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I've just made my first sale!!!


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I was pleasantly surprised to make my first sale via Alamy. Got the email today. Yay, with only 34 pics, one has sold. Amen! Quite inspirational.



That's a great start. Congratulations, i hope you can keep up with that sales rate!

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I was pleasantly surprised to make my first sale via Alamy. Got the email today. Yay, with only 34 pics, one has sold. Amen! Quite inspirational.



That's a great start. Congratulations, i hope you can keep up with that sales rate!


Thanks Ian, I've simmered down from stock photography and getting more involved with aerial cinematography. I need to find a balance between the two, but hauling a dslr and a drone is quite difficult. Check out my latest video if at all interested.



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I was pleasantly surprised to make my first sale via Alamy. Got the email today. Yay, with only 34 pics, one has sold. Amen! Quite inspirational.



An email notice of a sale? That's a bit special.

It's a first sale thing, I think. I got one for my first sale, but I didn't get any more emails after that.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Congratulations!!   :)


There may be a good market for this kind of images from your area. When it comes up in "View your sales history" - note for which purpose and where it was bought. It may be useful information for your further targeting.


E-mail - I didn't get one - and neither for the 100th sale...

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