bridge 2023 13.02. Photoshop 24.1. Raw 15.11. If you need a previous version: in the Updater aka Creative Cloud Desktop click on the 3 dots and choose Other versions. Bridge 2022 12.03 was stable. wim
  3. I can see a parent ordering this. Sending it to their kids: If you don't do your homework, you'll end up like this! Or worse a stock photographer! wim edit: sorry I left out 😂
  4. Haha! It's the official name of the tulip. And you've guessed it: English is not the tulip's first language. 😁 tulip prinses irene: 69 results (kudo's for keywording!) tulip princess irene: 142 results Now indeed why all those searches? Are they all the same client? Looking for copyright infringement? Yes there's copyright on tulips. Why has Chris noticed? Because he has a couple of good images of that one. Are they selling? Are the searches from Canada? The dark red pattern on the orange tulips looks a lot like a Canadian Maple Leaf. This led to the name in 1949: the princess was born in Canada during WW2 and her name Irene means Peace. It's a very strong and very popular tulip btw. wim
  5. Let's hope this one sticks. Worldwide Editorial Book run up to 100,000 Inside Lower mid $$$ Affiliate Sale I've said before: affiliate sales are not all bad. Especially when some tend to use the calculator. Only the second sale for this one. The other a PU in Nov 2021. wim
  6. Money in the bank today, Jan 17. The fog in the Channel must have been very thick. 😆 wim edit: lost in translation
  7. You do need to apply for Archival privilege. Like News, it's not automatic. Initially it may have meant what you think it means, but if you search this forum you will find examples of very strange images that look like they were submitted by a non-intelligent robot. Agencies simply are supposed to have done their own vetting and QC. Not sure if they are never being spot checked though. We have lost some forum regulars who also were or had an agency and who might have commented on that. wim
  8. It's not parallel at all. There are 2: one is Archival and the other is the one for Agencies. And then there's S*o the app which makes 3. wim
  9. Alamy has often stated that one of the reasons to declare an image soft or lacking definition, while there may be a small part of the image actually sharp and in focus, is that the thumbnails must not give the client a wrong impression of the overall sharpness. wim
  10. There seems to be a certain grace period where new contributors have a slight advantage. Think upper part of average rank. If they start selling right away, rank can rise quite quickly. (And rightfully so.) wim
  11. A picture = worth a thousand words. Hah rubbish! Thousand keywords maybe. Well maybe not. 😁 wim
  12. Thanks for reminding me. If only to update my keywords! wim
  13. Good tip! Pennsylvania may well be on my list this year. While Mexico still isn't despite the yummy pork rinds. I will look out for them in Malaga though. wim
  14. This is what the Encyclopedia Brittanica thinks chicharrón looks like. Here it is in a Chicharrones vending cart. Njam njam! (I'm a great lover of pork rind. It would be a reason to visit Mexico.) wim edit: link added
  15. Giethoorn. Also to Taiwan. Again Magazine Editorial 10,000 Inside - print, digital and electronic In perpetuity and distributor. But this one upper low $$ - Giethoorn is not a Unesco site 😁. Giethoorn village is a very popular attraction among Chinese tourists. The village of only 2620 inhabitants sees around 200,000 Chinese tourists every year. One of the reasons is the successful campaign to put Giethoorn on the International Monopoly Board, which went viral on Weibo (Chinese Twitter). wim
  16. Not sure what sort of tool Gimp (in the EXIF) has for reducing CA, but I would certainly take that out. It's easy to check if it really is CA: than it has the opposite color on the opposite of the white line. And in this case it has. However not everybody will want to check that out, so I would at least limit it to some specks where it may enhance the image, but get rid of it everywhere else. Even when it's only slight as it is here. The new Visual Trend of the Month as Alamy sees it, Glitch Art, is of course all about exaggerating these things. Maybe your camera and image just fit in with the The Real New Trend. (NYT; Daily Mail). Is Glitch Art a trend? Well it was in 2010 and declared dead in 2015 and every year since. So of course it is becoming a trend again. Somewhere. For some time. 👴 wim
  17. Weird. Could it have been a sweep for the keyword logo? Results for logo: 4,126,513 Searches -rolling year- for logo: 5483 Anyway it's not a great loss as Springer has opened a new main building across the street. wim
  18. Yep, but it's HQ is in Gütersloh. Their Berlin main building is not to be sniffed at, but has no signs whatsoever. It's function is a sort of embassy to the (new) capital. Mainly cultural and PR related but maybe some lobbying is done there as well. They do have more buildings and offices around town though. That like new looking Renaissance building actually is new, because the East Germans took it down in the 1950's. We sort of snickered when they reconstructed that facade 20 years ago. Not knowing what would come next: the demolition of the Palace of the Republic (Palast der Republik aka Palazzo Prozzo) a bit down the road. And it's renaissance as the Humboldt Forum that has just been opened. wim
  19. My regular image search add-on did it's usual trick. Google is quite late with this. Bing has had it for a while. Occasionally over the years we have been pointing our phones at our screens with the Google Translate app. 😁 wim
  20. 4,659 images on Alamy for Springer Berlin. Or was it a different company? wim
  21. Nope. But Wikipedia does. English: A memorial, on the corner of Petschkův palác, commemorating the victims of the Gestapo and Reinhard Heydrich. "During the period of Nazi occupation, this building was home to the cruel Gestapo where the warriors for our nation's freedom fought, suffered and died. We shall never forget their memory and be faith to their legacy. People Be Watchful! wim
  22. And the photographer's name is Blomme - Flower in Flemish/Southern Dutch. Not sure how he achieved that. Normally you cut out a shape and use it as an aperture. It probably worked the same way with the long lens and the grasses in front of him. wim
  23. No images of either developer on Alamy. Not many searches either. Let's try developer. Oh that's people now of course. 👴 wim
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