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Sorry if this has been asked before.


I am looking into splitting my port into two pseudos and wondered which would be the best way to go.


  1. Do I move my good images into the new pseudo. i.e. Those which are viewed, zoomed, licensed most.
  2. Do I move my poor performing images into the new pseudo. i.e. Those which are viewed, zoomed, licensed least.

​Which way round did you do it, or consider the better way to go?



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The theory as I understand it. The new pseudonym will have a median ranking.


So if you are already on an above median ranking (how do you tell for sure, anyone know?) leave your good stuff (do you know which they are) in it and move the poorer stuff to the new (lower) median pseudonym.


If you have a low ranking (that was painfully clear to me) move your best stuff to the new median (higher) pseudonym.

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Allan, what I did was move poor-performing images and ones that don't seem to fit too well (e.g. "artsy" photos) in my general collection, which is mainly travel-related, into a new pseudonym. I confess to sweetening the pot with a few decent performers as well, in hopes of attracting some zooms. Today, my main pseudo (4175 images) has a CTR of 0.62, and my other pseudo (272 images) is 0.70, giving me an average of 0.66, which is above the current Alamy average of 0.63 for the past month. Even one zoom in the low-image-number pseudo can cause its CTR to rise significantly and boost my average CTR (if that means anything).


Don't know if this helps or just adds to the confusion. Good luck.

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Just for reference, if you play BHZ.   I have three pseudos.  One for also-ran B images (on page 24 of 25 BHZ).  One for images that have been zoomed or sold (page 2).  And a pseudo for freshly uploaded images I like (new median rank of page 19).  If your on page 18 or better, put the less salable stuff in a new pseudo.

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I think Martin's advice is spot on and exactly what I would have said if he hadn't got in first.  But I would add that it is easier to move the good/top performing images into a new pseudo than the poor ones as you just go through your sales and zooms and change those. Also with the lack of a re-reank there is some uncertainty as to what is going to happen anyway.



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Many thanks to all for your input. A bit of conflicting info so I will have to delve a bit deeper into status etc.


The last time I played BHZ I think my port was on page 23 but that was some time ago. Don't know what it is now so will try it again but as I removed the 'BHZ' from the image I was using I will have to select another and possibly have to wait for a new re-rank to occur.



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Many thanks to all for your input. A bit of conflicting info so I will have to delve a bit deeper into status etc.


The last time I played BHZ I think my port was on page 23 but that was some time ago. Don't know what it is now so will try it again but as I removed the 'BHZ' from the image I was using I will have to select another and possibly have to wait for a new re-rank to occur.



It is worth putting bhz into one of your images now to find out where your pseudo is ranked.  If you do it today then you will know tomorrow.  If it is below p19 then put your good images into the new pseudo then when/if there is a re-rank it should move well forwards.  If there isn't a re-rank then you still haven't lost anything.  I use this technique for creating new pseudos and it works very well.



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It's basically swings and roundabouts. Some years ago I tried putting all my zoomed/sold images in one pseudo. That ended up near the top of page one, the other was relegated to the last page. That meant the minority of my images (the "best") got viewed more and the others (the ones that hadn't been sold/zoomed YET) hardly ever got seen.



I gave up on that and now divide my images according to subject matter. I find it works much better for me. My studio images have remained near the top of page one for a few years, Travel images around the middle somewhere, nature lower down and new sport and news images still finding their level.


The truth is I find keywording some subjects a lot easier than others. Ranking is largely about how good you are at keywords and I find it much easier doing studio shots of coins, medals, lumps of rock and banknotes than outdoor shots including all sorts of people, architecture, abstract concepts, weather conditions etc. The ranks of my relative pseudos reflect this.

Whatever short-term benefit you get from the new pseudo having a median rank will disappear after the first reshuffle.

I think it's important to distinguish between long-term and short-term benefits from playing the pseudo game - this is a long-term business, as we all know.



(PS - If I knew which where my 'good' images, I wouldn't bother uploading the others. I find it safest to leave that up to the buyers).

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Many thanks to all for your input. A bit of conflicting info so I will have to delve a bit deeper into status etc.


The last time I played BHZ I think my port was on page 23 but that was some time ago. Don't know what it is now so will try it again but as I removed the 'BHZ' from the image I was using I will have to select another and possibly have to wait for a new re-rank to occur.



It is worth putting bhz into one of your images now to find out where your pseudo is ranked.  If you do it today then you will know tomorrow.  If it is below p19 then put your good images into the new pseudo then when/if there is a re-rank it should move well forwards.  If there isn't a re-rank then you still haven't lost anything.  I use this technique for creating new pseudos and it works very well.





Thanks Pearl I will do that now, BHZ I mean.



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It's basically swings and roundabouts. Some years ago I tried putting all my zoomed/sold images in one pseudo. That ended up near the top of page one, the other was relegated to the last page. That meant the minority of my images (the "best") got viewed more and the others (the ones that hadn't been sold/zoomed YET) hardly ever got seen.



I gave up on that and now divide my images according to subject matter. I find it works much better for me. My studio images have remained near the top of page one for a few years, Travel images around the middle somewhere, nature lower down and new sport and news images still finding their level.


The truth is I find keywording some subjects a lot easier than others. Ranking is largely about how good you are at keywords and I find it much easier doing studio shots of coins, medals, lumps of rock and banknotes than outdoor shots including all sorts of people, architecture, abstract concepts, weather conditions etc. The ranks of my relative pseudos reflect this.

Whatever short-term benefit you get from the new pseudo having a median rank will disappear after the first reshuffle.

I think it's important to distinguish between long-term and short-term benefits from playing the pseudo game - this is a long-term business, as we all know.



(PS - If I knew which where my 'good' images, I wouldn't bother uploading the others. I find it safest to leave that up to the buyers).



Thank you Phil for your thoughts.



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Allan, just remember that it will take 24 hours for your BHZ to show up in the collection. 


Good luck, Edo


Thanks Ed. Hows the weather in NYC now?



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-3.33 C, which is warmer than yesterday or the day before, but it's damp and windy, so it feels colder. But save your sympathy for Linda; The entire Midwest is frozen. I can't get myself to carry a camera; it all looks so dark and negative and depressing. I'll get back to you with more complaints soon.  :ph34r:

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We haven't had a re-rank in a very, very long time. I don't know if that is because there is going to be a change, but I would be reluctant to judge my position right now. It could be page 23 now and then if there is a re-rank it could go to page 5 and leave you with the new pseudo lower instead of higher. I'm not sure I'm making sense but that's my thinking now that we may get a re-rank at any moment.



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We haven't had a re-rank in a very, very long time. I don't know if that is because there is going to be a change, but I would be reluctant to judge my position right now. It could be page 23 now and then if there is a re-rank it could go to page 5 and leave you with the new pseudo lower instead of higher. I'm not sure I'm making sense but that's my thinking now that we may get a re-rank at any moment.



If that happens he could very quickly and easily move them all back into the original pseudo using the batch feature in Manage Images.  It means he has wasted his time making the change in the first place but nothing lost otherwise.  And goodness knows if we will ever get a re-rank - it has never been over 2 months late to my recollection.



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Hello folks, just to let you know that I put BHZ in image description yesterday, as I said I would, and find I have moved from page 23 up to page 14 of 26. That seems to be quite a jump.


What to do now/where do I go from here/ what do you good people think?



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Hello folks, just to let you know that I put BHZ in image description yesterday, as I said I would, and find I have moved from page 23 up to page 14 of 26. That seems to be quite a jump.


What to do now/where do I go from here/ what do you good people think?



Hmmm.  Definitely not a good idea to put your best performers into a new pseudo.  More time consuming but you could transfer the worst performers instead.  I tend to do it gradually when going through measures.  If I am aware that an old image keeps popping up but is never clicked on or sold then I demote it.



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Hello folks, just to let you know that I put BHZ in image description yesterday, as I said I would, and find I have moved from page 23 up to page 14 of 26. That seems to be quite a jump.


What to do now/where do I go from here/ what do you good people think?



Hmmm.  Definitely not a good idea to put your best performers into a new pseudo.  More time consuming but you could transfer the worst performers instead.  I tend to do it gradually when going through measures.  If I am aware that an old image keeps popping up but is never clicked on or sold then I demote it.





Thank you for your advice Pearl. Images not being clicked or sold - most of my port.





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Hi Allan - with the size of your portfolio I do not think that it matters. You seem to be at about average on the BHZ measure which is what you would expect for a collection of about 1900 images. I use 4 pseudos and it works for me. The only unknown is what is happening with the reranking. It makes sense to split your images before then to get the benefit.




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dov, you are thinking along the same lines as me. After discovering that my port is on page 14 I am wondering if it worth splitting across more pseudos, at least till I manage to increase the size of my port a lot more, then go from there.


Still wondering if Jeff G is on one pseudo or more.



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