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28 minutes ago, Dave Richards said:

now three stars for QC!! Does that happen 'cos I've passed the thousand mark?


Congratulations on reaching the 1000 milestone. The hardest I think. The next 1000 should come easier.


You get 3 stars for QC if you persistently pass QC without fails.





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5 hours ago, Allan Bell said:




You get 3 stars for QC if you persistently pass QC without fails.





.....eventually. But it doesn't seem to make any difference. That's my version and I'm sticking to it, and if anyone tries to take my third star off me I'll bite their ankles.

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4 minutes ago, spacecadet said:

.....eventually. But it doesn't seem to make any difference. That's my version and I'm sticking to it, and if anyone tries to take my third star off me I'll bite their ankles.


It is strange Mark. I am still a one star with no fails for some time yet my submissions go through QC quickly.





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2 hours ago, Allan Bell said:


It is strange Mark. I am still a one star with no fails for some time yet my submissions go through QC quickly.






Think it depends on how often you submit. I tend to upload often (every week) in small batches, and I was promoted quite quickly from a two-star to a three-star general after my last tumble from grace a couple of years ago.

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Took me a little over 1 year to upload my first 1,000 photos, looking forward to 2,000 images by years end.


I have had 3 stars way before I hit the 1,000 image mark.

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10 minutes ago, phomme said:

Took me a little over 1 year to upload my first 1,000 photos, looking forward to 2,000 images by years end.


I have had 3 stars way before I hit the 1,000 image mark.


By the sounds of it, the QC star system is in the same category as "discoverability" -- i.e. both of them don't mean a heck of a lot in practical terms.

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  • 1 month later...

Well done Dave in passing the 1000 miles stone, sorry image stone. I'am just a tad under 10,000 since starting back in 2008. Should pass that soon what with a trip too Malta and the Lake District and of cause the anual political party conferences in September. Crack on with the next 1000.



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On 06/07/2018 at 17:39, spacecadet said:

Have a couple of mine pro tem.

★ ★


Many thanks Mark. Maybe I can return the favour in another way sometime. Ah! Yes! I have given you a greenie to help wipe out the red mark you were given.





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  • 3 weeks later...

Big thank you to everyone who responded. Aiming to get to 2000 by year end, but depends on whether 'she who must be obeyed' will let me take the camera every time we go out anywhere!!

Keeps me fit though; if I stop for a shot she doesn't and I have to run to catch up with her.

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Dave , I have the same problem with family holidays, local walks or visits. You could end up just snatching images then moving on, not the best way because of the time constraints. I like to spend some time studying the subject and taking images from different angles or waiting for that right moment. Try to be free and that is when the best images are produced. 

All the best.


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