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Everything posted by wiskerke

  1. 2005 - $195 2006 - $179 2007 - $458 2008 - $143 2009 - $ 73 2010 - $ 69 2011 - $ 65 2012 - $ 54 2013 - $ 52 2014 - $ 55 2015 - $ 59 2016 - $ 48 2017 - $ 46 2018 - $ 44 2019 - $ 37 2020 - $ 35 2021 - $ 29 2022 - $ 23 wim edit: This must be a November thing. Last time it was a bit later in the month. edit2: Opted out of nothing ever. However almost everything is RM.
  2. Warrants a topic of it's own. My two main pseudos in October: 2.63 % of sessions viewed more than 1 page 2.11 % of sessions viewed more than 1 page (total of sessions: 3,782) wim
  3. Google affiliate marketing. It's been around longer than you may think. Wikipedia. Not so long on Alamy: only since 2017, but 13 pages of links to discussions about it on this forum alone. With many answers. wim
  4. 41 for 686 both above this year's average. Total Views 4,078 Total Zooms 47 Average CTR 2.47 Total CTR 1.15 average this month 16.73 average this year so far 23.18 average 2005 till now 50.16 wim
  5. Same setup here. It works for me. However I just managed to replicate your problem on Chrome. At first I was able to edit, but after I had gone to page 2 and back I wasn't. Going to the dashboard and using the link from there did not fix it. Very strange behavior. wim
  6. Alamy affiliate program A search with just the word affiliate here on this forum will get you lots of discussions and answers going back to 2017. wim
  7. It may be a feature. If I go there using an outside link or from my history, I don't get the edit feature, even when I'm logged in. However when I'm following the link from the dashboard page, the portfolio presents itself with the all the edit and help functions working. We have found this behavior before. Later Gorilla Dave found out it's a cookie somewhere. wim
  8. Yes on page 137 of this thread we briefly discussed Eva Cassidy performing there. And Edo of course had met her. I have a friend like that: A while back I just bought this nice book of a Japanese photographer I had never heard of before, and I'm showing it to him. And he says oh yes last time we met (in Tokyo) we got very drunk at her place. BTW that fish restaurant was Sea Catch! Eva singing Autumn Leaves opened up a drawer somewhere. wim
  9. My highest this month: a panorama from the cherry blossom festival in DC - Low $$$. Lowest the Parliament building in Helsinki - Really low $. Nodvandigtid is right: prices seem to hold up a bit better on your side of the pond. Over the rolling year, DC subjects still sell. As do things that pop up in the news like State Capitols or Court Houses. However mediocre images of the same just do not sell at all. And prices for those tend to be just as low as all others. When they are selling higher it's for use in books or on commercial websites. In that case quality is even more important. So for each of your own subject, check the competition on Alamy. Make sure that for that subject, it's not your worst image that comes up first, but your best. If the subject would be American muscle car on a vintage car show, make sure it's your best car shot. BTW none of your images come up for that term. Now I don't think there will be too many searches like that. But it's an easy test: look on AoA and try all possible keywords for your main subjects for the rolling year. Muscle car: no searches at all. Vintage car show: none. Maybe it's not a favorite subject with clients. It is with contributors: 95,713 images on Alamy. Have a look at the trends that Alamy is seeing. It's far too easy to dismiss those. Like that DC cherry festival panorama was searched for using a diversity keyword. And I made sure I had those in my keywords and it was visible (but not too ostentatiously) in my image. In 2009. wim
  10. Nope. But looking at their menu and history we were wrong. That much is clear. They're on 19th street one block from Dupont. We often did eat out on 19th st. So it's not too far away from F and 21st. We usually stopped 1 or 2 blocks from I Ricchi and had sushi or pho at a place that's still there. With guests we did try and enjoyed some DC classics with lots of red meat. And we followed Tom Sietsema's columns, which led us to pizza joints and some weird restaurants on the U corridor that had just opened. Oh and to Kotobuki where we would bike to a few times. That's the one who had been playing the same Beatles tape over and over for 8 or 10 years and probably still does, making it 25 years by now. Kotobuki meaning forever or something, so it figures. It's on the second floor, took no reservations and the line went from the street and up the narrow stairs. It's still there and seemingly has bought the posh downstairs neighbor. Sietsema did not discriminate between posh and budget, this was the heyday of Chowhound. So we did go to CityZen in the Mandarin Oriental once on his account and I had my birthday dinner there, that we still remember. Now Chowhound has gone; CityZen along with the Mandarin Oriental also. The fish restaurant where we went quite a few times near Blues Alley right on the Canal is not there anymore too and I don't even remember the name. They had great oysters but meh crab cakes. With the Zipcar we sometimes ventured out of the city: Patowmack Farm opposite Point of Rocks springs to mind. And Harris Crab House of course. Both an hour by car. Ah I forgot another one from Sietsema's list: Buck's Fishing and Camping next door to Politics and Prose. I don't have Eric Meola sort of stories 😂. Which I totally envy. But I was there when Annie Leibovitz totally broke in front of the audience and most of her family at her book presentation in 2007. (What's that got to do with Meola? They both shot great Springsteen album covers.) Pizzagate happened at the Comet on the other side of Buck's btw. Would we go back? Don't ask. wim
  11. I think the sky works well. But it shows the flaws of the automatic replacement. It's pretty easy to correct by hand. I would do a really good image of the bird; paste it over the one with the replacement sky and then paint the bird in in critical areas. Still not sure how the feathers got their patchy look, so have a look at the other comments for that. Maybe do a third conversion with just a lot of detail and maybe some noise in the feathers. Again just paint in the areas that are affected in the main conversion. wim
  12. Re third party: if it's an agency, images are probably uploaded via the archival route. They skip QC. About what to shoot: You seem to be in or near Felixstowe. Have a look here what subjects clients are looking for when they're searching for Felixstowe images. Set the start date as far back as possible. Put %felixstowe% in the search box (the %% is a database thing). Read the text in the yellow box to the right. Play around with the columns. The first setting to try is UCO largest number first. To find subjects that have not been covered, set Views to least first. Every subject with less than 100 views is worth considering. If you have a better image than what's already on Alamy, that's surely worth uploading. Clients do sometimes look beyond the first page. Do pay attention on what keywords clients are using. If it's a subject that is of interest outside the UK, include American English terms and spelling. Alamy doesn't do that for you. Maybe the third party does your keywording? If so, take note how they do it. But only if they are actually selling anything here. wim
  13. Great subject. Not sure what the prey is though. It's clear that some things have gone wrong in post: The edges look weird and not precise. There's blue in places where it shouldn't be. Which make the head sink into the sky, where it should jump out. The detail is either too harsh or absent just next to each other. This will certainly trigger QC. I managed to improve some of the overall contrast and the color cast, but not the detail problems. In about 4 minutes. So a couple of hours of reprocessing would do this great image a big favor. Unless you have better ones of the same subject of course. Then I would bin it indeed. Here is my take. wim
  14. Try marbles. I mean in stead of pebbles. Not for swallowing. Actually a cooling sleeve works just fine. If you use a flat piece of the same material with a strap, it can do double duty to treat a sprained ankle. We have both the ankle sleeve and the bottle one: they rest on top of the drawers of the refrigerator with the cooling elements. Nothing else fits there, so they don't take up extra space. wim
  15. Ok that did it. Slow pace of the olden days huh? All from the US this time. Fort Frederick Maryland. Oak Alley plantation Louisiana. Manassas. Re-enactment. I'm not that old. wim
  16. Sure. With a little help from your friend Photoshop. 😁 wim
  17. That it hasn't yet been paid to Alamy by the client or the distributor where in turn their client has ordered it. If it says cleared, that means the client has paid and you will be paid the next time your total will be over the threshold. And when there's a date in that field, it means you have been paid on that date. wim edit: when there's a date
  18. Camera Raw froze on me when I used the eyedropper. Then the same as you: shutting down in the task manager because nothing else would close either Raw or Photoshop. Not pleasant. wim
  19. As usual also tons of bugs. Keep your previous version just in case. Don't do as I did. For the first time I had the delete the previous version ticked. Thinking it said keep the previous version. Or the other way around. Or un-ticked. Anyway just the opposite of what I normally do. New Camera Raw froze within 20 seconds. Bridge can now use dual monitors. Yay! Something I've had for ages on Windows. And you guessed it: the new update messed it all up: Previews on the wrong monitor; the numeric keys won't work, meaning the arrow keys; page up and down; home and end won't work either. Luckily I don't have the bug where previews appear 4 or 5 times after closing. With me it's only two images in the same preview window. And it's slow. (Windows w 32Gb; Quadra w 8Gb; 2 Eizos). wim
  20. That's not actually your roadkill score is it? 😎 wim
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