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A cute little guy indeed. A mix (sometimes called a love child, a passion of the moment, a one-night stand). Forgive my fanciful, romantic thoughts. I see part Jack Russell and I almost see the other breed . . . but don't. How would one keyword the unknown? "Mixed breed," I guess.  :)


Nipper, LOL. But . . . though the body and the cutoff tail look Jack Russell, the head (although proportionately sized) is shaped more like a setter of some kind or a cocker spaniel. 


I've never seen a Scandinavian Farm Dog. A nice, tough-looking terrier, and I'm sure they do a good job sorting out the rats. And being a terrier, they know no fear. 

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I agree with the above, Jack (Parson) Terrier mix.


I had a Labrador / Retriever cross. He was black and looked like a Lab apart from longer hair. He went everywhere with me. He got used to my 10" x 8" camera routine in the landscape. He would run around, checking every now and again to see what I was up to until I put the film holder in. He would then run back and sit quietly under the tripod with ears cocked until I had taken two sheets of film and then he knew it was safe to run off and enjoy himself again. He was a fantastic retriever too. I dropped my car keys on the side of a hill in thick bracken once when I was photographing out in the wilds somewhere. When I got back to the car and noticed they were gone I sent him off to find them and he did. 

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I can't tell . . . the door-frame covers their face and most of their body. But they've got a nice dog.



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Jack Russell or Parson Jack Russell -- it's the same animal with a new name. Sort of. Parson is the one we now see in dog shows; the Jack is a street thug, or rather a farm thug.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parson_Russell_Terrier


(The extreme heat may have gotten to Dusty.)  :)


. . . extreme? Step outside sir, we're headed for a mild (not) 41 deg C tomorrow . . . what's that, around 106 degrees F . . . extreme? Bah humbug . . .



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Lovely terrier but, to play safe, I'd be tempted to include the word 'mongrel' (being molested by a 2 year old Golden Retriever as I type this - nearing her dinner time....got to go....)


Good suggestion. I'll add "mongrel" and dispense with the parson. Actually, mongrels are the only dogs that I'm good at identifying.

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Does anyone know what breed this cute little guy is? Some kind of terrier? Or a mixture?



Looks like a smooth haired Jack Russel to me - they are quite variable in colour and hairiness as far as I can tell. If there were any furry vermin around you would soon find out.....

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Does anyone know what breed this cute little guy is? Some kind of terrier? Or a mixture?



Looks like a smooth haired Jack Russel to me - they are quite variable in colour and hairiness as far as I can tell. If there were any furry vermin around you would soon find out.....



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