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Everything posted by wiskerke

  1. Great image Abiyoyo! - From Abiyoyo: "Ohh!" - "Run for your lives! Abiyoyo's coming!" He came to the sheep pasture, grabs a whole sheep, 'Yeowp!' Comes to the cow pasture, grabs a whole cow, 'Yeowp!' wim
  2. Hear hear! However: https://9to5mac.com/2021/07/01/british-right-to-repair-law/ wim
  3. Haha! The only ones I have ticked are: Beep When Done (important in my case) Export Clipboard (useful) Resize Image During Placing (debatable) The rest: Color Picker: Adobe HUD Color Picker: Hue Strip (Small) (this depends on your display and personal preference) Image Interpolation: Bicubic Automatic wim
  4. The 16GB will take care of most if not all problems. I have 32 and it flies. In Edit>Preferences: Under General, I have no boxes ticked. Under Advanced, I have no boxes ticked. Under Cache, I have every box ticked and Cache is at 256GB. Under Media Cache, I have the first box ticked: do not delete. It does mean you have to keep an eye out on disk space. And know what to delete if it runs out. Under Startup Scripts, I have everything ticked including some downloaded ones. This is the first page to un-tick if you never use any of these. wim edit: Oh and my C drive is an SSD. Hence the Cache at 256GB. edit 2: With 820 images in the current folder it uses 3.3GB at this moment. All Sony 42 megapixel images in RAW and full size JPG.
  5. No idea. I don't think I fully understand why either. The form action looks perfect. Now find out how to adapt it to Alamy's affiliate program and you'll be getting a larger piece of the fee. 😁 And probably even get a percentage when the client decides to go with an image of a competing colleague contributor. (Here we have one portmanteau word for competing colleague: conculega. Untranslatable. Even the Germans don't have it.) wim
  6. Try salesclerk in Google Translate. Choose a couple of different languages to translate into. It gives possible equivalents with some frequency info. All are very US and not very UK oriented. I tried French: saleswoman, seller, clerk, sales clerk, shopgirl, seller, vendor, dealer, salesman, salesperson, clerk. - and Spanish: dependent, employee, salesman, shop assistant, salesclerk, sales assistant, seller, vendor, salesman, trader, salesclerk, cattleman. Then I tried salesclerk in Thesaurus.com: agent auctioneer businessperson clerk dealer marketer merchant peddler representative retailer salesgirl salesman salesperson saleswoman shopkeeper storekeeper trader vender vendor sales help tradesperson Again more US than UK oriented, probably because of the word salesclerk. My guess after going through AoA is that clients look for shops and shoppers not sales persons. wim
  7. Only 25,459 images on Alamy with that keyword. 😂 Mostly images of the new type of lightbox btw, the ones with a message. Usually something like the best dad ever. (Only 2,169.) wim
  8. Lightboxes: https://www.alamy.com/blog/how-to-use-a-lightbox-to-share-ideas https://www.alamy.com/blog/how-to-create-a-lightbox-on-alamy And maybe have a look at Your Portfolio as well: https://www.alamy.com/blog/alamyportfolio wim
  9. Oops yes I forgot about that one. You only have to ask if you want to use it to update your keywords (or anything else) this way. wim
  10. Nice topic. Michelle Obama's first kitchen garden. Wheat field in Limburg province, The Netherlands. Cows in Paradise. wim
  11. I would like to add: Preferably the exact same file(s) you have uploaded. wim
  12. If it's only the metadata you're after, you can ask CR for a spreadsheet. wim
  13. Worldwide editorial, blah blah blah, social channels and DOOH when used in an editorial context and in owned media. I had to look up DOOH. Ok sounds grand enough. But the fee was not. As in less than a coffee in a Starbucks in London. However only for 5 years not tausendjährig 🥂. wim
  14. Have you signed up? Are you logged in? Go to your dashboard and press the upload button. Here tick the boxes that apply. In your case probably Stock and Photograph. If that fails: https://www.alamy.com/contributor/faqs/uploading-my-images/?section=3 Remember for your first 3 images: only 3 and do not wipe your metadata. wim
  15. There used to be exactly such a search box. It was a bit crude, with returning only 10 images at a time. But it worked. Has that been retired with the Affiliate program or when we got the Portfolio page? I don't see it anywhere. Anyway your Portfolio page contains a search box to search for only your images. wim
  16. The glitch started probably in the weekend of August 15 or a bit later that week. My views and zooms have roughly doubled. wim
  17. Yep everything is back in order. You have all been right and I was wrong. No returning summer dip. At least not with Measures. Maybe with the tech department. August has been a very normal month equal to July. Now back to bean re-counting. 😂 wim
  18. Yet another PU. Low $$ this time. Of my measly 17 sales last month 5 were also PU between mid $ and full price $$. Plus one Presentation. Plus 3 distributors. Makes 9 regular sales including one for 0.22 and one for 0.21. ... and falling. Leiden municipal windmill museum Molen De Valk btw. wim
  19. You're right about Wednesday. But I doubt if there will be a major correction over last two weeks. It could be that this year's dip coincides with last year's but is caused by something else. A massive Covid attack on Thiruvananthapuram or Abingdon? 📈 😷 wim
  20. My guess is that there's not much wrong with Measures. My views and zooms numbers are very low also but that was the case last year as well around this time. That was the first time I saw this sort of summer dip. In normal years my numbers went as low as this only in the 2 weeks around Christmas. I keep a weekly record of my own views and zooms. Until June last year I recorded daily views also. I started this right after the rigorous re-rank of December 5th 2016. At that point I was able to go back in time to December 1st 2015. So that's where my records start. wim
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