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Upload Limit?

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I've been trying to upload stock images using the new Image Manager, but no matter what I do, I cannot upload more than 3 images per submission.  After the third image loads, the browser window (Safari) freezes and I have to exit the session and start over again for the next three images.  Is anyone else seeing this issue?

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How long are you waiting? There have been times that images hang for me. Sometimes if I wait it out, it finally uploads after a minute.

But that was before the new AIM.

Used to, sometimes I could hit the pause button, then Resume, and it would go. But that was then, do we even have a pause/resume button now?

I didn't notice.

My first upload after the change took around 3 hours for 81 images. The rest since then have done ok.

Sorry I'm no better help.



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I had the same problem the other day. Trying to upload about a dozen images (via Safari) and it froze after the first two. Cancelled and re-tried a few times with the same result. Didn't seem to be just paused. Came back to it later that day and it worked. The odd glitch in the system?

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Regularly upload over 30 images at a time, mainly now using the new AIM upload, which has been totally reliable so far.

Indeed, no issues, whether using the new AIM in either Firefox/Chrome, or using ftp.....

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How long are you waiting? There have been times that images hang for me. Sometimes if I wait it out, it finally uploads after a minute.

But that was before the new AIM.





The first time, it was frozen for at least 45 minutes or so (I went out after I started the upload).  


Very frustrating...

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