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Just now, Ed Rooney said:

No no—Len and Bob and Patti were pro entertainers. Next you'll be saying that Miles Davis was a painter who sometimes played the trumpet.


Yes, Lennie became an entertainer, but he started out as a reclusive poet. I don't imagine that he ever made much money from his poetry books. I bought a few of them, though, and they are still on my bookshelf. People of course don't write poetry in order to make money, which is a good thing.

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3 hours ago, Ed Rooney said:

Commercial poetry? You're forgetting Rod McKuen.


Okay.   He wanted to be accepted by the more literary poets.  Lewis MacAdams, who was arranging the poetry reading at San Francisco State, had someone who knew McKuen approach him to get him a reading at the SF State Poetry Center.   The better known poets like Robert Duncan said, "sure."   A lot of the people who hadn't been invited to read at SF State got extremely upset.  Lewis arranged for a larger hall since supposedly McKuen had all sorts of fans.   I didn't go, but heard from MacAdams that it was a bust.  McKuen fans weren't going to go to a SF State event, and the SF State regulars stayed home.  


The Wikipedia entry on him has him more a song writer than a poet.


I have an original first edition small press Patti Smith book.  She was both a poet and a song writer and singer,  but I think she was more musical performer -- and she had amazing stage presence the times I've seen here. 


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20 hours ago, Ed Rooney said:

In the market in Oxford, I would say in a flawless Oxbridge accent, "May I have a half pound of tomatoes, please." Very different from the way we would say it in Brooklyn. I still can't understand Scouse. 

How would you manage in a S.Wales  veg market if you heard someone asking for  gibbons?!

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In the '80s, I lived in the hills above Fishguard for 3 months. I did okay. But, Dyn, I'm not complaining about terms or catch phrases—they are different everywhere. Here in Liverpool, I can't understand anything the hardcore Scousers are saying. ??????

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Your ear will get attuned in time. I have a cottage in far northwest Wales and the accent there - like the Welsh language, is as different from here (mid west) and S. Wales as you can imagine. You get an 'ear' for it. Many people argue that Pembrokeshire isn't Wales at all. I'm saying nothing as I have several long-time friends who live there!

Pete Davis

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I was on a long photographic trip in Northumberland some years ago and was shopping for veg to take back to the place we had rented for the duration. A very nice guy who worked in the shop came up to me and asked me if I wanted anything weird. I couldn't imagine what veg would come under that category until i realised he had said weighed in a Geordie accent. 



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2 hours ago, Dyn Llun said:

I was on a long photographic trip in Northumberland some years ago and was shopping for veg to take back to the place we had rented for the duration. A very nice guy who worked in the shop came up to me and asked me if I wanted anything weird. I couldn't imagine what veg would come under that category until i realised he had said weighed in a Geordie accent. 




EEE! Wi aye man.




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On 17/09/2020 at 11:55, NYCat said:

Incy Wincy!!!! You Brits speak so strangely???? It's Itsy Bitsy. Now don't start on Canon vs. Nikon.....




Yes I know it is Itsy Bitsy in the states. I read that on Wiki while I was checking the spelling but don't tell anyone else.🤭




Edited by Allan Bell
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