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Everything posted by wiskerke

  1. I don't think that's true. Or at least it was not true. Not accredited anymore because of the purge, but I have been contacted on occasions by the news desk. wim
  2. Mine is a lexan or polycarbonate coffee press. You do have to find a water cooker or a kettle. When camping I carry a lightweight kettle (but lighter and cheaper than this one from Amazon) and a tiny gas stove. At home it's a 10+ year old Bosch Benvenuto Venezia. I had to look up all the other appliances. Very enlightening. Counter space is fairly limited here as well certainly because of the Bosch. And a small microwave. Will investigate the Instant Pot. Still unsure about the airfryer. wim
  3. Interior of the Granada Cathedral. Worldwide Editorial Website, app and social media print inside, electronic, online print run: Unlimited Duration: In perpetuity - EU Β’Β’ net Β’ (less than any micro I believe) I'm glad my other sale today is a $$ interior of a shopping mall. The horror the horror or the irony? πŸ˜‚ wim edit: less than any micro - not true: Getty has lower fees.
  4. I guess the ban was about the size of the fish in the fish n chips. It seems a very touchy subject in the UK nowadays. Who stole my fish is the bestselling book title in current Christmas sales apparently. This is an animated review. After that I initially found some solace in the video that the Youtube algorithm chose for me as a follow up. But nor for long. And after this Youtube served me with Dunning Kruger. Obviously. Now I'm watching cat video's. Oops that's a spoiler. wim
  5. That could be seen as dishonest to the contributors that do not get the same information, I guess. Some (most) other agencies also have an image ranking according to popularity (=amount of sales). You could check out their general collections vs say the 100 top selling images. As for rewarding the provider, there has always been a clause in the contract about that. And AFAIK every other agency has the same clause. (Old hands will now remember and may even chip in to say that they used to pay an agency to appear in The Book.) An interesting case would be a contributor who sells nothing or very little, while his/her images are very popular with Alamy staff over and over again for marketing the agency. Maybe that just doesn't happen and staff-picked images sell like hotcakes. wim
  6. These "creative" images also help build an image for the agency as a whole. Even if they might/may not not sell as much as some more mundane images. To see if this sort of imagery sells, I do two tests: I throw some images in Google Images to see what comes up. Because nowadays Google Images starts with 10 pages of this is a Stock Photo, it helps to download an image first and then upload it to Google. And in AoA I try to guess the sort of search terms a client would use. Then when I click on the highest scoring keywords/phrases I look for the sort of images on the first 3 rows (@10/row). What style are those? Are there many by one contributor with very few images in between(=it is a big seller). Are the newer images (as per Alamy #) a different style than the older ones? You get the drift. wim
  7. Dripping faucet looking at you. Italy, Magazine - print, digital and electronic - Lower mid/mid lower $$ but distro so mid $ net (=24% of gross). wim
  8. Alamy seems to choke sometimes on Jpegs that are not Baseline Standard. Sometimes everything gets through; sometimes it's the first; sometimes it's the last or somewhere in the middle. It could well be a thing of the past, because it has been many years since I tried. By mistake I may add: Photoshop has the nasty habit of always remembering the last used Jpeg setting. Including not only the quality setting, but also the optimization setting. Which is fine if you never open any Jpeg except your own. Why does Alamy want Baseline Standard? No idea. Even that may be a thing of the past as well and the systems don't care anymore. But a test would be very simple: send two sets of images: one Optimized and one Baseline Standard. And compare the upload speed. As you have seen doing a simple speed test once in a while may ferret out a flaw somewhere. Which can even be that somewhere somebody kicked a small box in the street (here it was fireworks). Or hit a bigger one with a car. Or a cable with a shovel. Or there's a rotten server somewhere down the line. It doesn't always have to be PEBCAK or PICNIC. πŸ˜‚ I use speedtest.net by Ookla. Just now it says: Ping 8 ms - Download 93.03 Mbps - Upload 30.54 Mbps. Which is quite decent for DSL. Cable could/should be quicker. Speed depends a lot on the subscription of course, but it's not necessarily the most expensive that's the fastest. We're finally getting fiber optic next week, so I'm taking readings throughout the day to compare. There's a download function that will export a spreadsheet. Oh and the Alamy uploader usually is really quick for me already. wim
  9. Wow! 😱 Must make a note of this. Either to avoid or to visit. πŸ˜‚ wim
  10. Yes that's what I've guessed. So it's there. She's inside probably. Nor sure how old she is though. Probably younger than we are. πŸ˜‚ It's a mere 1250 miles from where you are. 😁 wim
  11. Haines Shoe House in Hellam Pennsylvania: https://goo.gl/maps/dYpX3LLWp26c3WxU8 (Very near Brian Yarvin, who lives across the Susquehanna River in Lancaster.) wim
  12. Editorial website in perpetuity Estonia. Distro. $ - net mid Β’Β’. wim
  13. Google Commoditization and Commodity. ITEOTWAWKI especially from 4:18 wim
  14. The Floor of Babble in the Seattle Central Library by Koolhaas. Japan Television highest $$ but distro. wim
  15. May they all pay for your image, though! All those Russian language ones seem to have nicked your image from this place: https://www.facebook.com/ChernobyltheZone/photos/1578694939137042 wim edit: This is an interesting page. Their credit line: Profimedia/ Shutterstock Editorial/Chuck Nacke
  16. Happy Birthday, Edo! Many happy returns! Italian, but not Ennio. And a fingerpicker. Ennio remastered here. wim
  17. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/27/world/europe/viktor-bryukhanov-dead.html Just credited Alamy. Clearly yours. wim edit: very small b/w: https://expresso.pt/podcasts/desastres-naturais/2021-11-06-Viktor-Bryukhanov-o-bode-espiatorio-do-acidente-de-Chernobyl--1935-2021--5562ba27 The page would just be too short to mention all: this link will probably work. M.Lee Fatherree is not on Alamy. There is a James Fatherree with very few images. M.Lee Fatherree is a photographer from the Bay Area specialized in art and artists. Just wrongly credited by the Post I would say. We don't have a subscription any more, so I cannot view the page. Hah! Not true I can visit this one: https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/obituaries/viktor-bryukhanov-dead/2021/11/02/b581780c-3bd9-11ec-bfad-8283439871ec_story.html which has a correct attribution.
  18. Right, then it is time to check with contributor relations I guess. I got mine on the 3rd when all the others reported theirs. wim
  19. Have you checked your Balance of account? Did you have sales that qualify? Like books, magazines and television in the UK. wim
  20. It's the sign of the times. cents sign 1,349x on Alamy cent sign 10,046x on Alamy wim
  21. B3A8FX - Close up of pregnant African American woman’s belly - JGI via Tetra Images, LLC (but available on Getty; Adobe and more.) wim
  22. Alamy branded solar panels. 😎 Germany editorial website in perpetuity - distributor - net less than $: Β’Β’. πŸ‘¨β€πŸ« How to input the Cent sign here. πŸ“‰ wim
  23. Check if your Jpegs are still Baseline Standard. This may choke the upload somehow. wim
  24. A very wet place (Amsterdam) A very hot and dry place (Nevada) And this is one for the optimists. wim
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