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My Blog, or what am I doing it this digital world?

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The other day, a couple of people mentioned that they used to read my blog. So I wrote and posted a new thread. It's a little dark, but life can be dark. 


While I've been inactive for the past two years, Google has updated the blogger software. I managed to get the new blog on site. It looked okay, but now Google seems to have a lot of ads on my page, and I could not  see the entire illustration I posted. All I wanted to do was adjust the position and size of the image . . . but all hell broke loose. Now I need to edit the font and spacing of the title and I have no clue as to how to do that. 


I'm not really asking any of you for help, more I need to find someone at Google or on YouTube to help. any suggestions?  http://edoruan2.blogspot.com


Thanks, Ed 

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Mmmm - isn't there at all for me!


EDIT: ahh - there's a dot (period) missing in your link.


Blog looks absolutely fine to me, Ed.  Don't know about using blogger, though, so can't help there.  Might have a look later.  Hope the walk helps  :) !

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Yes, once the dot is in place it reads fine Ed.


Well written story, sorry to hear about your friend.


I have on occasion spoken to youths with their feet up on the seats of metro trains, but only in the heat of the moment. If I let myself have time to think I'll normally put discretion before valour.

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Thanks, all. I will be going back to my former position of only fighting to protect life and limb . . . which was the main point of my memoir. 


So how do you all view the blog's title: Mulberry Street by Ed Rooney, a view of downtown life in New York and afar--half thoughts, half truths and almost never totally silly. 


It's the Chinese New Year this weekend, the Year of the Horse. 

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Not sure if this will be any help Ed, but I can edit my BlogSpot by clicking 'layout' on the left side of the dashboard , then clicking 'edit' in the box I want to change. I also think you can also edit the title by clicking "settings", and in the basic settings the title is set out in a line with 'edit' next to it. Click the edit and the text comes up in a box.

Apologies if this is no help whatsoever!

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It sure sounds good. I seem to have picked up a bug with a bit of fever. God, I hope it's not Australian Koala Bear flu!  :huh: 


Not from me . . . whenever I correspond with my overseas friends I wear gloves, just in case  . . . ;)



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Ed, I've used Blogger for a number of years without too many problems. I think Carole's suggestions above re editing should work. My difficulty with blogging is that I inevitably run out of things to say, and my blogs fade into the depths of cyberspace, or I end talking to myself (which I already do anyway). I have a feeling that these won't be issues for you, though. Hope you're feeling better soon.

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it's really interesting seeing other peoples thoughts, view's and perspectives. From what i've seen, it looks like you have a very interesting life, when i get some time i'll read it more in depth.  



P.S. i did see just when i was flicking through one of the pages the text seems smaller than all the others. I'm not sure how to upload a screenshot on here (this form defeated me, i shall hang my head in shame) It's the page "6th November 2010"  


Apart from that, it's interesting, working and looking very good.+1 

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Ed, glad my concern was unfounded that I'd reached the end of your beautifully shared saga when, months ago, I read all your entries up to barber or vino optimistic.


Sad about Ronnie, which, also sadly, is all too easy for all too many to relate to.


The stupidest, by far, thing I ever did on NYC subway was start chatting with a sailor on leave when I was a (barely) 18-yr-old blond living, working in city the summer before college.


That both you and I exited our stops in one piece and alone, well.....


- Ann

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LOL.  But seriously - when he suggested getting off with me at my stop, I was sooo relieved he let it drop when I told him "my uncle was meeting me at the station." (no uncle, at the station or elsewhere in New York)

If either of my daughters ever did anything that idiotic back when they were teens, I don't even want to know about it.


That's what pretty 18-year old girls are supposed to do, Ann.  :)

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"Not sure if this will be any help Ed, but I can edit my BlogSpot by clicking 'layout' on the left side of the dashboard , then clicking 'edit' in the box I want to change. I also think you can also edit the title by clicking "settings", and in the basic settings the title is set out in a line with 'edit' next to it. Click the edit and the text comes up in a box.

Apologies if this is no help whatsoever!" -- Carole Lloyd


I'm going to try all this as soon as this virus backs off. Thanks


And thanks you, too, MM.

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It sure sounds good. I seem to have picked up a bug with a bit of fever. God, I hope it's not Australian Koala Bear flu!  :huh: 

OK, Ed...I'll bite..what is Australian Koala Bear flu?  BTW, koala bear is not correct.  They are not bears.  They are marsupials, delightful to look at but dangerous to cuddle which various visiting VIPs found to their regret when the cuddly creature peed on them.



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Sheila, the first thing you have to do is distract a Big Red, and when she looks a way you reach into her pouch an grab her joey. You run over to another big red (They can be taller than Mohammad Ali), a lonely looking one, and hand her the joey. Then you get a box jelly fish and play with it a bit. Only then do you hug the young koala, being careful of its sharp claws and pee. (They don't like you to call them marsupials, by the way.) Finally, you pet a common brown on the nose, and even if you don't get Australian Koala Bear Flu by then, you'll wish you had. 



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