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$250,000 gross income reached.

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5 hours ago, Doc said:

Hi Geoff S,

For the past 5 years, taking the gross income and dividing by the average number of images over that time the average is $6.7 gross per image, so clearly figures skewed by prices in the early Alamy career.

Note that for each year my figures for gross income approximate $1 per image per year these days, which is a slightly different statistic - thats getting worse very year :( as prices fall generally



Thanks Kumar, very interesting though ,as you say, confirms what is the unfortunate reality

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  • 4 months later...

For the past 5 years, taking the gross income and dividing by the average number of images over that time the average is $6.7 gross per image (...)
Note that for 
each year my figures for gross income approximate $1 per image per year these days


These numbers are very similar to mine. And it's a bit worrying, IMHO. Let's do some math. $6.7 gross per image means  $3,35 net. To take, develop, check, upload, and keyword properly an image require about 10 minutes in my case. So I can reasonably produce about 6 images per hour, which corresponds to about $20 before tax (and about $15 after tax) per hour of work (I am not considering travelling time and expenses and the equipment costs, though). That's barely acceptable, from a ROI point of view. If prices keep on falling and the total number of photos available on Alamy will grow much further, it will be quickly no longer profitable for many, me included.
Though, as 
geogphotos said many times, to make a revenue is not the primary reason many people contribute to Alamy...
That said, your achievement is truly remarkable, Kumar!

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2 hours ago, riccarbi said:


These numbers are very similar to mine. And it's a bit worrying, IMHO. Let's do some math. $6.7 gross per image means  $3,35 net. To take, develop, check, upload, and keyword properly an image require about 10 minutes in my case. So I can reasonably produce about 6 images per hour, which corresponds to about $20 before tax (and about $15 after tax) per hour of work (I am not considering travelling time and expenses and the equipment costs, though). That's barely acceptable, from a ROI point of view. If prices keep on falling and the total number of photos available on Alamy will grow much further, it will be quickly no longer profitable for many, me included.
Though, as 
geogphotos said many times, to make a revenue is not the primary reason many people contribute to Alamy...
That said, your achievement is truly remarkable, Kumar!


My relationship with Alamy (and stock in general) is somewhat symbiotic. It helps me get out and about and keeps me interested in the hobby knowing that on occasion I'll sell a photo I took, which would otherwise just sit on my hard drive and maybe adorn my desktop for a few months. On occasion I will also go out and "shoot for stock" as well which keeps me sharp. I find if I put the camera down for much more than a couple of weeks I start to get sloppy so it's important to stay current and stock helps me do that. As you say though, being under the impression that it's "worth it" is something that I've never had, and if I was doing it just for the cash it would be a miserable existence. I'm grateful for the hobby and how it gets me out and active and the sales are icing on the cake but forget doing it for anything other than pocket change. Mega congrats to the OP though in what is quite a milestone.

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Truly amazing! Did you even set a goal or visualise this will happen?  

One lesson we all can take back is to keep shooting and posting up. Hard work eventually pay off, seen a few here gave up halfway when they are only just months into it.

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12 hours ago, rickygui said:

Truly amazing! Did you even set a goal or visualise this will happen?  

One lesson we all can take back is to keep shooting and posting up. Hard work eventually pay off, seen a few here gave up halfway when they are only just months into it.

Not at all, but I started back in 2004 and have over 26K images on sale now. 


At the start things were slow, but I did get some sales and was determined to not give up. I was inspired by others who had already done well, particularly the sadly late Keith Morris (RedSnapper) who many on the forum will know, who famously used his Alamy income to pay off his mortgage/buy his house. 


Gives you something to aim at! 


Very much more difficult now, if starting relatively recently, It is very much a numbers game, though decent images and particularly good keywording is also very important!


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