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Tie-breaker: November 2022 Challenge - Getting WARM.


Tie-breaker: November 2022 Challenge - Getting WARM.  

27 members have voted

  1. 1. Tie-breaker: November 2022 Challenge - Getting WARM.

    • Keeping warm by vpics.
    • Mother and daughter by the fire by Colin Woods.

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  • Poll closed on 11/12/22 at 00:00

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Apologies, too late yesterday and too early now...I hope it is correct now.


It was too close to call and at the end even with the photo finish there is not a winner. Now, it is time for a second chance to get it. There is till Sunday at 00:00 to vote for the warmest.


1. Keeping warm by vpics.




2. Mother and daughter by the fire by Colin Woods.


Edited by Abiyoyo
Now corrected
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  • Abiyoyo changed the title to Tie-breaker: November 2022 Challenge - Getting WARM.

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