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Everything posted by wiskerke

  1. I don't understand. Do you mean you already had representation in Croatia, Slovenia and Bulgaria? Or you just want to exclude these countries on the fact that you expect them not to pay a fair fee? wim
  2. If you know how, yes. I could demonstrate it with one of yours 😁. But not with one click, no. wim
  3. That's about the same size as here on Alamy if you know where to look. One of mine 408x320: and 284x470: wim edit: I didn't know this could be found though: 640x447
  4. Recent (and slightly less recent) Bing Wallpapers: 21/5/2021 - T9EMDT Cube houses Rotterdam - Piet Blom architect - Don Mennig 20/5/2021 HG96PW - Historische Altstadt und Festung von Tossa de Mar, Katalonien, Spanien - dleiva 17/5/2021 KEBN68 - 「ポンピドゥーセンター・マラガ」スペイン, マラガ - Wim Wiskerke (Not reported yet. Unless Corporate client, Commercial Website, Digital marketing communications only. Excludes advertising, Repeat use within terms of the license for mid $$$ is it. Which I somehow doubt. 😁) 14/5/2021 2BAMC5H - Telescopes and star trails at Paranal Observatory, Atacama Desert, Chile - Matteo Omied (Matteo Omied is not the photographer, because that's Babak A. Tafreshi. Matteo is just the image scraper. At least he's honest about it in his caption. He has 400.000 images on Alamy) 13/5/2021 FR9PT3 - 「アルタ・フロレスタ」ブラジル,マットグロッソ州 - Pulsar Imagens 10/5/2021 image not visible here - The Hōkūle'a, a traditional Hawaiian voyaging canoe, departs for a 3-year voyage from Honolulu, Hawaii, on May 17, 2014 - [Hugh Gentry for] Reuters/Alamy Wrongly credited to Alamy? Deleted from Alamy? Restricted? 8/5/2021 H34RN9 - Sunset over Buttermere, Lake District, Cumbria - Stewart Smith 4/5/2021 T992EK - 「トラチウアルテペトル」メキシコ, プエブラ州 - [Ziryab Alghabri for] mauritius images GmbH 30/4/2021 W8DXP5 - 「宇治の茶畑」京都府, 宇治市 - Tuul and Bruno Morandi 26/4/2021 image not visible here - Vollmond über der „Tiger and Turtle – Magic Mountain“-Landmarke im Angerpark, Duisburg, Nordrhein-Westfalen - Bernd Mellmann/Alamy Stock Photo (image from 2016) Wrongly credited to Alamy? Deleted from Alamy? Restricted? 26/4/2021 2C3GWBM - 「草間弥生作のオブジェ」香川県, 直島 - WireStock/Alamy 22/4/2021 Red and white tulips for St George’s Day - Annie Eagle/Alamy Stock Photo image not visible here - wrongly credited? Wrongly credited to Alamy? Deleted from Alamy? Restricted? 0/4/2021 ECJWXJ - 「マデイラ島の北海岸」ポルトガル, マデイラ - [GUIZIOU Franck for] Hemis/Alamy Stock Photo 19/4/2021 DDXWN2 - Tegalalang Rice Terraces, Ubud, Bali, Indonesia - Michele Falzone/Alamy 17/4/2021 EM7HTH - Innenansicht der Walhalla mit den Karyatiden auf der Empore, Donaustauf, Bayern - [Helmut Meyer zur Capellen for] imageBROKER/Alamy Stock Photo 15/4/2021 「ダリ劇場美術館」スペイン, フィゲラス - MISCELLANEOUSTOCK/Alamy Stock Photo It is on Shutterstock by Valerija Polakovska and there are images of the same building by MISCELLANEOUSTOCK on Alamy which may or may not be by the same contributor, however this image is not visible here. Wrongly credited to Alamy? Deleted from Alamy? Restricted? 13/4/2021 KDGE2K - 「カリゾ平原の野の花」米国, カリフォルニア州 - Dennis Frates/Alamy Stock Photo 12/4/2021 2BH36Y0 - 「ワット・プラシーサンペット」タイ, アユタヤ - [Juergen Held for] travelstock44/Alamy Stock Photo 11/4/2021 HYM56M - Rue du Petit-Fort et ses jardinières fleuries, Dinan, Côtes-d’Armor, Bretagne - Scott Wilson/Alamy Stock Photo 9/4/2021 DHH1PR - 「グリズリーベアの兄弟」米国, アラスカ州 - Ron Niebrugge/Alamy Stock Photo 7/4/2021 CW9K42 - 「クロライチョウのオス」フィンランド, クーサモ - Oliver Smart/Alamy 6/4/2021 EBY9P4 - Hartland Point Lighthouse and Lundy Island beneath a colourful sunset, North Devon - Adam Burton/Alamy Stock Photo 3/4/2021 2ATPT55 or 2CADBJ7 (identical) - An Ostereierbaum (Easter egg tree) in Saalfeld, Germany - Rudi Sebastian/Alamy 3/4/2021 TA15T4 - 「首里城の久慶門」沖縄, 那覇市 - CLEMENT CAZOTTES/Alamy Stock Photo 29/3/2021 F008E0 - Kuckucksei im Nest eines Teichrohrsängers, Deutschland - [W. Buchhorn/F. Hecker for] blickwinkel/Alamy Stock Photo 29/3/2021 KK5FDW - La porte d’Aval et l’Aiguille, Étretat, Normandie - StevanZZ/Alamy Stock Photo 28/3/2021 MP2EP6 - The Jefferson Memorial during the National Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington, DC - Rae Gabrielle/Alamy 27/3/2021 RXGBYJ - 「スノードニア国立公園」英国, ウェールズ - Alan Novelli/Alamy 21/3/2021 PYH5CR - 「シャトー・ド・ジュー」フランス, ジュラ山脈 - Ivoha/Alamy 17/3/2021 DHKDMH - 「エトナ山の噴火」イタリア, シチリア島 - Wead/Alamy Live News) 3/3/2021 HJFKXG - 「サン・ジャン大聖堂の天文時計」フランス, リヨン - kyolshin/Alamy 10/3/2021 BF08YW - 'Step on Board,' the Harriet Tubman Memorial, sculpted by Fern Cunningham, in Boston, Massachusetts - Anthony Pleva/Alamy 8/3/2021 - View of the Notorious RBG mural by the street artist Elle in New York City - lev radin/Alamy I cannot find it. Wrongly credited to lev radin? Wrongly credited to Alamy? Deleted from Alamy because of the word mural? Restricted? 6/3/2021 2ANHETP - Hutte en osier dans le potager du parc floral de la Source, Orléans - Hervé Lenain/Alamy Stock Photo wim edit: KEBN68 not reported yet
  5. Well done! How many have been licensed? (Not your total, but how many individual images.) wim
  6. Nah that can't be it, we just haven't found the exclusive button yet. Besides I think I was right, but because I have not found that button yet I cannot prove it. wim
  7. So it's about something else? That would be quality then. It tells us that the quality of the images that are exclusive is just not as high as the quality of all the non-exclusives: the agencies; the micro-stockers. wim
  8. The Eternal Light Peace Memorial commemorating the 1863 Battle of Gettysburg. Personal Use. US fee. wim
  9. Last time when we were at this point, I inserted a link to this video by Adam Savage (one of the MythBusters) which I like a lot. wim
  10. Maybe check your captions and maybe even your keywords again. Some are duplicates while the images show different things: a car in the caption, but a motorcycle in the image; one Norton in the caption, but another in the image. They're in some museum. These are the only ones I've checked and they may be the only ones that have wrong duplicates of course. Normally I'm not the one that finds the wrong needle in the haystack in one blink of an eye. (My wife is. 😎) wim
  11. What I would like to see is what perceived problems these changes should remedy. And: what is the business case? Does the PA contract have the same terms? If not, why not? wim
  12. X-2581-457-1 Sony Lens Assy 121,20 € Near mint SEL55210 lenses go for less than that on Ebay. Especially from Japan, some with free shipping. Japanese sellers tend to be pretty honest. (100€ is $147CAN currently.) wim
  13. Facebook Menlo Park. 4 times the exact same: Worldwide Editorial, Editorial Website, 10 year low $. wim
  14. Yes, but it must work, why otherwise do it? Or it's a slight mishap, think The Sorcerer's Apprentice. I am still convinced this must be a platinum contributor. wim
  15. Click on the blue number next to your post that says: Images: 29039 Send your client the link. Or: right-click on that blue number and go to copy link. wim
  16. It must work otherwise the contributor Library Book Collection (or agency) would not put 1,342,790 images up. I think you've spotted one of the platinum contributors that the new scheme is aimed at. wim
  17. Still a PR nightmare. So I went back and looked at some other stock agencies. Because of the rules here I will not go into the details. I would say: go see/click for yourself. In general: Alamy doesn't look too bad among the others. There is one agency that has 4.5 stars/Excellent with 187 reviews however. It's a pity I cannot name it, because I'm sure the roaring laughter of many contributors would be heard over here. 😂 😂 wim
  18. Not without seeing a 100% version. Because of the higher dof I would say the latter is the smaller sensor. But it could just as well be the higher contrast, that only suggests a higher dof. Besides it's probably not with the same aperture. Because at the best aperture for the 35mm, the tiny RX100's sensor would be well into it's diffraction zone. wim
  19. We once had a little spider in one of our sensors. Took us weeks to figure that one out. We suspected the neighboring cat first, because the first or second night after the alarm had been installed it had managed to sneak in during the daytime and had stayed out of sight when our wing in the building was closed for the night.. In the mean time we got penalties and even (temporarily) kicked out of the insurance. That was after we had the alarm go off at half past ten each night because that was when the heating switched off and the curtains that hung over it began to sway. That took us a week to figure out. This was a really expensive security firm with it's own alarm monitoring center. After the spider we got thousands of euros computer damage from some punks that had broken in a couple of floors above us and had turned open the fire hoses. We had no sensors for water. The good thing: the insurance paid for everything. Even for being a week out of business. And they sent in a salvage team. Nobody ever tried to break into our wing. But I had to do the 3,3km / 2 miles by bike or car in record time many times because of all the alarms. After a while we divided alarm duty between two of us. This was a studio for traditional graphic arts and computer training center we had until in the end subsidies ran out after the dotcom bubble had burst. Oh and the remedy: a can of compressed air for the smoke alarms. wim
  20. Not even selfies! Let's try this link once more, I don't know why it keeps messing up. John Mitchell's link has lots of selfies and older people taking photos. wim
  21. Alamy wants us to do this: https://twitter.com/alamy/status/1392389342920953856 Or at least to make photos of it: the lightbox from the tweet. wim
  22. Maybe Alamy is not as popular as it once was. Last week I stumbled upon these reviews of Alamy on Trustpilot: https://www.trustpilot.com/review/alamy.com 2 stars is usually barge pole territory for me. wim
  23. Merci. Je pense qu'Adobe fonctionne différemment d'Alamy. Et que votre travail convient mieux à Adobe. Je ne savais pas qu'Adobe acceptait les images éditoriales avec des personnes et des biens sans autorisation. Peut-être que je devrais y jeter un œil aussi. 😁 Peut-être qu'Adobe traduit les mots-clés d'autres langues en anglais et vice-versa. Ici, l'anglais est le seul standard et il est traduit dans les différentes langues des différents sites web comme alamy.es ; alamy.de ; alamyimages.fr ; alamy.it ; alamy.pt (il y en a peut-être d'autres). My guess is that Adobe works differently from Alamy. And that your works suits Adobe better. Maybe Adobe translates keywords from other languages into English as well as the other way around. Here English is the sole standard and it gets translated into the different languages of the different websites like alamy.es; alamy.de; alamyimages.fr; alamy.it; alamy.pt (there may be others). wim
  24. Congratulations Gen! Seattle Central Library by Rem Koolhaas Chicago Jay Pritzker Pavilion in the snow. By Frank Gehry. Helsinki Kaisa House - the main library of Helsinki University- by Vesa Oiva wim
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