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Measures update

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I certainly got a scare. No activity on Friday. My views have been down but I thought it was ALL OVER for me. Checking All of Alamy does confirm no activity for anyone on Friday. 




Edit: As mentioned elsewhere Chat Now has disappeared on the search pages though still there in zooms.

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I think we had better prepare the flood defences for when measures is back up and running properly due to all those missing zooms coming flooding out!




When measures has stopped working before I have never seen a flood of zooms when it was fixed but you never know.

Since zoomed images make up a small proportion of my sales they have become less important to me.

Let's have a graph for actual downloads in my Alamy, that would be more interesting.




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I think we had better prepare the flood defences for when measures is back up and running properly due to all those missing zooms coming flooding out!




When measures has stopped working before I have never seen a flood of zooms when it was fixed but you never know.

Since zoomed images make up a small proportion of my sales they have become less important to me.

Let's have a graph for actual downloads in my Alamy, that would be more interesting.






I have sometimes seen an increase after measures has been out of action for a day or 2 - probably more just wishful thinking!


As you say, zooms aren't too important to me for sales as very few sold images were previously zoomed.


It would be helpful if we could see when an image is put into a lightbox and some sort of record made, as with a zoom.


Also a 'superzoom' when the image number is specifically searched for. That does lead to a sale more often than not.



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But my views have stopped falling and last week they were back above first week in September when I started monitoring. Some corrections perhaps?


I spoke too soon :(


Week by week my new work is getting around ten times the views per image than my old stuff. That must be a positive sign, just means I effectively have an effective portfolio of about 300 images (but growing rapidly). Now need to start seeing some sales on it.

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Yes, John, that dam you mentioned broke this morning and now I show 1, count them one, zoom. More important, I think, my sales have been normal for my collection size and the prices have been good.  :) I just now tried to check the Alamy site again and I got an error connection page instead.  :huh:

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Yes, John, that dam you mentioned broke this morning and now I show 1, count them one, zoom. More important, I think, my sales have been normal for my collection size and the prices have been good.  :) I just now tried to check the Alamy site again and I got an error connection page instead.  :huh:


Keep up the good work, Edo!! ;)  :D

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Checked measures this morning and 6 zooms have appeared from nowhere!


I had 6 zooms in total recorded on Saturday, none recorded over the weekend, and yet i've now suddenly got 12 zooms in total! Hopefully zooms are now sorted.


I'm not complaining, and this was what i thought might happen, hence the dam bursting analogy at the start of this thread.



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