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Has Alamy changed?

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12 minutes ago, geogphotos said:



Olhando para suas fotos, eu acho que você precisa aprender mais sobre como processar suas imagens - muitas delas parecem planas em termos de contraste com iluminação fraca.


Não estou surpreso que você esteja falhando no QC. Talvez seja melhor pensar que você teve sorte no passado e precisa melhorar. 


No Adobe RAW, existe uma opção Auto. Apenas acertar isso ajudaria muitos dos seus. Apenas tente como um experimento. Mais brilhante, mais contraste, corta a opacidade. Você não precisa aceitar o que o Auto oferece, mas pode então se ajustar. Quando você diz que os programas da Adobe são 'pesados', está falando de pesados em termos de memória do computador?


Além disso, com muitas de suas fotos, não sei quem as usaria e para quê.

As a matter of fact, I never edited the photos, just the basics, as we are in quarantine, I have photographed little, I have put photos that I take at home, with natural light, but I really need to improve a lot with the quality of the photos and think more about selling.
Aren't raw files bad for downloading to Alamy?

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18 minutes ago, geogphotos said:







You MUST shoot in RAW because in JPEG you can do very little in editing/post processing. 

Well, it's certainly advantageous. I use jpeg for a few years until I was convinced of the advantages of RAW and I wouldn't go back now..

But if I hadn't had Lightroom, or something similar, I wouldn't have been able to take advantage of the, er, advantages.

OP may need to stick to jpeg if he doesn't have the software yet.

You can do quite a bit with well- exposed jpegs. After all, you adjusted OP's as such. If I'm honest, 90% of my images would probably be fine as original jpegs. The problem is- which 10% need to be RAW? It's that 10% that got me into trouble a few years ago.

Edited by spacecadet
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Jose... I think the people on the forum are being very kind. Let's cut to the chase: your pix really aren't good enough to compete in this marketplace for stock, and you haven't really nailed some of the basics of photography: composition, contrast, white balance (colour temperature), and, in choice of subject matter, most pix dont 'say' anything to a potential buyer. Captions and keywords need a lot of work too... but first you need produce saleable images. Back to the drawing board, I reckon...

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34 minutes ago, Jose Decio Molaro said:

As a matter of fact, I never edited the photos, just the basics, as we are in quarantine, I have photographed little, I have put photos that I take at home, with natural light, but I really need to improve a lot with the quality of the photos and think more about selling.
Aren't raw files bad for downloading to Alamy?

Hi Jose,

Ok, time to take a step back. Stick with JPEGs for now. Look at your lighting, composition and subject matter. Do compare your pictures with what actually sells. 


JPEGs are image files that have already been edited within your camera and then compressed. Because they are compressed, they have lost information - particularly shadow detail. RAW files are unprocessed files from your camera that have not been compressed. You are in complete control of the processing with a RAW file. You can look on a JPEG as meal ingredients that have already been cooked, and a RAW file as the raw ingredients - you have a lot more control with the raw file. You work on the RAW file in your image editing programme, then you export as a JPEG.


Don't change your workflow for now, keep using JPEGs until you have learned about RAW file editing and editing in general.


Good luck, take this as an opportunity to increase your knowledge (and hopefully enjoyment).


Edited by Steve F
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53 minutes ago, Jose Decio Molaro said:

You got it! I hardly edit my photos, sometimes I hit the WB or even take stains or possible marks.


The problem with editing WB on a JPEG is it just adds all kinds of weird colour casts to the image. When you shoot a JPEG you're basically "locking in" what the camera has seen and it gives you little headroom. Also, depending on how your camera processes images there may be unavoidable sharpening or noise reduction, however slight, which affect the image. The amount of data stored in a JPEG file (8 bit) compared to even a 12 bit raw is worlds apart. Here you can see an example of how "lossy" JPEGs are: https://www.photoshopessentials.com/essentials/16-bit/


I almost never use JPEGs myself but have on one or two occasions where speed was the driving factor, ie covering protests that were being reported on almost instantly. The last one I did I managed to bag a headline image - had I waited until after the protest and farted around with raws on my laptop I'd have missed the boat.

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19 minutes ago, Betty LaRue said:

Estou continuamente impressionado com este fórum em como todos vocês gastam seu tempo ajudando as pessoas.
Cinco estrelas de mim para todos vocês.

I think we have to help each other, I think it is part of being in a very competitive market and taking everything as teaching

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39 minutes ago, John Morrison said:

Jose ... Acho que as pessoas no fórum estão sendo muito gentis. Vamos direto ao assunto: suas fotos realmente não são boas o suficiente para competir neste mercado por ações, e você ainda não acertou alguns dos fundamentos da fotografia: composição, contraste, balanço de branco (temperatura de cor) e, em escolha do assunto, a maioria dos pix não "diz" nada a um comprador potencial. Legendas e palavras-chave também precisam de muito trabalho ... mas primeiro você precisa produzir imagens vendáveis. De volta à prancheta, eu acho ...

I have been in this very competitive market for a short time, but I believe that everyone has their limitations and I think it is very good for other photographers to help or clarify doubts, if I will succeed? I don't know, but I'm learning more every day and it makes me feel good, thanks for your comment, it makes me try to pay more attention to details

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10 minutes ago, Jose Decio Molaro said:

Jose ... Acho que as pessoas no fórum estão sendo muito gentis. Vamos direto ao assunto: suas fotos realmente não são boas o suficiente para competir neste mercado por ações, e você ainda não acertou alguns dos fundamentos da fotografia: composição, contraste, balanço de branco (temperatura de cor) e, em escolha do assunto, a maioria dos pix não "diz" nada a um comprador potencial. Legendas e palavras-chave também precisam de muito trabalho ... mas primeiro você precisa produzir imagens vendáveis. De volta à prancheta, eu acho ...


Blimey, I didn't know my Spanish was so good...

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10 minutes ago, John Morrison said:


Blimey, I didn't know my Spanish was so good...

John, I'm in Brazil, a lot of people think we speak Spanish, but we don't understand Spanish at all, even the Portuguese of Portugal is different from ours ... and our capital is Brasilia and not Buenos Aires ... another confusion.

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Just now, Jose Decio Molaro said:

John, I'm in Brazil, a lot of people think we speak Spanish, but we don't understand Spanish at all, even the Portuguese of Portugal is different from ours ... and our capital is Brasilia and not Buenos Aires ... another confusion.


Brazil = football to many Europeans. 


I bet more people think Rio is the capital and not Brasilia. I once spent an hour in Rio on the way to Chile. I had time for a few cups of coffee - amazing stuff. 

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2 minutes ago, MDM said:


Brasil = futebol para muitos europeus. 


Aposto que mais pessoas pensam que o Rio é a capital e não Brasília. Certa vez, passei uma hora no Rio a caminho do Chile. Tive tempo para algumas xícaras de café - coisas incríveis. 

Correct, few people know that Brasilia is the capital, Rio de aneiro was the Capital of Brazil, before 1960.

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3 minutes ago, MDM said:


Brazil = football to many Europeans. 


I bet more people think Rio is the capital and not Brasilia. I once spent an hour in Rio on the way to Chile. I had time for a few cups of coffee - amazing stuff. 

football, carnival and naked women .... and some think that here we live like Indians ... we walk naked in the streets


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If you are photographing something that has a lot of white like a white background studio shot, your camera meter is going to mislead you, you should add 2/3 to 1 full stop of exposure, your camera meter wants to make everything mid grey, that would help with some of your under exposed images and the same is true for black images such as studio table top set ups, your camera meter wants to make the black medium grey so under expose by 2/3 to 1 full stop, that way the black will be blacker. Lastly if your camera has a grid pattern for the viewfinder and LCD turn it on and try and get the point of interest in the frame on the left or right of the grid pattern where the lines cross. 


I really wish you well with your photography here at Alamy.

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As a geography teacher I can only apologise for the abject failure of my profession in Britain given the ignorant comments being made about Brazil.  


Some people sadly think that  the 'University of Life' is enough.


Empty vessels etc



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14 minutes ago, Normspics said:

University of life never failed me like Harold Wilsons education reforms......... Yes I know Brazil is Portuguese speaking with their own dialect


How would you know?



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2 hours ago, Jose Decio Molaro said:

football, carnival and naked women .... and some think that here we live like Indians ... we walk naked in the streets



If you don't mind my saying so, I don't think it is necessary to make fun of Brazil's indigenous peoples on a public forum. They have been there much longer than Europeans. Also, they have suffered enough insults under Bolsonaro.  As to you question, I've been with Alamy since 2007, and QC definitely has evolved over the years. They are much more skilled than they used to be.  Also, they have had to adjust their standards to keep with all the improvements in digital technology. I'd say that overall QC is much fairer than they used to be. If your images are being rejected, it's up to you to find out why and learn how to make the necessary changes. We have all been there. Best of luck in 2021.


P.S. You're correct about a lot of people in the USA and Canada assuming that Brazilians speak Spanish. We are woefully ignorant about Latin America in general.

Edited by John Mitchell
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1 hour ago, Normspics said:

Se você está fotografando algo que tem muito branco, como uma foto de estúdio com fundo branco, o medidor da câmera vai te enganar, você deve adicionar 2/3 a 1 ponto final de exposição, o medidor da câmera quer fazer tudo meio cinza, isso ajudaria com algumas de suas imagens subexpostas e o mesmo é verdadeiro para imagens em preto, como configurações de mesa de estúdio, seu medidor de câmera quer fazer o cinza médio preto, então sob exposição por 2/3 a 1 ponto final, dessa forma o preto ficará mais escuro. Por último, se sua câmera tiver um padrão de grade para o visor e LCD, ligue-o e tente obter o ponto de interesse no quadro à esquerda ou à direita do padrão de grade onde as linhas se cruzam. 


Eu realmente desejo a você tudo de bom com sua fotografia aqui no Alamy.

Thank you for the teachings .... always living and learning ... I know that I know nothing ... I don't think bad of the criticisms about my photos, on the contrary .. for me it is a learning experience ...
sorry for English. my english and brazilian

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1 hour ago, geogphotos said:

Como professor de geografia, só posso me desculpar pelo fracasso abjeto de minha profissão na Grã-Bretanha, devido aos comentários ignorantes que estão sendo feitos sobre o Brasil.  


Algumas pessoas pensam com tristeza que a 'Universidade da Vida' é o suficiente.


Vasos vazios etc.


Sheesh ..... ☹️

We have many problems in Brazil, but here it is very good ... we can shoot all year round ... it is summer all year round, but the cameras and accessories are very expensive !!

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10 minutes ago, geogphotos said:


How would you know?



Because I was denied an eleven plus exam because of his changes, I sat the eleven plus at 9 years old....how many nine year olds got into grammer school....my two year older brother did..seems like my future was denied me by political interference.

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3 minutes ago, Jose Decio Molaro said:

Thank you for the teachings .... always living and learning ... I know that I know nothing ... I don't think bad of the criticisms about my photos, on the contrary .. for me it is a learning experience ...
sorry for English. my english and brazilian

Do not apologize for your English it is way better than my Portuguese, I have YouTube videos of Portugal where I use Google translate for learning the pronunciations....didn't really know at the time, Google Portuguese translations are based on Brazilian Portuguese lol

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