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Everything posted by wiskerke

  1. Haha! I'm not a cat. Is Echo vegan? Maybe she only likes them when fried or dry roasted and with the legs removed. 😁 You could promise her that. My (then little) nephew bred house crickets for the reptile zoo he called his room. My sister in law had crickets in the house for many years after he and his zoo moved out. They don't like light and they do like warmth and moist. Sealing all cracks helps, if even with ordinary tape. They can live for weeks without eating though. They eat plants; dead insects including their dead family and your carpets and clothes if they are from natural fibers. Maybe show Echo this one or this and tell her they all eat crickets. My personal best pet (& pest) story does involve my late cat. Never owned a parrot. A canary yes. No the cat did not eat it. This is quite some years back. So the cat sits in my lap while I read a book. It's late at night. Then there's the slightest sound from the back of the house. Cat turns it's head and looks at me: did you hear that boss? Yep I say; cat jumps on the floor and walks straight to the kitchen. I follow and cat looks intently at the drawer underneath the oven. I say is it in there cat? Yep says cat shsh! So I pull open the drawer and there sits a mouse in a round hole it has chewed in the middle of a fresh box of dry cat food, kibble. I had put the box there so cat, being not very good at the marshmallow test, is not led into temptation. Mouse is totally surprised and looks at us both: hey what are you doing here? Can a mouse finish it's dinner or what? Cat knowing what to expect, doesn't hesitate: she jumps on the mouse and kills it with one bite. And starts eating immediately. No food play. Best mouse she ever had. Yummy: stuffed mouse! Stuffed with cat food! She had this big grin all weekend. wim
  2. The US have Community Gardens. And the Russians have Datchas. A bit the opposite of what one would expect. (Or not. 🤦‍♂️) wim
  3. 😎 This time I had a little help from the Russians. Huh? The Russians over at Yandex. I just did with the image as I always do: throw it in a broad Image Search without even telling that it's Cyprus. And somewhere down the page Yandex suggested Kyrkkos. However at first glance it didn't look like that. And it was on the south side of the de-facto border. So I checked what I knew about Cyprus: are there mountains with snow in Cyprus? Ah yes of course, but not a lot. So that narrows the search. Then I found an image from the North that showed mountains in the background that looked somewhat familiar, but they were mirrored. And because I had noticed where the sun was coming from in the original image, I was almost certain it was not in the North looking South. So I revisited Kyrkkos now on Google Maps. And there looking at that courtyard something looked familiar. At first just the relation of the volume of the buildings. And then there were these two windows or arched openings. Our eyes are pretty good at pattern recognition. Especially photographer's eyes. While taking pictures or reviewing them, how often have you had that feeling this is a deja-vu all over again? See? wim
  4. Sounds like a perfect subject. Allotment culture around the world. Now that's a book title. These are 10 yr old numbers: Germany 1.4 million allotments United Kingdom 330,000 The Netherlands 240,000 Denmark 62,120 Sweden 51,000 Belgium 42,000 Austria 38,000 Switzerland 27,000 France 26,000 Finland 5,000 Norway 2,000 Malta 50 (via http://www.allotmentphotogallery.com/) wim
  5. Lots of drone videos. All recent of course. Seems to have been developed a lot since your image. Probably because Archbishop Makarios is buried on the mountain top of Throni. Never been there btw. Stopped in Crete the time I had planned to go to Cyprus (by bike). Long time ago. Stopped because Sabra and Shatila happened. Yep that long ago. Recently re-watched Waltz with Bashir for some reason. wim
  6. If these are the Troodos Mountains in the background, the view does not seem to be from the North. Kykkos Monastery? It sure looks different, but these two windows at the far end of the courtyard look very much the same. The rest of the volumes match as well. wim
  7. No idea. Mass storage selected under the Software Updater? (Very easy to forget.) Or is it stalling further on? There where it asks for restarts of your house and removal of the car batteries? wim
  8. You are using Chrome? Because it will not work with Firefox. Maybe not with others too, but I have not tried that. Not with a a6500 btw, but with a couple of other Sony cams. wim
  9. -regular customers My guess is: everyone with an account who has bought here before. wim
  10. New layer > Open in ACR. Paint in the result. wim edit: and make sure you get rid of the CA. QC doesn't like CA.
  11. I've not seen the smog in either. But then again I've only been a couple of times in both. wim
  12. This border town lies partly on the Wyoming and partly on the Idaho side of the border. It got its name from the freedom it gave early Mormon polygamists from having to outrun Idaho law. All they had to do was walk across the street and be in another jurisdiction. wim
  13. Blush again! When we lived in the US we had many occasions to think and talk about the metric system, mainly with other expats 😁. And my wife has British relatives. A while ago meters came up in a discussion here with Edo. wim
  14. The US was completely ready for metric at least three times. In 1792 the US coins went metric. Next year in 1793 Thomas Jefferson ordered the then very new kilo and I believe a meter (co-developed by Benjamin Franklin!) from France, however the ship with the precious cargo was captured by pirates. In 1866 Congress signed the Metric Act. And in 1875 the US was one of seventeen nations in the Treaty of the Metre. In 1975 Congress passed the Metric Conversion Act. Because it was in the best interest of the US. However Ronald Reagan became president and vetoed the Metric Law for being un-American. Myanmar and Liberia also don't have it. Probably un-Myanmarese and un-Liberianese too. They don't send rockets to Mars however. In the end the Federal law did become law, but without being mandatory. Wine and shampoo do have liters and milliliters on the package though, by Federal law since 1994. This time this bit was mandatory. Probably because of the export. A special mention must go to the very weird 1895 (!) Constitution of Utah: The schools of the state must teach the Metric System. That constitutions says many funny things. Which reminds me I should upload some images of their Capitol. Did you know spousal privileges are between one man and one woman? Well they are in their Constitution. They have equality for women including voting (1895 remember; for the whole of the US: 1920!). Voting machines are allowed, as long as they are secret (1895!). And as one judge told us: he cannot leave the state for 90 days or he will lose his job. Utah is such an interesting place. As is Hawaii. No I've never been there, but it may be the first state that breaks away and goes metric. It seems they have a very nice climate too. Hmmm. 😎 wim
  15. Yes you're right. It's more miles to less liters. Always confusing these medieval units. So it's Betty's 8.43 L/ 100km And your 5.65 L / 100km Ours varies a lot from summer to winter: 4.6 in summer to 5.2 now. (/100km) US MPG to UK MPG Conversion UK MPG to L/100 KM Conversion MPG to L/100 KM Conversion (meaning US MPG) wim
  16. It is, but you do realize the US Gallon is a bit more than the UK (Imperial) Gallon? the imperial gallon (imp gal), defined as 4.54609 litres, which is or was used in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, Australia and some Caribbean countries; the US gallon (US gal) defined as 231 cubic inches (exactly 3.785411784 L) (wikipedia) wim
  17. Don't go to Thailand. ReeRay may chip in about Thai food. 😋🥵😝😋 wim
  18. +1 Volume: +18.58 % However the earnings gap is closing: -1.14 % - Still at roughly about half of my best year (2016). wim
  19. France Editorial Book up to 5,000 Inside 1 page Mid Low $$ Amsterdam canal in winter. wim edit: ahh Distributor
  20. You could google something like How to Install macOS Big Sur on Unsupported iMac. Apparently your iMac is still unofficially supported. How long that will last is anybody's guess though. I had no such luck with a 2009 Macbook. There are hacks out there though and I may take that route. wim
  21. Haha! Something pointed like a key will work. The smaller the point the easier it is. Usually there's some sort of tool next to a case like this. However they get stolen a lot. Guess for what purpose? (Hint: it involves car windows.) wim
  22. Death Valley Badwater Basin. Worldwide. Editorial website and app multiple use, in perpetuity. Low $. Btw already 2 of last month sales have been refunded and come back, fortunately at the same price. It does however skew the numbers a bit. wim
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