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My first Rejection. But Alamy did not tell me Why?

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So I uploaded 30 pictures from a recent trip to South America that I took with my Sony A6500. Alamy has never rejected a picture taken with this camera before.  Because one photo failed the whole batch was rejected.  My problem is, Alamy did not tell me WHICH photo failed or why.  All the photos just say the standard "One or more photos failed QC. The rest have been rejected without being assessed."  There are two images that are blank boxes though and say, "Processing Failed".  I take that to mean that the upload was interrupted or something. 


My question is; How do I find out which photo failed and why?


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If this was your very first submission, it failed because you did not submit exactly three images for your initial test. Nothing else will have been taken into account at this point.


Have a look at the Alamy guidelines on submitting and selling at Alamy. The requirement for three images only on your initial submission could be made more clear, but Alamy assumes all new contributors have read and digested the info they provide before diving in. Alamy are not the same as microstock sites and it takes a bit of time and effort to get into submitting here successfully.

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Your image count is zero.  If you have another name for an existing portfolio on Alamy, why didn't you add to that?  If you're using a new nym with a new account, Alamy would not be able to associate this with the previous portfolio.  


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8 hours ago, Johnhoward28 said:

So I uploaded 30 pictures from a recent trip to South America that I took with my Sony A6500.  I have never had a picture taken with this camera rejected before.  So, like always, because one photo failed the whole batch was rejected.  My problem is, Alamy did not tell me WHICH photo failed or why.  All the photos just say the standard "One or more photos failed QC. The rest have been rejected without being assessed."  There are two images that are blank boxes though and say, "Processing Failed".  I take that to mean that the upload was interrupted or something.  Surly, Alamy would not reject a batch of photos due to a internet interruption. 


How do I find out which photo failed and why?



Sorry, I didn't realise you were an existing contributor, a nil photo count in your forum link usually mean someone who has yet to pass their first submission, and I assumed the reference to no previous rejections referred to another agency.


However, to the matter in hand. I've never had a QC failure so I can't speak from personal experience but I gather that a failure reason is always marked against one image in the submission batch. If this hasn't happened in your case it looks like a technical hitch in the reporting back and the only way to find out what went wrong will be to email contributor relations. It is certainly the case that a QC failure would not be registered for a failed processing, so your mind can rest easy on that score. 

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4 hours ago, Johnhoward28 said:


Because I do not use my Alamy profile for posting on this forum because of noisy people who can't seem to focus on the question at hand and always try to dig into other peoples personal business to find some kind of fault with them.


Now can we please get back on topic and deal with the question I am asking?



I agree with the others here that you're slightly confusing as you state "First Batch Submission" in the title for the thread + there are 0 images in your portfolio + joined late last year = that would very strongly indicate that this would be your first assessment submission - but you're saying this is all wrong and you've been contributing, with success for a while and know how it works - I'll take your word for it.


So if this is a regular submission - if in Alamy Image Manager you click in on the the submission it probably stated "One or or more..." on most images, but isn't there at least one that has a specified reason? If no and you really don't know which one it is that wasn't up to scratch just simply e-mail Alamy member services - they are fast and super-helpful.


Good luck.

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9 hours ago, Johnhoward28 said:

  There are two images that are blank boxes though and say, "Processing Failed". 



It sounds like the batch failed as those two images couldn't be processed ... possibly those two files were corrupted. Maybe worth doing those two files again from scratch and resubmitting the batch again .....

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5 hours ago, Johnhoward28 said:


Because I do not use my Alamy profile for posting on this forum because of noisy people who can't seem to focus on the question at hand and always try to dig into other peoples personal business to find some kind of fault with them.


Now can we please get back on topic and deal with the question I am asking?



It's usual for the failed image to be flagged up, but it gets missed occasionally. If you've been submitting for a while you should have a good idea of QC standards and which might be the problem image.

It was legitimate to ask why you had no images in the pseudo as it might have explained the rejection. I don't personally use red arrows, but this sort of response doesn't help.

BTW you'll notice you're the only contributor here using a dummy account. It shows willing to lay your cards on the table, so to speak. I don't see any other "noisy people".

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3 hours ago, spacecadet said:


a dummy account.



I thought that was not possible any more?

 - Only one login/username is allowed per person – this is the same as your Alamy login. (here)


"Processing Failed" could also mean there's something wrong with the file itself.


A common fail is to save the jpeg other than Baseline "Standard" in Photoshop.

Photoshop remembers its last setting in this dialog box. Even if you never use a different setting yourself, it can check a different box when you have saved a jpeg that previously had been saved as Baseline optimized or Progressive.



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Thanks for answering my question.  I just need to email them and see what they say.  Never had a rejection before, so I did not know what to do.  Just came here looking for some simple advice from people who had experience with rejections.  Thanks to those who answered the question.

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7 hours ago, Joseph Clemson said:


Sorry, I didn't realise you were an existing contributor, a nil photo count in your forum link usually mean someone who has yet to pass their first submission, and I assumed the reference to no previous rejections referred to another agency.


I can see now how I might have left that gate open to misinterpretation and assumptions.  I should have made it clearer that I was posting a question that was exclusive to Alamy and I was not talking about any other stock agency.  I apologize for failing to make my OP more detailed and clearer.  

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5 hours ago, spacecadet said:


"It was legitimate to ask why you had no images in the pseudo as it might have explained the rejection. I don't personally use red arrows, but this sort of response doesn't help.

BTW you'll notice you're the only contributor here using a dummy account. It shows willing to lay your cards on the table, so to speak. I don't see any other "noisy people".


I apologize if the way I am offends you or anyone else. I sincerely do.


I am just a matter of fact person.  If I ask a question about one issue, I expect people to answer the question about that issue.


That is just how I am.  I hope you guys can understand and accept me the way I am.  I would really appreciate it.  

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23 hours ago, Johnhoward28 said:

If I ask a question about one issue, I expect people to answer the question about that issue.

That is just how I am. 


 I hope you guys can understand and accept me the way I am.  I would really appreciate it.  



You'll find most here won't have a problem with your request . . . however, most here expect the same back, so I'm afraid if folk are going to accept your way, you are going to have to accept theirs, including when people don't always only answer a question about one issue :)



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25 minutes ago, dustydingo said:


You'll find most here won't have a problem with your request . . . however, most here expect the same back, so I'm afraid if folk are going to accept your way, you are going to have to accept theirs, including when people don't always only answer a question about one issue :)




I have no problem accepting people.  But I think that since I got SIX red arrows here might suggest that others have a problem accepting me.  Just a guess.  I could be wrong.  I often am. 

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50 minutes ago, Johnhoward28 said:


I have no problem accepting people.  But I think that since I got SIX red arrows here might suggest that others have a problem accepting me.  Just a guess.  I could be wrong.  I often am. 


Well, I think that might actually reinforce my comments above, but hey, we all take what we will from any situation . . . still, that's my tuppeth worth, take it or leave it, it's all the same to me 😊



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13 minutes ago, dustydingo said:


Well, I think that might actually reinforce my comments above, but hey, we all take what we will from any situation . . . still, that's my tuppeth worth, take it or leave it, it's all the same to me 😊




Hey. I am not from England.  What is a "Tuppeth"?  I read about 40 Hardy Boys mystery novels written in the Queens English when I was a kid living in Belize back in the 1970s, but I forgot what I a Tuppeth is. 😉

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tuppence, tuppeth - two pennies, usually reserved for the copper pennies prior to decimalisation i.e. coins in the LSD (pound, shilling, pence) system.


There's also hapenny (one half penny as above) thrupence (three pennies) a tanner (six pennies) a bob (12 pennies equivalent to one shilling) and a florin (two shillings)  a crown (five shillings) half a crown (two shillings & sixpence) and of course one pound was/is a quid. A guinea is 21 shillings - traditionally used in auctions. The shilling (5%) was the auctioneers commission.


Can't think of any more coins, but then of course there are a number of slang terms for quantities of paper money.


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1 hour ago, Russell said:

tuppence, tuppeth - two pennies, usually reserved for the copper pennies prior to decimalisation i.e. coins in the LSD (pound, shilling, pence) system.


There's also hapenny (one half penny as above) thrupence (three pennies) a tanner (six pennies) a bob (12 pennies equivalent to one shilling) and a florin (two shillings)  a crown (five shillings) half a crown (two shillings & sixpence) and of course one pound was/is a quid. A guinea is 21 shillings - traditionally used in auctions. The shilling (5%) was the auctioneers commission.


Can't think of any more coins, but then of course there are a number of slang terms for quantities of paper money.



There was of course the farthing, a quarter of a penny, which was still legal tender until 1960. Thruppence could refer to three separate penny pieces, but more usually it was the thruppeny bit which had the shape of a doecagon (12 sides) and had sufficiently flat edges to be able to stand them on edge, one on another to build a tower. This was an occasional  pub pastime where the tables were flat polished wood, which made a pleasing clattering sound when the tower came tumbling down and the coins scattered over the surrounding floor. I think my record height was seven thruppeny bits.

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There was of course the farthing , a quart er of a penny, which w as still legal tender until 19 6 0


I'm looking at one now, 1943 with a wren on the reverse. Worth 1/960th of a UK pound.

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Ah!  Now I remember.  Thanks for reminding me.  Old mind is just slow these days.  Of course, I have learned three other languages and a couple of dialects since I read those old books. Belize was still under British rule back then, and better off if you ask me.  That country went to pot when the Queen granted them their independence. The country would have starved to death if it were not for the monthly gift of a ship full of food that the Queen sent them. 


I just got back from Guyana (formerly British Guyana) and that country is still as poor today as it was when I lasted visited it in 1980 (if not poorer).  The Zoo is in pessimal condition. But at least I got to get up close and personal with a huge black Caiman.  Always wanted to go to Guyana ever since I read the book "Three Singles to Adventure" by Gerald Durrell.  One of my all-time favorite books.  You should read it if you have not. 


Be afraid. Be very afraid!




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