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Hi all


Just checked my Alamy sales I'm sure it is not April fools day, please tell me if i am wrong.


4 sales same image all going to the same company totaling $456 92

image C13F9P


Country: Hungary
Usage: Editorial
Media: Textbook - print only
Print run: up to 5,000
Placement: Inside
Image Size: 1 page
Start: 15 January 2014
End: 15 January 2017



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It's been a while, but I've had multiple sales like that Liam. The image could be used to illustrate the topic, used again in the table of contents, the teacher's edition, and in the on-line version. Consider yourself lucky that it sold separately four times. Lately, many of my textbook sales have been all-inclusive use, licensed for 25 years, and for far less than you received separately (see below),


Country: Worldwide
Usage: Editorial
Media: Textbook - print and e-book
Print run: Unlimited
Placement: Inside
Image Size: 2 page spread
Start: 01 January 2014
End: 01 January 2039
Re-clearing of an existing Edition/ Program. All terms and rights granted as per the Alamy Preferred Vendor Agreement dated 26th January 2010 prevail. Flat rate per image, license period 20 years.


For $90.


Nice eland!



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Bad luck Liam. I have yet to be hit with a dreaded refund, but every time I get a decent sale, it is a bit of a worry until  "cleared" lights up!

You are still not safe even after it has cleared.  I have had refunds long after the money has been banked and that really is annoying.



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Bad luck Liam.  Still $114.23 gross is better than a kick in the teeth, eh?



Bad luck Liam. I have yet to be hit with a dreaded refund, but every time I get a decent sale, it is a bit of a worry until  "cleared" lights up!

You are still not safe even after it has cleared.  I have had refunds long after the money has been banked and that really is annoying.





I have never seen how that can be justified.

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Hi Liam,


Sorry for the confusion here - we've asked our billing team what the situation is for this and will report back - we appreciate how disappointing it is to see refunds.




That's a nice addition.



More of a subtraction, I reckon... :(

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So we've got the back story behind this one now. The client purchased the image via the website multiple times as they weren't familiar with downloading and purchasing online. They ended up repeating the purchase a few times and then got in touch with us asking us to cancel the duplicate sales, which we did.


Hope this clears things up.





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From experience I would always expect refunds when there are multiple sales especially if the license description is the same.  Only occassionally it works out well.  Back in the day there were often 2 sales for the same image in a text book with one half the price of the other but I haven't even seen that for a long time.



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That refund after payment is dreadful, Pearl. How on earth did they justify that one?

The first time it happened it was a large sale and the refund to the client was £12 more than I had originally received because the exchange rate had changed in the meantime.  I did complain to Alamy and they made up up the difference but also made it quite clear that doing so was a one off.


The second time it was through a Japanese distributor and only a relatively small sale but it was at least 6 months after the original sale.



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