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Everything posted by wiskerke

  1. Ha! more evidence that engaging in these challenges pays off. Thank you! Not yet been reported. Not a show I regularly watch 😁. Plus on the continent we can not use BBC iPlayer. wim
  2. Of course there is a connection! Wait for Echo and your owl to turn up in the coming weeks. 😁 wim
  3. The set of instructions under Help is all you will need. A bit concise perhaps, but it works. However for what you want to do, I think you will need to use a lightbox as there is no nice way to link to a specific tab in your portfolio. Think of the portfolio as something you will link to in your sig if you don't have a website. Underneath the image on it's zoom page there are a couple of share buttons: Pinterest Facebook and Twitter. I never use them, but maybe someone else reading this may shine his/her light on the usefulness of those. wim
  4. There are a couple of instructions as pdf's and some in the official blog. Navigating those is not easy. I simply use Google for that. As you have built websites, I won't need to show you how to search on just one site. Something that's mostly missing nowadays is a humble function that's a carry-over -some will say a remnant- of the analog past: the lightbox. (forum link) This is from another old thread here on the forum: (slightly edited) The quickest way to create a lightbox: If you click on the number next to your post, in your case Images: 20, you'll go to pages with just your images (there are other ways of course). On top there's a button + Lightboxes. In the fly-out on the left click on Create a lightbox. On the page that opens, click again op +Create. In the pop-up box Create Lightbox, name your lightbox. If you want to add a Project name, like a book or an article or a shoot, click on the pencil to edit. The same for Client or the Title of the lightbox. This is now your current and active lightbox. It will be listed in that fly-out. (On top of the others if you have more than one.) Now if you go back to that page with all your images, hover over a thumbnail and click on the + plus sign to add that image to your active lightbox. Note that it's also possible to add other people's images to your own lightbox. We have yet to discover the limit of how many images a lightbox can contain, so no worries there. If you click on your active lightbox in the fly-out, you can alter the order by dragging the box containing the image to it's desired place. You can add a comment to each image as well. You can select one or more images and delete them. Or buy them. Because at agencies lightboxes are usually meant for buyers. Oh and there's a button for sharing in the upper left hand corner. If you need a link and don't want to use the share facility, just email it to yourself, and it will send you the link. Maybe it's possible to share a selection of your portfolio from your portfolio page, but I have yet to find it. hth wim
  5. Yes that's an obvious flaw. Even on all pages you have to be logged in to, it only has the sales@alamy.com as the contact. So this is the route: >click the Contact us link on that footer of every page. >click on the tab that says Photographers (Yes I didn't recognize it as tabs either at first.) And there it is and it says: Photographers The quickest way to get answers to your questions is to ask our active community of photographers over on our forum, just don’t forget to look through our contributor help pages first. If you still need help after that, you can mail us at contributors@alamy.com and we’ll get back to you. wim edit: according to Google there are more pages where it's mentioned, the most prominent being the one where it says how to leave Alamy in the FAQs. Ouch. 😱 Most are on this forum. And a couple are on the official Blog.
  6. What specific question do you have? You have read the pop up Help text on your Portfolio page? The one under get help setting up your page. This is what it says: Contributor Portfolio Introduction: You can now curate and share your Alamy image collection through your portfolio page. Your portfolio page will display your images and you can personalise it by adding a bio, profile photo and cover image. How to share your portfolio: You can share a link to your portfolio page by clicking on 'Share this portfolio' underneath your bio. The first time you share this you can personalise your URL, but once you've chosen your personalisation and shared the link you won't be able to change this again. How to curate your first page: Your first page will automatically be displayed with your most recent uploads at the top, but you can curate this. You can move images around by using the 'drag and drop' feature and can move images to the top of the page by clicking 'move to top'. You'll find both features by hovering over the images with your mouse. How to create galleries: You can create a new gallery by clicking the '+' tab next to 'All Images'. To add images simply select 'curate gallery' which will bring up all images in your collection which you can search through and add by clicking 'add to gallery'. Once you've added images to a gallery you can curate them how you would your first page. How to share galleries: Once you're in a gallery you can share a link to this by clicking on the 3 horizontal lines to the right of the gallery title and selecting 'share' from the dropdown menu. This says it all actually as there is not much more that you can do with it. BTW it does nothing for selling your images, it is just what it says: you can share it as a portfolio. AFAIK there is even no link from anywhere inside Alamy to link to it. You have to actively send a link out. wim
  7. Yep know the mood. Then again he may just get lucky. Samsung to Samsung is as easy as iPhone to iPhone. Just try phoning his phone before his battery runs out. One never knows. wim
  8. Google has a find my phone too. In your Google account go to: https://myaccount.google.com/find-your-phone Obviously you have to allow Google to access your location. wim
  9. Yes or Microsoft Onedrive or Google or Asus or Dropbox. Those are the options on my phone to back stuff up. My tablet has something called Samsung Smart Switch. Which is meant for changing to a new tablet or phone. My wife on top of all of these has Evernote. wim
  10. You have his number. See if someone hears it and picks it up. Explain the situation. wim
  11. No dummy face from me, but I do not understand your light metering method. The idea is that one measures the subject or the light (=2 different metering methods). Then you choose a combination of shutter speed and aperture (and ISO), giving priority to one or more factors. Now in the case of a manual setting on your camera, you transfer the found or computed settings to the camera and with that setting you shoot both horizontal and vertical image. In your case you yourself would be the automated factor in the process, changing the setting on the camera between horizontal and vertical. wim
  12. I understand manual = the M setting on a camera = the exact same aperture and shutter speed for both H and V. However with verticals the vignetting darkens the sky a lot more, which is in itself simple to see and measure, but it will still also fool the eye. wim
  13. Card readers need some power. Some USB-C cables are not fully compliant. Sometimes turning one plug helps. I have a cable for my tablet like that right now. Aargh. My Transcend card reader has a non removable cable plus a separate connector for power. wim edit: link
  14. If there's no mechanical fault, something in your workflow must be on automatic. Have you tried putting both H and V on 2 layers and aligning them to see if it's not an optical illusion? Do the images look the same when viewed on the camera display? Are they still the same when viewed on the display of your computer? Do you use a raw converter that allows you to apply the exact same settings as the previous conversion? (Like ACR.) wim edit: In 2J38WAM and 2J38WA6 it's light fall off (or vignetting) of the lens, that influences a different part of your image. Plus a different camera angle left/right. Try taking 2 images using only the exact square center in H and V and rotated around the exact center point. If you suspect mechanical failure of some sorts, try the same camera positions in upside down position also.
  15. Any language is fine. - as long as either Google Translate or DeepL knows which it is. 😁 Actually To live long, eat like a cat, drink like a dog is originally a German saying that rhymes: Willst du lange leben gesund, Iß wie die Katze, trink wie der Hund. Plus you can always make up your own! Part of it is realizing it's not finished after click. Part of it is looking for that little bit extra when a client looks at those results for just Cat or Dog and on hovering sees your caption. As always let us know in the comments and don't forget to subscribe! -Sorry have been watching too many YouTube videos.😎 Just give us your best images. wim
  16. The real thieves don't use your name though. So this is only useful in finding legit uses. In Google try: YOUR PSEUDO alamy -site:alamy.com -site:alamy.es -site:alamy.de -site:alamyimages.fr -site:alamy.it -site:alamy.pt -site:acionline.biz -site:amanaimages.com -site:arabianeye.com You could add a couple more distributors, but these are the ones that somehow come up most. Once they have been removed from the result, others will pop up, but usually not in droves. wim edit: For legit images, also use Google Books with your Pseudo. Use that link in both Google Images and the regular Google search. In Yandex, just use images that have been sold in their image search. However occasionally I have found images that had only been zoomed: in UK papers. And then they get nicked from there obviously.
  17. Tell them you had to flee the country. πŸ˜‚ Never been to Cuba, but have heard some great stories about their health services in the past. wim
  18. Lots of discussions. This is the easiest tool that works for me: For Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Edge and Safari there's Search by Image. - [It] makes effortless reverse image searches possible, and comes with support for more than 30 search engines. A bit down that page there are buttons to take you to the download pages for the respective browsers. I use it with Google, Bing, Yandex, Baidu and Tineye. Especially Yandex is brilliant for finding (nicked) copies of published images. However Yandex is Russian. Albeit that the people that run Yandex are fleeing the country and that Yandex is in fact a Dutch company and at one point was hosted on Dutch servers. And maybe still is, however the main servers seem to be in Finland. They have an Israeli branch as well. wim
  19. Thank you all who took part! Thank you all who voted! Not just for me 😁. Here's the new one: Cats and dogs. wim
  20. Thank you all who took part and everyone who voted last month! April 2022 challenge: Cat(s) and/or dog(s) or maybe an elephant. It turns out up to now we have never had a challenge involving cat or dog. Those are some of the all time favorite searched subjects by clients. It actually started when I was researching War and Peace. -just kiddin'. I did however stumble upon this quote: Last time I saw her, she was peeking out from one of the bookcases next to the fireplace. She's the first cat I've ever seen trying to pretend she's a condensed version of War and Peace. And I thought: that is funny! Now the images don't have to be funny, but they do need to have a caption. Which makes it a bit conceptual: the caption must be a saying or proverb or quote or truism. Which you may invent yourself. Like: All Bark and No Bite. Raining Cats and Dogs. Fighting like Cat and Dog. Every dog has his day. Dogs believe they are human. Cats believe they are God. Dogs have owners; cats have staff. Cats have an amazingly keen sense of hearing but go conveniently deaf when you call. When I am in the doghouse, my cats still come to visit. I got rid of my husband. The cat was allergic. Dogs kind of default to making friends unless provoked. Cats seem to default to making enemies unless convinced otherwise. Never feed your cat anything that doesn't match the carpet. To live long, eat like a cat, drink like a dog. If you happen to be attracted to totally different animals, and don't mind clients are not looking for those, find yourself another pet with a matching saying: Elephant In The Room. Go Down The Rabbit Hole. Happy as a Clam. If you really are not attracted to animals at all, you may find yourself a person in disguise. Same rules as always - choose 3 of your best cat or dog pics, entries close at midnight on the 30th of April local London time. wim
  21. Good idea. Currently I'm looking at the most searched subjects for the rolling year. alamy 454 alarmy 364 Ukraine 341 v 329 cat 327 dog 317 queen elizabeth ii 300 boris johnson 293 login 291 marilyn monroe 211 I don't think Alamy; Ukraine; v; The Queen; Boris or Marilyn would be good topics somehow. Which leaves us with Alarmy - 37 images on Alamy right now. Meh. Login then? 74,975 very boring images. And then we have the obvious cat and dog. Surely we have already had a cat and dog theme. Haven't we? No we have not. Exciting opportunities. wim
  22. Thank you all! Just seeing this. I remember thinking yesterday: I should prepare some topic. Just in case. Ouch. Gimme me a minute. What do you think: some everyday thing? Something current like war and peace? Or just peace? πŸ˜‚ Maybe not. wim
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