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Everything posted by wiskerke

  1. Great scene! Ah and a reference to my favorite eating scene in film: Charles Laughton! Thank you! wim
  2. Thank you! Interesting! I will look into that. Not that I ever want to copy/scan Velvia again, but I may have to at one point. I found pepper grain the biggest problem. Almost all my serious slides are Velvia 50 and 100. Up to 4x5s. wim
  3. Thank you! Never thought of that. I just open up my computer or laptop and change the drive out or add one or two. Or three. Booting up from an external device is always possible of course, like from a USB stick a CD/DVD or a network. It never occurred to me that one would boot and run a computer permanently this way. Interesting idea and I'm sure Thunderbolt 3 would make this possible. The 2013 macs have Thunderbolt 2 I think, so it would be doable, but it would not yield the speed increase an internal SSD would bring. If at all. I have just been watching this short video about the good and bad of planned obsolescence. - After reading today's newspaper about families with Greta children. wim
  4. Will that boot on a mac? Not very likely. Yes breaking things is how you learn. My role usually is repairing stuff for my wife. Not breaking things; especially not her stuff. 🤕 🏃‍♂️..... 🏃‍♀️..... wim
  5. Which may apply to most Apple users? 😂 This kid in this video explains it all. - if you cannot open it, you do not own it. wim
  6. I think the seller attached the ES-1 with those PVC pipes to his/her non-Nikon lens. Like here. I would not have used white though. Unless it's been used as a sort of contrast control when duplicating slides on slide film. Some used pre-flashing for that. The Bowens Illumitran had an optional Contrast Control Unit (CCU) for this. wim
  7. Cicadas; baby turtles, owww! Why does a Cicada Year make me feel old? It was a Cicada Year while we lived in DC. 17 years have flown past. I may well see the cherries again, but another Cicada Year? Check out CicadaMania here. wim
  8. Try to vacuum it out. Try every hole or slit you see, but start at the air intake first. If you don't know which that is, check out google images for imac air intake: you'll recognize your own mac and it's intake. I agree with waiting for the new ones, if only for the rebates on the older unsold ones. The Apple store will do the clean up for free (or at least they used to). It may consist of just blowing compressed air, which is not enough if vacuum cleaning hasn't helped. Opening the case up and cleaning the fan blades, and every other place where dust has attached itself, with Windex is the best. Use Q-tips on difficult locations. Think of it as spring cleaning. We usually do it before Easter though. 😁 wim
  9. Yes! Of course! 😁 Next time ask your dentist for one or two sheets of Dental Dam. Keep the object absolutely flat on the latex shield on the table and try to apply as even a pressure as you can from above, while turning. The evenness is the main reason it works. A small piece of wood or a stiff coaster is sometimes better than the open hand. Between the object and the coaster or the hand goes the other dental dam sheet. But the whole thing works with latex or sticky nitrile gloves as well. Some people use the sticky rubber sole of a running shoe as one side. Maybe if you're in a pinch. I have not seen solutions with 2 shoes, Probably shoes are not flat enough. Dental dam weighs like 3g and is the size of a large post-it note. The smaller kid size is fine. wim edit: Your dentist may of course bill you for more than that £4 😂 In my case until now they have been free.
  10. Yeah and unpredictable as well. Still a great subject that gave me a couple of perennial sellers. Just not this year it seems. As for that great boardwalk image of Michael (which makes me quite jealous): A word is worth a thousand ....😁 OK maybe not, but pretty important it is. wim
  11. Ah yes that thread that lasted half a year if I remember correctly. Wasn't it about chairs and Russian ladies? And the answer probably was 42. What I use as extension rings sometimes is old filters, which are mostly worthless. Just remove the glass or plastic and stack them. The cheap ones are the best, because those can be unscrewed to get the glass out. (Use rubber gloves, preferably no tools.) Because they're so thin, one needs quite a few, but adjusting is very easy because of that. Another advantage is that the size of one's own filters usually matches one's own lenses. wim
  12. Maybe the extension tube of the ES-1 is sufficiently long to bridge the difference. Have a brief look at this video. wim
  13. 2 rubber bands on either side will do a much better trick pressing the slide to the tube. wim
  14. An evening a short while ago I would have given a fair sum if I could have had that function. Now it took me a fair chunk of my sleep until I was able to produce half decent color corrected positives from 20 year old negatives. Of which I did have contemporary scans: tiny 800x533px scans from the Hema our equivalent of Tesco or Woolworths. Which had done a lot better color conversion than anything I could muster. It took me hours to understand the correct procedure to even get to the starting line. After that getting to a half decent finish was just an hour more. For 4 images! Yikes. Anyway I now know the basics. Hopefully I will remember those when the next opportunity presents itself. The ES-1 is a good and adaptable design because it has an extendable inner tube, which I never see in any Nikon ad. The ES-2 seems to have been designed very much for a couple of specific lenses. Now let me get my calipers out and measure some slide mounts. - all in mm: Pakom (US pro lab prob. Nat Geo) 1.25 Hema NL bulk lab 1.7 No name (pro lab Asia) 1.75 Kodak Ektachrome plastic (pro lab US) 1.8 Hama Hamafix one-piece glassless 2.25 Macbro (?) one piece w slit 2.35 Wess (slide-sound show) no glass 2.9 Gepe AN 2 sided metal 2 sided glass 2.95 Gepe non metal non glass 3 Agfacolor double glass 2 sided glue 3.1 Titania 3.2 Color Clip double glass 3.2 Olympus 35 Clip no glass 3.2 There must be more: pro Wess mounts with notches to position slides; Gepe with no glass, but double metal, which I use to scan slides in the Coolscan. wim
  15. Haha! I said: The USP of the ES2 is the D850. Not: The USP of the D850 is the built-in Negative Digitizing feature. The real USP of the ES2 is indeed the no hassle solution for the Nikon owner and especially the D850 owner. wim
  16. May I again recommend the tests and rankings here: https://thecentercolumn.com wim edit: If budget is your primary criterion, choose https://thecentercolumn.com/rankings/ and set the price to lowest to highest. Then look for the highest score that comes first. Just to be sure, read the review or the test of the resulting tripod. Or change the order for on of the other criteria. My favorite: https://thecentercolumn.com/rankings/volume-weighted-travel-tripod-ranking/
  17. March was a good month. 31 for 1677. (Not a whole lot happened in 1677. Except maybe: the future Mary II of England marries William of Orange.) wim
  18. It is not my setup, just an illustration of what the Novoflex looks like. I have described my search for a method here (where you also took part). I tested most lenses on my Olympus bellows, which is structurally much sturdier. But I bought it at that same time, thinking the slide attachment might come in handy at one point. As for bellows: in that Ikea case alone there are a Nikon bellows with a part hacked off (not by me): a GDR one; the Olypus one and the Novoflex. I'm sure I have some more. Albeit in parts maybe. Or broken; or both. Once in a while I get the tinkering bug. 😁 Currently adapting the A7R2 to my Sinar 4x5. (Conclusion: not really worth the effort, but an interesting project.) wim
  19. I have some of the Novoflex adapters. At least Nikon and Canon I believe. However this one was fitted with a fixed Minolta mount. Which is Sony A. So a Sony A to Sony EF (or the other way around) would do the trick. Also fixed is relative of course. Most fixed things can easily be un-fixed. 😁 wim
  20. I'm not convinced the ES2 is all that good for slides: The combination FH-5 plus ES-2 only allows to hold slide mounts with a thickness of 2mm or less. That is a terrible design flaw! (here) And here someone even says it's 1.7mm 1.7mm is the thickness of the Kodak paper mounts. Most normal mounts are 2.3mm or even thicker for glass mounts. Maybe people have 3d printed better solutions by now for the ES-2. Or made one out of cardboard. Otherwise it's just one of those slide copy attachments that's marketed a bit better. The holder for filmstrips looks good. Mine are from a long deceased Polaroid/Microtek scanner, and look similar. I have Nikon holders FH2 and 3 too, but I'm still using those with my Coolscan. The old Nikon ES1 was designed for a single mounted slide. They usually go for around $45 on Ebay, still a bit steep. People used the (also pricey, because: Nikon) FH2&3 filmstrip holders for the Coolscan with the ES1, which worked. The USP of the ES2 is the D850 I think, because of the built-in Negative Digitizing feature. 10-15 years ago these contraptions were everywhere and people made all sorts of thingies themselves, usually from Pringles tubes. Or clothes pins. This was before 3d printing of course. Before that they were part of your macro equipment, I have a nice Novoflex one that fit none of my current cameras, because it's for Minolta. My beautiful Olympus bellows sadly is missing this wonderful part. Frequently complete film duplicators from the analog era turn up on Ebay and at garage sales. I have two. Some come apart and the slide/film holder can be detached. Some even come with nice slide holders. Currently I'm using a copy stand, but for mounted slides this is overkill. wim edit: Maybe the slide holder for the old ES-28 will fit, they look very much alike. Otoh over at Nikonians.org, someone seems to have adapted the humble Es-28 to a regular lens.
  21. First 10 - 1798.02 Last 10 - 947.44 (=exceptionally high though) wim
  22. Wow! Garments/t-shirts Print run: up to 2,500 Never had that one before! Mid lower $$$ but distro. Napoleon obviously, stitched pano because of reflections. Museum merchandise or a T-shirt with I am the Emperor, and I want dumplings! Or both? Oh no wrong emperor, that was a German one. Wrong again: Austrian. wim edit: wrong emperor.
  23. You could try both for some: color corrected and with this very sixties slide feel. It is a great collection. I would certainly tell - or link to - some stories about him in the additional info. And maybe something about some of the cars as well, like auction sums fetched, if you can find it. wim
  24. Cyclists in the Kennemer Duinen, the dunes between where I live and the sea. Presentation or newsletter. $ +Two more though today, which is why I'm not complaining 😎: a PU and one from Malaga for mid $$$ which has been licensed before as a dps. Today was a good day! 🥂 wim
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