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Passing of Jessica ‘Jess’ Mann


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Hi All, 


Alamy are very sad to report the passing of Jessica ‘Jess’ Mann. Jess lost her battle with cancer last night after a heroic and determined fight. Jess ran our Live News team from its inception 9 years ago and was fiercely dedicated to making it a success. She truly laid the foundations for the Live Editorial business that continues today. She brought energy, determination, skill and humour to the role. She was a strong and insightful support to both her team and the Alamy Live News photographers. Jess built strong relationships with all those she met and her tenacity was legendary. Whether drinking white wine, walking her beloved dog or chasing down a story, there was always a smile on her face. The way she approached life and cancer should be an inspiration to us all


Her friends at Alamy and in the photography community will miss her greatly. We will update this thread as appropriate, but we're leaving it open for those of you who knew and worked with Jess to share your thoughts and condolences in remembering her. 




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This is terrible news. I never met Jessica but we had many telephone calls and we regularly exchanged emails. She was always very helpful and her advice and positive attitude made supplying "news" stock so much easier. Please forward my condolences to her family and loved ones.


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I heard from the news Team earlier on about the passing of Jessica, and am so sorry to hear the news. I had the privilege of meeting Jessica a few years ago, shortly after signing up as a news photographer. I had great success in the early days of signing up and I put this largely down to Jessicas mentoring, and her infectious enthusiasm. Nothing would delight me more than getting a phone call from Jess to say have you seen your picture in the Times today, and chatting about the next opportunity, it was a great motivation.


Despite her Illness when I had an email exchange with her not that long ago, she was chomping at the bit to get back to working full time on the news team. My condolences go out to her close friends, Alamy colleagues and family.


RIP Jess, we're going to miss you, I hope the light up there is good ;-)


Simon xxx

ps give my regards to Keith

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So sad to hear, condolences to her friends, family and coworkers. 

I spoke with her on the phone many years ago and she was lovely. She ran a friendly department; her influence was obvious. RIP Jessica. 

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This is incredibly sad news. I met up with Jessica several times (and we did have some white wine). She was a wonderful human being and a great mum to her dog Roxy. I will miss hearing from her. May she RIP.


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Very sad news, i spoke to Jessica a few times on the phone and she was always bubbly and so very positive about the 'live news' aspect of Alamy. My condolences go out to Jessica's family and friends at this sad time, RIP Jessica.

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Very sad news, on the few occasions I spoke to Jessica she was always very helpful, enthusiastic and encouraging. 

On one of my initial attempts at uploading to the live news, I hesitated about uploading a pic of a gold Mercedes in Eastbourne (owned by the Sheik who owns the pier). By the time I decided to upload it, it was close to end of the then 48 hr guideline for live pics. 

I was very surprised to be called 5 minutes later by Jessica excited about the gold car pics saying the Daily Mail would probably be interested in them! She helped me with the captions, but then asked when I'd taken them - I had to admit the previous day, at which point I could hear the disappointment in her voice - and she impressed on me the importance of uploading to the live news promptly! Funnily enough, even though the pic didn't sell at the time, it did end up being printed in the Daily Mail many years later!

RIP Jessica.

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