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. . . uploading to Alamy was fun? (Okey, sort of fun.)


Living out of a suitcase does little for upload efficiency. WiFi in hotels is not consistent or the best. I used to upload at night, a last activity on most days. That doesn't work at all anymore. Recently, I've been uploading in the morning. Early. Today that was bad too. FTP is no help. The Apple Store has no answers. And I not asking for help here in the forum.


I'm just complaining. 😥



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1 minute ago, Mr Standfast said:

Swearing works as well! 


But not on the forums thank you.


Sounds like I'm becoming a curmudgeonly old b?gg?r now.




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I dont know if this is relevant to this thread or not but here we go anyway ;). I'm finding more and more often as I upload one image or maybe two if I'm lucky will go then the screen resets to the "what are you uploading" screen and then the same thing happens ad infinitum. It's ok if you're only putting a few image on but you (I) certainly can't just set it going and leave it :)

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3 hours ago, Bionic said:

I dont know if this is relevant to this thread or not but here we go anyway ;). I'm finding more and more often as I upload one image or maybe two if I'm lucky will go then the screen resets to the "what are you uploading" screen and then the same thing happens ad infinitum. It's ok if you're only putting a few image on but you (I) certainly can't just set it going and leave it :)


How it goes for me--I select a batch of 50 or so to upload. Sometimes I remember to keep an eye on it, sometimes not. I often find it stalls out in the middle of the upload so only a portion of the photos get in. Then I have to figure out where I left off, select them again, and hope for a better result.


The other thing that keeps happening is one or two say "upload error," but when I start a new batch to upload, usually I'm able to upload those just fine.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This upload problem has settled in and taken a hard shape. I can now upload nothing either late in the day or at night. I used to upload everything at night. After 10AM or thereabouts, I can upload. Very odd.



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Hello Ed,  


I've no idea whether this thought is completely barking up thre wrong tree, either practically or financially, but I thought I'd mention it anyway.


I had a brief period of trying to cope with inconsistent hotel/holiday home wifi connections. In the end I bought myself a mobile wi-fi router with a PAYG data SIM, something like this one from Argos. It gave me a pretty reliable internet connection wherever there was a 4g mobile signal (and a slower one in rural areas where I could only get 3g). It also has the advantage of being your own private internet connection, not a shared one with other hotel guests. 


You can buy additional data in blocks lasting 30 or 90 days (or until you've used the data allocation). It's probably a quite expensive way of getting a data connection (EE's best per PAYG buck is £44 for 30Gb over 90 days), but it might make uploading a little more tolerable. 


There are other mobile routers and other deals on other networks available, not just the one I've highlighted.

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14 minutes ago, Ed Rooney said:

Thanks, Joseph. But . . . more stuff to stuff into my luggage? I don't think so. Anyway, if I upload in the AM it works. 


Not too much more Ed, only the size of pack of cigarettes (and a USB cable to charge the battery). Better though if you can manage without, I agree.

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Is there a co-working space nearby with fast internet? Maybe that's a solution?

Maybe you also want to look into checking out photography groups in the area - show up at a meeting to see if you like it - a good place to meet folks who can advise you as to where you can find fast internet. And maybe even leads on a rental.

So sorry you're still struggling ... hope you find a settled space soon. 


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On 06/10/2019 at 21:58, Marianne said:


Maybe you also want to look into checking out photography groups in the area - show up at a meeting to see if you like it - a good place to meet folks who can advise you as to where you can find fast internet.




Nope...we loners don’t do that! 😂 Sorry, Edo, didn’t mean to speak for you. Just couldn’t resist a one-liner...

(sorry, Marianne, the devil made me do it 👺)

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14 hours ago, Betty LaRue said:


Nope...we loners don’t do that! 😂 Sorry, Edo, didn’t mean to speak for you. Just couldn’t resist a one-liner...

(sorry, Marianne, the devil made me do it 👺)


😎Apology accepted Betty LOL. 

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