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Manage Images


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It would be nice to be able to save restriction templates so I could quickly apply to future batches. Another idea would be check boxes instead of drop downs that have to be repeated for each region being restricted.

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It would be nice to have an 'editorial only' button, rather than have to tick a huge list of restrictions for every batch. The time it takes to do this at present all adds up. Also, caption box needs to be larger for archival and reportage - same as Live News (as it's the same type of captioning that is needed). Oh an another thing (!) can the keywords transfer into the main box with any overspill going into the bottom one, in the order they were typed in/rearranged to, not alphabetical, please?

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Hi,  In Manage Images, I would like to see larger thumbs, or at least have a choice of...small, med, large.  Helps me to more quickly select pics for batch editing.  Perhaps this is related or similar to Chris' request.  Scott

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Would love to have an append function in the batch processing so I could add a keyword to a group of images without losing any keywords already there.





Yes, a much needed feature that would save a lot of time. Seem to recall that this has been asked for before.


Hi,  In Manage Images, I would like to see larger thumbs, or at least have a choice of...small, med, large.  Helps me to more quickly select pics for batch editing.  Perhaps this is related or similar to Chris' request.  Scott


I would like to be able to see an actual pixels display - often required when it comes to answering the No. of people in image question. As it is you have to go into Explorer and look at your own copy.

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Would love to have an append function in the batch processing so I could add a keyword to a group of images without losing any keywords already there.




Yes, that would be very useful.



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Do away with Flash!


In the meantime:


Single click to open an image please! (Now it's near impossible to open an image with a pen.)

Or make the enter key work, when an image is selected.


Ctrl-Z does not work
Ctrl-W does not work
Ctrl-T does not work
Ctrl-F does not work
Ctrl-A does not work


Right click does not work (because it is Flash, this is impossible to repair.)


Spelling checker is not configurable for UK or US english.


The input boxes are too small. Enlarge the input boxes and remove the sliders. Boxes should be big enough for the amount of characters that fit in, with some space to spare. That way you can paste keywords in and edit until they fit.

Do away with those tabs. All essential information should be visible in one screen in one view. It's a lot of clicks just to check if everything is there.


The thumbnails should have the right aspect ratio. Ideally they would not only be bigger, but scaleable too.


In the main window if you are viewing at 48 results per page, but decide to view at 96 per page, the results return to page 1 image 1.
Normal behaviour should be: show the same 48 results with 48 more.


Why not make the divider between images and batch moveable.


Escape does not work to stop the execution of a wrong command.


I'm pretty sure people have workarounds for a lot of quirks and faults of Manage Images 2.4. Because it's a vital tool in the work process, there should be no need for any workaround.


This is mine for when the Save All Changes does not work (which sometimes happens). There is no way to stop the process. The Esc key does not work, unlike in normal HTML environment. The only thing that's left to do is clicking Close, which sometimes brings up the dialog box *do you want to save the changes* when clicking yes, everything usually is fine. When the dialog box does not get displayed, the new entries or the changes are lost. However because the spinning wheel can go on forever, there is a way to save your work: just copy/paste all fields to an empty document and copy/paste back at the next attempt.


The batch editing tool overwrites all existing data in the selected fields across the whole batch.
Why not simply ask: append or overwrite?
If a field overflows, flag it to allow editing by hand. Allow overflowing from Essential into Main and from Main into Comprehensive.


Please give us *Find and Replace* both in a batch and across a pseudonym or a collection.
Search for a keyword X, but not containing keyword Y. Both in a batch and across a pseudonym or a collection.



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Do away with Flash!


In the meantime:


Single click to open an image please! (Now it's near impossible to open an image with a pen.)

Or make the enter key work, when an image is selected.


Ctrl-Z does not work

Ctrl-W does not work

Ctrl-T does not work

Ctrl-F does not work

Ctrl-A does not work


Right click does not work (because it is Flash, this is impossible to repair.)


Spelling checker is not configurable for UK or US english.


The input boxes are too small. Enlarge the input boxes and remove the sliders. Boxes should be big enough for the amount of characters that fit in, with some space to spare. That way you can paste keywords in and edit until they fit.


Do away with those tabs. All essential information should be visible in one screen in one view. It's a lot of clicks just to check if everything is there.


The thumbnails should have the right aspect ratio. Ideally they would not only be bigger, but scaleable too.


In the main window if you are viewing at 48 results per page, but decide to view at 96 per page, the results return to page 1 image 1.

Normal behaviour should be: show the same 48 results with 48 more.


Why not make the divider between images and batch moveable.


Escape does not work to stop the execution of a wrong command.


I'm pretty sure people have workarounds for a lot of quirks and faults of Manage Images 2.4. Because it's a vital tool in the work process, there should be no need for any workaround.


This is mine for when the Save All Changes does not work (which sometimes happens). There is no way to stop the process. The Esc key does not work, unlike in normal HTML environment. The only thing that's left to do is clicking Close, which sometimes brings up the dialog box *do you want to save the changes* when clicking yes, everything usually is fine. When the dialog box does not get displayed, the new entries or the changes are lost. However because the spinning wheel can go on forever, there is a way to save your work: just copy/paste all fields to an empty document and copy/paste back at the next attempt.


The batch editing tool overwrites all existing data in the selected fields across the whole batch.

Why not simply ask: append or overwrite?

If a field overflows, flag it to allow editing by hand. Allow overflowing from Essential into Main and from Main into Comprehensive.


Please give us *Find and Replace* both in a batch and across a pseudonym or a collection.

Search for a keyword X, but not containing keyword Y. Both in a batch and across a pseudonym or a collection.



Yeah - BIG +1 for all of those suggestions! starting with DItch Flash!

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I would like to see Alamy develop a free plugin for Adobe Lightroom to enable keywording into the three seperate categories used by Alamy, and maybe also to include the other attribute fields also. I am sure many here must use Lightroom and would welcome such a tool.



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Check out the sneak peak of a Lightroom-style app for pads in Scott Kelby's the Grid's video (app talk starts at 18:10): here

And check out the talk about why we must want to edit on an iPad at all, at 35:35.



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I would like to see Alamy develop a free plugin for Adobe Lightroom to enable keywording into the three seperate categories used by Alamy, and maybe also to include the other attribute fields also. I am sure many here must use Lightroom and would welcome such a tool.






The Lightroom plugin that is avaliable by a 3d party developer is not exactly expensive and works really well. I would prefer Alamy continue to develop the site and not tools for other software.



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Some great ideas in here, thanks.


Anything that we were not aware of has been added to our list and we plan to re-work Manage Images in the future....


...we know you are going to ask us "when?" ...


Well, development is yet to begin so there are no time scales at the moment, as soon as there are we'll let you know.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I am just adding more info to some of my images and notice that even with 96 images in view there is a lot of unused screen area. Would it perhaps be possible to utilise some of this as a kind of scribble pad where we could type, copy from  and paste to? I know I would find this useful as I work my way through images.


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A configurable spell-checker would be good but I'd be sorry to lose the US option - all those underlinings are a useful indicator that there could be an alternative spelling to the one I'm used to. Harbour, harbor, etc.  Presumably the opposite would be useful for US contributors.



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