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Everything posted by wiskerke

  1. You could probably use the 75mm lens when you put a macro ring between the body and the bellows. You do need an adapter anyway, so why not go from Canon to 42mm and build on from there. It's certainly the cheapest option. Well except for just drilling a hole. I would cut a slit though. wim
  2. Happy Birthday! 88 is a great and significant number. It follows 87 and precedes 89! 😁 - And it means all sorts of nice things in Chinese. Don't know of any Indian numerology meanings though. wim
  3. I counted 5 differences: 3 people shifted; the sky and that ginormous Land Rover. Where did they get that canvas top from? And where does it sit in a real Land Rover with a canvas top? That sky was before we had sky replacement. And it shows. I don't mind the parts of trees that gone missing, but the gold ornaments of the church tower would have stood out much better against their sky. Except for that car and the amped up reds in people's clothing, I get the changes. - Note to self: go to 11 more often. wim
  4. Sorry about Florida. I forgot about the Europe part. I was underwhelmed by Marbella. Marbella may be big, but Malaga is a real city (and 3x the size of Marbella). The food capital of Spain is San Sebastián I believe. Not yet been there. Nor in nearby Bilbao. Very rainy cities. Maybe more of a summer destination. But maybe your question was meant more in general as opposed to where would you go now, or this winter. Never seen any Spanish horror. I loved the westerns that were shot in the Almeria desert. Just happened to play about all versions I have of the tunes of For a Fistful of Dollars and For a Few Dollars More this afternoon. wim
  5. Funny nobody is mentioning Miami. Or Florida in general. wim
  6. Maybe clients think fees are too low and using this as a means to pay fairer amounts? 😂 wim
  7. If you love rain, come now. We would love to have a real winter, but maybe not this year. (Don't mention the war.) Our regular winters are now much like winter in London: rain and sleet but seldom real snow nowadays let alone frozen canals. Personally I think a real winter is fine, also photographically, but otherwise I much more prefer the sun. Which is why I am rooting for Malaga in winter. Having said that, Amsterdam under a good blanket of snow is a sight not to be missed. Ice but no snow is also not bad though 😁 Just now I see they actually did stuff to the image. Spot the differences. Hello Amsterdam magazine. wim
  8. Not anymore. I was born very nearby. Like really nearby. I learned how to ride my bike in this narrow backstreet with all these nice aunties always watching out of their windows and their boyfriends watching over me. Felt really protected there. 😂 wim
  9. UK National newspaper. Print run: unlimited ?? Insert: more than 25 ; Placement: National ; Start: 08-November-2022 ; Duration: In perpetuity Low ¢¢ Is this the dreaded syndication deal? wim
  10. Or South with the high speed rail to Florence. Oh and that ragú is now even more easy to get with the new monorail from the airport. Haven't tried it yet though. Marconi Express. wim
  11. And 25min by train from Ferrara there's Bologna! Pro: Food food food glorious food. And ice cream. Oldest university. Interesting churches. Beautiful arches that keep you dry when it rains. Con: It may rain. wim edit: The airport is as close or even closer to Bologna as the airport of Malaga and Torremolinos is to Malaga. And Bologna is the train hub of Italy.
  12. Not for a shoot, but for a nice winter with some pictures along the way: Malaga. Pro: Very close to the airport. Really good restaurants. Good museums. Con: Not much of a beach. Cruise ships. wim
  13. Yes Calendar Day! Only 2 this time. And Germany Distro Day! 3. One of which: Germany Advertising and promotion Advertorial 1 page up to 25,000 General business services $$$ (only just). Distributor so only 24% for me. wim
  14. Yes many searches start with the Latin name or part of it and then the common name or some other keyword. Like prey or nest. wim
  15. Can they be bothered? Would you? Of course not. They may come back to see if it's fixed. I might. First after a day or two, then after a week. Then after a year. Maybe google Alamy bankrupt? And what do these zero views results look like in AoA or Pseudonym Summary? AS 100 views? As 0 views? wim
  16. Smelleken in Dutch Merlin in German Faucon émerillon in French And indeed in the US it's called a Pigeon Hawk. People looking for pigeons or hawks could be disappointed. It may be more of a problem that so many people and things are called Merlin in English. For the rest I would use AoA as usual. Maybe give a good explanation in the description. wim
  17. The reason I changed from Dell to Eizo was the uniformity of the image in the Eizos. This had never been a problem with the Dell Ultrasharps until I got sudden posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) in my right eye. It had been slower in the other eye but it left both eyes with lots of new floaters. After this I could no longer determine if there were uneven parts in my image or in my monitors nor if there were dust bunnies in the sky or it was just a couple of floaters. Previously I just moved the image around a bit to see the difference, but after the sudden PVD that did not help enough. When I changed to the Eizo ColorEdge I was able to use that trick again. However, because the evenness of the screen I didn't need to. That combined with dedicated monitor glasses gave great relief: no more eye fatigue or headaches. Before long I bought a second and now even a third Eizo (all 24s) but I ended up using only two next to each other. I now use a tablet as a second (well third) screen and walk around with that. The two older Ultrasharps are still in use at another computer that I use for other stuff like technical drawings and sometimes as a printing station. wim
  18. Prices have certainly gone up in the US. $889 for a CS2420 is not cheap. Could it be they've ramped up prices prior to black Friday? wim edit: I've just looked at Amazon here and retailers equivalent to B&H and the price is just under US$700 including tax. Cheapest: US$676. Things have changed.
  19. There's no way of knowing how much of that page customers are seeing. My guess is that many will not go beyond 2 or 3 rows. Try looking at 100 images on your phone. wim
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