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Everything posted by wiskerke

  1. I bet you're watching BBC MasterChef. 👨‍🍳😁 wim
  2. You were right about Trump: In 1997, the building was sold to Donald Trump and demolished in 1998 to make room for the Trump World Tower, a 72 floor residential tower. (via) wim
  3. 50 E Broadway. Seems to have been (part of) the location of this epic fight. 🙈 (via) wim edit: she couldn't have known, because that movie was made somewhere end of the 70s.
  4. Xmas markets indeed. Yesterday's infringement revenue was one: It had been the subject of an earlier infringement chase of about 30 cases in decent countries alone. Total revenue was about the same as yesterday's fee on it's own. Famous buildings or places with Christmas decorations are doing well also. And don't forget Christmas shopping! Anything seasonal that people can spend money on or can visit has the potential to be a repeat seller. Provided your images and keywords are any good and you have a reasonable rank. As always: Just use AoA. wim
  5. Basilica of Saint Paul outside the Walls, San Paolo fuori le Mura. Presentation or newsletters full price $$ wim
  6. Great line up. Thank you for including one of mine! wim
  7. According to my dashboard: 21 for $ 428 According to my Sales history: 25 item(s) totalling $ 391.01 That would probably include the 3 refunds. Plus a welcome Infringement revenue of $ 63.08 Still not a good month. wim
  8. My thoughts entirely. Plus my 2 (and sometimes more) layers workflow. Seasoning always according to taste. wim
  9. I wasn't impressed with Topaz tbh. I've checked it against dfine and plain ACR. There was nothing I couldn't achieve with ACR. Albeit with 2 layers sometimes. However this was trying to find a way to get rid of B/W grain in old negative scans. I may just not have tried hard enough or not the right way with Topaz. I have used Topaz in the past way before ACR was any good. I will try Topaz AI again when the occasion arises. See how intelligent it is. And if I'm intelligent enough to use it. wim
  10. Also Silicon Valley related: However just a Presentation or newsletters. Actually in German: Verwendung in einer Präsentation/einem Vortrag. Direct, not a distributor. $$ -only just. The garage where where Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard were tinkering in 1938-39. A pilgrimage site for tech geeks. The garage has been designated California Historical Landmark and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Not open for public tours. But nicely restored. wim
  11. Chuck, This is a test done in Firefox: T4RJYY: This is drag and drop. This is from insert image from URL. Go to the Zoom or Sales page of your image. > Open a new tab and drag the image to that new tab. Or just drag the image to an empty space on the tab bar. The result is the same. In either case you now have a tab open in your browser with only the image in it. Method one: > Right click on your image and choose Copy Image Link. > Go to an active reply box on the forum. > Click the Insert image from URL button. > Paste the copied link (or Ctrl-V / Cmd-V). Method two: > Drag your image from the new tab to the tab with the forum and drop the image in the active reply box. (The reply box has o be activated before you arrive with your image to drop it. This is the same it always was.) Now let's see if both methods look the same on the forum thread. wim Note: if you would drag the image directly from the zoom page, the dimensions are not fixed somehow, only the height. This is why you then have to click on the image and tick Keep original aspect ratio. In Firefox when on right clicking an image you're met with a comment like here: Save preview image or elsewhere something like: Copyrighted image, don't copy, try holding the Shift key while right clicking. This usually bypasses the comment. (But not always.) edit: here both methods are producing the image.
  12. Chuck, This is a test done entirely in Chrome: W60TX8: Go to the Zoom or Sales page of your image. > Open a new tab and drag the image to that new tab. Or just drag the image to an empty space on the tab bar. The result is the same. In either case you now have a tab open in your browser with only the image in it. > Right click on your image and choose Copy image address. > Go to an active reply box on the forum. > Click the Insert image from URL button. > Paste the copied link (or Ctrl-V / Cmd-V). It will refuse any image that is not a https link. If you use drag and drop, like with Firefox and in Jobs' time on any Apple, the image will appear in the box, but will be gone after clicking Submit Reply. Clearly part of a set of new safety features on this forum. Maybe dragging and dropping is unsafe nowadays. wim
  13. Have you tried it on slide grain yet? That would be the holy grail. wim
  14. Upon his death from cancer in 1984, Garry Winogrand left to posterity more than 2,400 rolls of exposed but undeveloped film, 6,500 rolls of developed but unproofed film, and another 3,000 rolls, showing only minimal edit marks. (- John Szarkowski) from: Winogrand - Figments from the Real World wim
  15. Ah I found it. It's underneath a caption on every zoom page: Captions are provided by our contributors. wim
  16. Commercial Website, app and social media. Lower mid $$ again. Plus another cherry blossom, from the same place as yesterday. wim edit: Turns out not $$ but lower $. It was the cherry blossom that was lower mid $$. Bulbs must be cheaper than blossoms.
  17. Haha and let me guess: you're still paying off the instalments? (=installments for US readers) But if it happens to be this one, flog it! (wiki) wim
  18. Naloxone - 446 images on Alamy. Have a look here first to see if yours are as good as or better. Then have a look at All of Alamy or AoA for short. If you set the date as far back as possible, and enter %Naloxone% in the search box, this is the result for the rolling year: naloxone 11 naloxone scotland 2 naloxone kit 2 naloxone spray 2 naloxone nasal 1 naloxone UK 1 naloxone ambulance scotland 1 naloxone overdose 1 naloxone usa 1 naloxone%20scotland 1 naloxone–we 1 Naloxone Durham 1 naloxone nasal spray 1 naloxone overdose kit 1 naloxone uk 1 naloxone patient 1 naloxone pharmacy 1 Then the question is: is this demand enough to warrant the upload of your own images of Naloxone? You don't need the Stock Needs tool to go looking for a subject that hasn't been covered to death. Check All of Alamy on a regular basis and find subjects that return less than 100 images. 100 images is one page. So your images will show on that important first page. Now if/when your images are better than the rest, they will find buyers. Better is not always more beautiful. Better is better suited to the client's needs. Aaaand the keywords must be perfect otherwise no client will see the images. For this too, take a good look at All of Alamy from time to time. Which brings me to: @MBremner, make sure you put the location in your keywords, because the location field has not been searchable for many years. And put the location in your caption too. This is not microstock. Not all of it anyway. Maybe make it a supertag (click on that star next to the keyword in the image manager). As a starting contributor you will have a pretty good rank. Don't throw it away with pretty sunsets. (Unless they appear in the first 3 rows of page 1 for a search for sunset. Not impossible: you're at #2 for a 30,845 image result for Zen Sunset.) Try %sunset% in All of Alamy: 3500 searches for the rolling year. That's good! Now scroll down a couple of pages to see what sort of sunsets clients are looking for. Maybe download a whole year as an Excel sheet. Some subjects will only become apparent when seen as a long list, because every search may be just a tad different, so they're not adding up to a significant number. Try %dana point%. While you're at it, check AoA for locations you have easy access to. Now check the same keywords on Alamy for what's there already. Think you can do it better? Or just know better keywords? Go take those images and put them online. Locations, not only as in that beach, but also a school; office; garden; zoo; nice people; airport; shops; a nice high roof or anything else you have access to and are able to take meaningful images, where others can not. It could also mean a subject of which you happen to know a lot more of than the average photographer. Bicycle racing? Knitting? Helping people with disabilities? Building motorcycles? Building houses? Managing a harbor? Managing a household? Training prize kittens? Training a baseball team? Teaching math? You get the drift. Just anything you know how to do; not just know what it's called. wim
  19. Even better: Always in my kit bag. Size of a credit card. Here but somehow not in production anymore and being transferred to here, where it's not yet in production? There's a bigger one (SG 140) with many skin tones added. For grey/gray card I use these slightly bigger patches, the QPCard: wim
  20. DC is not the only one with cherry blossoms! (Peak bloom end of the week? webcam 1; 2 ) These ones in Amsterdam. Commercial electronic single website. Lower mid $$. wim
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