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Unauthorised use - actual wallpaper

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I found a couple of my images on this site which sells actual wallpaper (not pc wallpaper). Helpfully they say the Alamy watermark will not appear on the final product. I’ve not sold a licence for this or the other image. I’ve reported to Alamy as potential unauthorised use. Maybe I’d get a licence fee IF someone bought wallpaper based on my images?


Anyone else seen their images on this site?



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1 hour ago, Mr Standfast said:

Yes, many, many alamy images. I'm guessing it's a distributor type of deal? 


It is either a very elaborate hack or an authorised outlet for specialised POD images, with which Alamy has cooperated. I suspect the latter. 


The site seems to have access to the vast majority of Alamy images and using a search term (I used 'Bolton') the search returns largely the same images in the same order on both this site and the Alamy site. In addition, no attempt has been made to curate the images available through the customwallpaper site; images which are really not suitable for anybody's wall are returned in the search. If I was nicking images to create a site such as this I would at least made sure I nicked images which made saleable wallpaper!


I will be interested to hear what Alamy say in the morning, and even more interested to hear if anybody has sold any images used in this way and how much they got for them.

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25 minutes ago, Gordon Scammell said:

It would be quite useful if Alamy could let us know if this site was legit.

My thoughts exactly - i’ll report back when I get a response  from Alamy. 

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1 hour ago, Joseph Clemson said:


It is either a very elaborate hack or an authorised outlet for specialised POD images, with which Alamy has cooperated. I suspect the latter. 


The site seems to have access to the vast majority of Alamy images and using a search term (I used 'Bolton') the search returns largely the same images in the same order on both this site and the Alamy site. In addition, no attempt has been made to curate the images available through the customwallpaper site; images which are really not suitable for anybody's wall are returned in the search. If I was nicking images to create a site such as this I would at least made sure I nicked images which made saleable wallpaper!


I will be interested to hear what Alamy say in the morning, and even more interested to hear if anybody has sold any images used in this way and how much they got for them.

What’s POD?

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I do believe that Alamy did strike up a deal with the wallpaper site but can't find the info.







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The site does say the price includes the image cost, so presumably it is a genuine business and it does search the Alamy database. One good thing is that it cannot be novel use fees, as my images appear and I am not in that scheme. 

I think they buy the image licence as and when an order is placed.

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I have a load of images on this site too. But I think it is a genuine re-seller or at least they intend to pay for any images they use. The reason I say this is because when looking at their site on a  PC, on the left-hand side it says:



This price includes image cost.


I (and Alamy) also appear to be fully credited. The fact that they go to these lengths of saying that their price includes the cost of the image and that they credit us/alamy makes me think they they are doing their best to be as transparent as possible and above board.

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Hi, email from the Alamy team this morning confirms they have a distributor type relationship with this site. If our images get used we will be paid for them.



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