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Everything posted by wiskerke

  1. Thank you! Just a bit of Google. I even don't have Twitter myself. But Google does point at it. Usually I search like a cat approaching a ball of yarn: just plucking a bit to see if a thread comes loose. 😸 wim
  2. Maybe they have beavers in Liverpool? 😂 wim
  3. I hope you have communicated that to them as well. wim
  4. One at low mid $ but not as insultingly low as yesterday. Tulips. Duh. Worldwide Commercial electronic till the end of time. wim
  5. These? https://twitter.com/regen_lpool/status/1225387052671414278?lang=en Don't forget Silva Cells as a keyword. That are those lines in the pavement. Maybe some more about the water management aspects of the project. https://www.deeproot.com/blog/blog-entries/the-strand-case-study-revamping-safety-accessibility-and-clean-air-via-green-infrastructure Maybe check if these leaves are the same, because that link to the Silva Cells mentions 5 species: 47 Ginkgo Bilba (meaning Biloba) 25 Metasquoia Glytostroboides 23 Penius Nigra ‘Austriaca’ 16 Quercus Ilex 34 Ulmus Lobe There's probably a map of all the trees somewhere. wim edit: and Penius is not a penis but a Pinus. Must have been a sloppy intern. Oh and Glytostroboides is actually Glyptostroboides; Metasquoia is Metasequoia and Ulmus Lobe is Ulmus Lobel. Wow.
  6. I tried to get https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E8cHDPPX0AUBQG2?format=jpg&name=large to this: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E8cMMpdXMAEIb30?format=jpg&name=large ACR Detail: Noise reduction 90 sharpening at 30 color noise 60 ACR Basic: Vibrance and Saturation at +40 Exposure +50 Contrast +40 Highlights -30 Shadows +30 Whites +60 Blacks -10 Texture -50 Clarity +30 These settings are a bit rough and everything concerning noise and detail depends on size of input and output. Keep the background as it is, and paint in the car from a layer. I'm sure there are presets and actions that can do something like this. wim
  7. This was my idea initially as well. And they are a lot more useful than the Aliexpress boxes. Aka light tents (right Betty & Michael!). Although those do serve a purpose. For softboxes my favorite brand is Wafer (by Gary Regester). I have only one small one. The others are some old Bowens ones, a couple of odd Westcotts and some Chinese no-brands. If you ever have to set up a permanent studio, consider a couple of Broncolor Cumulites. At the moment they can be had for very little. Last month I was offered 2 for free, and I must admit I was tempted. Perfect even light and a very nice feathering. But huge. wim
  8. Yes a great test site. Check his hall of fame and play around with he magnification. Maybe a collar for a cat is smaller. I prefer a simple sheet of paper nowadays. In analog days I had a drawer full of matte polyester that was used in architect and screen print studios. Great stuff. I still have some snippets left. wim
  9. The Olympics are over. So it's time for a new record. 0.22 22 cents. Gross. worldwide in perpetuity 😡 wim
  10. My guess is that the OP wants something like this. Buy the cheapest you can find, they're all the same. Over time it will yellow though. They all do. Only some a bit faster than others. I have one and can honestly say I almost never use one. Nor my horribly expensive Foba cove. (But I do have plans for that one.) Most shoots have to be solved individually. Just when you have to do coins on a regular basis, it pays to have a dedicated setup. Which is not with a lightbox. Or maybe a very very small one. With coins there are basically three schools: light from the front and light from the side with a negative or black fill and extreme rim light. Here are the three setups at work: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDntzJtGwgA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lflzUgd6NKc http://alwi-mocind.blogspot.com/2013/12/how-to-photograph-coins-using-dark.html No aliexpress lightbox in sight. I prefer the one with the tin cans and the 2 sheets of paper. wim
  11. It certainly was present with the exact same background on Vito and Viano Vans of the previous model. Don't know about the current one, the V-class. 1000logos gives the date as 1933-current. wim
  12. Was it by chance on a van or a small RV/campervan? wim
  13. Haha! O-C-K not U-C-K, just in case.. oh never mind..😁 Of course I was dead serious. 😇 Of course. wim
  14. Stitches? Hah use a (former) Kodak product in stead: Super Glue! (Just cut my finger, but by far not bad enough for glue or stitches 😂) wim
  15. The 20% reduction of our fees have been sold to us to so the new legal department could go after infringements. (let me omit the expletives here) wim 😡
  16. In this case the Wiki people should have seen the copyright notice in the metadata. It is still there. They can still see it now. So it's not an innocent mistake. I would take screen dumps of everything btw. And send them a hefty bill for making your image available for free download. $10.000 will wake them up and get their attention. It should be an open and shut case for the new legal service Alamy is using. wim edit: it has been available 896 days since 21 February 2019 The Alamy order details: order summary at: www.alamy.com/Order-summary.asp?OrderID={4538BE63-63B7-41BE-885A-1B48FA0620AC}\n Your Ref: DY11225462 Downloaded: 18 March 2016 Alamy Ref: C357R8
  17. Don't forget to use American English keywords as well. Actually those may well be more important than taking new images. If you speak the Queen's English in the US they think you have a funny accent. 😂 Besides autocorrect and most of the spellcheckers in the world use American English spelling: colors; neighborhood etc. wim
  18. My guess is that the tipping point is around where e.g. Doc Kumar sits. It's gross remember. Searching here with a year in Content titles only will give most of our yearly reports. wim
  19. 32 for 874 The new normal. Even a bit higher, ouch. wim
  20. Courthouse - Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals on Stout Street Denver Colorado (from my hotel room window). Worldwide Editorial - mid low $$ B#, but 1st sale ever. wim
  21. Thank you for including one of mine! wim edit: Finally looked up Iphofen because of the runaway voting 😁. Geräthengasse (Google Maps) or Gerätengasse (city map): https://goo.gl/maps/oQkicMkHPE1Tm4mc8 and here on Alamy (961 in total - and I had never heard of it) at least 2 with a glimpse of the same street. If I ever come near it again (-passed it by train), I have to visit the Knauf gypsum plaster cast museum. (youtube videos).
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