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Everything posted by wiskerke

  1. George Eastman House Rochester Magazine Editorial Print run: up to 10,000 China 8.82 I only have one 8.82. RM btw. Are all the RMs 8.82 and all the 0.15 ones RF? Just a thought. Two others for (now) normal fees of lower mid $$: wim
  2. I have seen searches for echinoderm and echinoderms (properly: echinodermata, but not many use that) and sold one myself for the keyword fissiparity. Must have been the only time it has been searched LOL. This would also be a good example for biological fission. Not many searches either; more for just binary fission. Occasionally something like anemone binary fission or sea star/starfish fission though. wim
  3. The Independent. Reported today, but published Wednesday 30 June 2021 11:58: 8 lesser-known sights of Rome, as England head there for the Euro 2020 quarter finals by Luke Rix-Standing. Repeated on Savoir Flair on August 24, 2021, with all photos Courtesy of PA. That's for free, right? Echoed in the Bournemouth Echo on July 3rd by a different author: Emma Joseph Dorset Living editor. With all the Alamy images. Is that allowed for those low ¢¢, Dept of Lost Causes & Found Images? Or is it an unauthorised use? Maybe don't bother for ¢¢. RBEMN6 - Pyramid of Cestius - Equatore Regrettably also available on Adobe; Deposit; 123; AP-I; Shutter, iStock and probably some more. 2B194AG - Torre Argentina Cat Sanctuary - Paul Rushton JGKTEC - Baths of Caracalla - Hercules Milas KPJ2AE - The Capuchin Crypt - Classic Image Available from many more outlets from different contributors/uploaders/scrapers because it's from The Wonders of the World, published c.1920 MHMWCB - Domus Aurea - Andrea Izzotti Regrettably also available on Adobe; Deposit; Dreams; Fotalia; Shutter; AP-I; Flickr and maybe more. And 2 from me: The Basilica of Saint Paul outside the Walls. Not available elsewhere. wim
  4. Agree with the more general interest. Like I want to avoid what they're rejecting at the moment. (And maybe some of the others too.) For all those reasons Edo gave: being bored plus the rest. wim
  5. And buyers don't like it when the image is: Lake Epuyén shore in Puerto Patriada. Chubut Province, Argentina, but the keywords say Scotland and the caption is Relaxing in the lake shore. Not selling here, but selling in other places, could well mean you have already found the right place to sell. wim
  6. Italian churches are a bit more ornate indeed, however.. only low ¢¢ (Actually my lowest ever. Previous low: 0.21) UK National newspaper. Unlimited. In perpetuity. Start: 29-December-2021 it says, but the date on the article is Wednesday 30 June 2021 11:58. Reported today! Together with an outside view also mine: Plus some more, which seem to be available everywhere. Will report those in the images found topic. I remember this UK newspaper as a beautiful paper with great graphics and photography. Maybe the take over by first the KGB and later the sheiks was somehow not that successful. Anyway it's fees are now the lowest of all. Or maybe the takeovers were very successful and that's why. 😱 wim
  7. Not a whole lot of searches on AoA. 0 for the rolling year. There seem to be around 36 images on Alamy, which drown in thousands of two up two down houses and just *two things* in Australia. In Google Images, most if not all publications involve ANZAC Day and or WW1. Next time maybe shoot with privacy in mind. Wads of money in hands or on the ground seem most interesting but lack context. The same for flying coins, but these might be enough. Especially when marked with crosses. Maybe coins or wads in focus and the rest oof? Shooting crowds from a bit further away is always a good idea. On Anzac Day all these problems disappear obviously. And then you could try a Stalin era Photoshop job. wim
  8. Spain, Magazine up to 10,000 - print, digital and electronic Distro low mid $$ to Spain. wim
  9. Merry Christmas everybody! wim (Listening to one more Messiah)
  10. It used to be that Novel Use was indicated as such with the sale. And they didn't count towards the sales in the Alamyrank algo. Now there's no indication that it's a Novel Use, could it be these do count for one's Alamyrank? In that case: the more the better! wim
  11. Sorry. The edit box is where you edit your post. Like when you start a new post or click edit under the more options dots. wim edit: not sure if you have access to other peoples medium sized images. This is the size I get when I have large thumbnails in stead of small thumbnails: Large thumbnail Small thumbnail Small from AIM Large from AIM Nice but you would not have access to other peoples images this way. That is to say, the fact you can view this one here means you do have access. Just finding it is obfuscated. edit2: btw: it's not single click on the image, it's double click. At least with a pen.
  12. If you click on the image while in the edit box, you can set your own dimensions. Try clicking update first. That may have the desired effect already. Leave the Keep original aspect ratio ticked. wim edit: changed your image to 600px wide
  13. Merry Christmas / Frohe Weihnachten! +1 ! (Just in case you have not been aware of this one.) wim
  14. 😂 Lots of sayings that include pipe. 😁 Only a few include smoke. 😎 We have one that -translated- goes like this: giving the pipe to Martin. It means: kicking the bucket. Or simply quitting according to some. The French have casser sa pipe, breaking one's pipe, again: kicking the bucket. Health Warning: I'll kick your bucket and break your pipe if you ask for a refund! wim
  15. Yes people have reported that it's now the image taken date that decides the order in the New tab. So it is to be expected that it will shake up the order in which images are being displayed as well. It used to be date uploaded and that made a lot of sense. Having a tab Recent Images and a tab Newly Uploaded Images would solve part of the (probably real) problem. However clients don't always use tabs or any other tools on the page. Lots of people just skip all that and go over to another agency or Google. This may not apply to seasoned customers. Before the algorithm change that did away with the weight of different pseudos one could influence the order somewhat by keeping bestsellers and single keyword sellers in one pseudo and images with complicated search phrases (aka as niche images) in another. Not anymore since Alamy in its wisdom deemed it cheating. Choosing the order by yourself would be quite a task, not just for you, but for the database as well: For what keywords would the order have to change? And how should the algo know how to do that? Having different weighted pseudos was a very elegant way to solve all that. The algorithm still decided which pseudo and which image would rise and which should fall. Rant over. Now where do the newly uploaded images rank within your own image order for all different keywords, or just for the most important ones? The only proof of the pudding so far is upload and check afterward. I can think of a couple of tests, but for some reason I can't bring myself to do it. ( 💵 💵 maybe? Winter blues? Pandemic fatigue? All of the above? ) wim
  16. Maybe put a BIG warning in your extra information box? Or else do something like this: 😂 wim
  17. It used to be that new images did get in front of older images, no matter what. This has changed. Partly because of the weight of sales and maybe per image CTR. Which would be a good thing, if true. However if new images would always start at the rear, that would be a very bad thing. wim
  18. Sales is a big part of it. Frequent sales may influence how high your other images appear. This used to be a great influence. Then over the years it seemed to have almost disappeared, now it seems to have some influence. Also if your image comes up for a search term and is zoomed, it seems to have a big effect if someone uses the same search term later. According to people here on the forum. Very difficult to prove this last one. To prove that sales have an important effect, just search for an image of yourself that has been sold before. The same for an image that has sold multiple times. Try using AoA (All of Alamy) to look for the search terms clients are actually using. If you need pointers how to use AoA, try starting here. wim
  19. Are they not showing up after the ones you have moved up front? And that's why there's a big reset order to most recent button. You have to go through your dashboard page to your portfolio page to see it. wim
  20. Ahh! I knew the part of the broken thumb, but there's more: this all happened in DC! My favorites are his next 2 albums btw. It's very difficult to choose between Aerie and Rocky Mountain High. No Shenandoah in East Virginia by Joan Baez. (Was she 19 at the time of that album?) My goodness you've met her. We've only lived in DC for 3,5 yrs. Eva was born in 1963 and had been dead for 8 years when we came to DC. I had her The Water is Wide play on my mother's funeral. Also this medieval bridal march. Think of it what you may, I said then. And now. The Water referred to the flood disaster of 1953 that they had been in. Born in 1954, I am a product of that disaster. It must be the Christmas Spirit all this. wim
  21. Great place! Great image and great story! Now sing with me: Oh Shenandoah. Now which one today? The Kingston Trio? Pete Seeger? Bob Dylan? Hayley Westenra; Richard Thompson; Bruce Springsteen; Tennessee Ernie Ford or the Tabernacle Choir? I wish Eva Cassidy had recorded it. wim
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