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Everything posted by wiskerke

  1. You didn't happen to have your spade at hand? I stood next to my grandfather once in his backyard when we spotted a rat running along a board. He reached behind him for his spade, the one we call a German spade and the Germans call an Idealspaten (though that's a brand name): a heavy rather narrow very sharp blade with a long handle and a T shaped end. It's for clay. He swung it forward in one smooth motion and it flew, blade forward, six or seven meters cutting the rat in two. He must have had lots of practice. He was in his late sixties, I was about 15. wim edit: a spade like this
  2. Lovely article. Those innocent holidaymakers. With their private jet. <> several nationalities including Croatian, German, French, Romanian and Ukrainian, <> The men, aged 40-50, and women, aged 23-25. <> I'll let the nnww to you guys. wim
  3. That's pretty much what I remember. Dust on the sensor means streaks. No streaks: no dust on the sensor. A dusty mirror will show as if you've used a soft filter on all your images. Besides getting dusty the mirror can gets fogged probably because of some of the plastics gassing out. A blower may not work. In that case: just clean it like you would a dslr sensor. Maybe the sensor can get some of the fog too. Dust and fogging was much worse on the Nikon Coolscan btw. There used to be a good step by step instruction on the web somewhere. - Sorry, cannot find it. wim
  4. When Mozart was my age, he had been dead for 31 years. wim edit: ref
  5. It's called personal/home use. With everybody working from home this may be leading to some confusion. 🤣 wim
  6. There are only 4 images for Ace Hotel New Orleans when I search for that on Alamy? Not pages. And all 4 are very recent, probably all shot as a reaction to the wants list. When I prepared my visit to New Orleans a couple of months ago, there were none, but I noticed that one of Alamy's clients had images (not from Alamy) of that hotel. I figured that this may have been the original search. Although the Ace was like around the corner of our hotel, I did not shoot it. Now if you compare those images that are on Alamy with the ones the client used. Which would you prefer? And could you do better or at least as good? If yes, go ahead and shoot it. And shoot lots of other hotels. There are quite a few in New Orleans. They may well be very happy with you checking them out. wim
  7. Some of us may remember the last recession. And that was one without any physical threat. Let's hope this one is over sooner. But let's do the math: this thing will be half way if they not only have found a cure or a vaccine, but have made it available to all of us at a reasonable cost. Half way because that's when the recovery will start. Hmmm let's maybe not do the math. ☹️ 😂 wim
  8. Why bother? Try the side by side panel in the review of the xt2 on dpreview: https://www.dpreview.com/reviews/fujifilm-x-pro2/7 set it to RAW and the second camera to the Canon 5d. You can download the full RAW files. Try 800 iso as well. Maybe even select another older camera like the Nikon 810 or the Sony A7R2. The Sony will fit any lens you will pick up or diy yourself - with a cheap adapter from Ebay or even some gaffer tape. The 5d is cheap for a reason. wim
  9. Ah. That's strange. Showing / directing to what the competition is offering. All the more reason for offering 50% off I would say. I used to see the twitter feed on the dashboard page, but this has stopped a long time ago. The empty space is still there and there's a link to https://twitter.com/AlamyContent (which I never use). Looking for Alamy discount on twitter brought up nothing recent. wim
  10. I saw the Alamy discount on this blog: Discounted Creative Assets and Tools for Designers During the Coronavirus. It's also a list of what the competitors are offering. Btw If I had to set a discount I would have chosen 50%. Anyway the offer ends May 31. That seems overly optimistic to me. wim
  11. LOL! No the Russians have it. (No kidding.) wim edit: my house is worse - I have no cellar.
  12. Sorry I can only be of help with the paper editions: it's not in either of them. The Daily Telegraph Sydney of 2019-04-11 had the article about Rxxxn Exxxxxt but with a different image of a McDonalds Kiosk, same sort of crop, now with a woman's arm pointing. The Gold Coast Bulletin ran the article on 2018-12-04 by Ann Wason Moore about robots or kiosks, but with an image of a Turkish humanoid robot. Here are some you have probably found already: https://n2fdata.org/dining-experience2/ https://occupation-of-independence.blogspot.com/2019/02/our-digital-menu-driven-world.html (with Alamy watermarks). wim
  13. Thanks for including one of mine. That's a difficult choice this time! wim
  14. I'm not in Australia, but I'm not seeing a paywall yet. The search function seems to work. Do you have a specific date or article you're looking for or just the image? wim
  15. Grand Canyon Desert View Watchtower - Architect: Mary Colter, 1932 North America - Editorial - Magazine - print 300,000, digital and electronic $$$ On the web the Canyon has been cropped out. wim
  16. I was thinking that we had discussed his methods here a couple of years ago, but couldn't find it, at least not searching for levon biss, or oxford museum. wim
  17. wim edit: http://microsculpture.net/ https://levonbiss.com/
  18. Not bad. Interesting! While I'm listening to my 40 odd versions of Bach's Matthäus Passion I can see where that's coming from. My personal favorite in that field is this young Dutch/NZ band, My Baby: They have played Glastonbury a couple of times. There's an introduction video here. The best part is towards the end where they're showing how they achieve their sound. I was introduced to them by this photographer/guitarist friend of mine who died last year. Months before corona. He was 70 years old. So I'm not the only old geezer who likes this band and can't sit still. OK back to Bach now. - It's that time of year again. wim
  19. Graduation day in Edinburgh - Worldwide - Educational book - $$ Maybe I should check my keywords for diversity and something to denote that women are doing better than men in education. wim
  20. Another nice one here. Much older: 2014. As it's the European Anthem it's not as popular as it once was, when it simply was the Ode to Joy. Last Sunday in Amsterdam students played the St Matthew Passion on their balconies. Very short video here. Singing songs while washing hands inspired one of my favorite newspaper columnists to suggest The End by the Doors to her children as it's 11:48 min. That'll teach them! Here the 3:48 min. version. That'll do. My favorite German singer songwriter Reinhard Mey yesterday posted this short video of a short living room concert. He once made fun of the Ode to Joy at the end of this song here. Ok one more for our German listeners out there 😁. The Doors did this with the same title: Ship of Fools. I'm with MarkK: The end of the world by REM; With Dyn Llun: that Tom Lehrer song. Well all of them. My favorite version of that Dylan song: this one sung by Pete Seeger. Once his mentor; once his adversary; still his admirer at 92 (in this video - he died when he was 94). After all this it's clear that Youtube knows a thing about me and my future. It suggests Comment Te Dire Adieu ! Which is a great song, but let's hope it's a bit too soon for that. wim
  21. You're not shooting film are you? So why not correct it in post. Takes about 5 seconds. If you insist in doing it in camera: turn on the level or virtual horizon plus the checker board or guide lines or whatever your camera display is offering. However the problem you will often encounter when standing in front of a shop window with all lines straight, is that your reflection will turn up right in the middle. A solution to this would be a shift lens. Or stepping aside a bit, shooting skewed and correct it in post. Which is where we started. 😁 Ok one more possibility: do turn on the virtual horizon (Fuji-speak) plus the guide lines and hold your camera at waist level with two hands on either side; tilt up your display and look down Rolleiflex/Hasselblad style. It's really stable and if you hold your hands underneath the camera with your thumbs on top, squeezing the release button with your right one, there's much less risk in dipping the camera to the side while you press the release button. Added bonus: you look much less conspicuous than with a camera in front of your face. wim
  22. That was at the official service center. I had it done twice - once a M1 and once a M2. They may have introduced a blanket 350 fee now for everything like Nikon. Meaning for the earlier versions it's almost always cheaper to buy a good used one. Anyway, from that low 60 or 65 euro fee it was clear that it must have been a very simple procedure for them. wim
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