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Everything posted by wiskerke

  1. Ah the Fotosnaipr! Ha my Novoflex 600mm looks a lot like a bazooka. 😁 youtube on sonyrumours (with a french accent) (I have both versions with a 400 and a 600mm plus a shoulder rest, a bit like the Sniper. Which makes it look even worse.) We have the same terminology here. Both the English shoot or photo shoot as well as een foto or een plaatje schieten (shooting an image). Because very few people here have guns there's no real connotation of firing a gun. Personally I do not use shooting in connection with photography, but when I'm about with one of my super long selfie sticks, I use fishing for images a lot. (Still waiting for a German tourist to wish me Petri Heil! The traditional German fisherman's greeting: Hail Saint Peter. To which I can then answer Petri Dank! ) wim
  2. The white car in the middle reads F O R D ? It's a mid sixties 1964 Galaxie 500. wiki image wim
  3. At least more storage; 1TB minimum; I would go for 2 now. Remember all your programs will live on there as well. More memory is also better. 16Gb is fine for now, but nothing of the hardware is upgradable (Ifixit). Adding the 32Gb and 2Tb will set you back another 1000,- . Ouch. Which is why it's not upgradable. These are very standard components in spite of what Apple wants us to believe. And they are still way overpriced. (A decent 32Gb memory module is under 150,- and Apple wants an extra 400,- to go from 16 to 32Gb. Making it 5 times more expensive? A 2Tb SSD is $600,- more, but a very decent 2TB SSD on it's own is between 250 and 300,-. Yes I know Apple has taken the chips that go inside all of this and are soldering them on the main board by themselves. And we could never do that. But that could still be seen as a trick to make us pay through our noses. And not as a feature to make it smaller and lighter. Which it also is.) Yes I do use external drives too. But as a backup. And I somehow think that adding all those defy what that sleek beautiful Apple is all about. But hey I have 2 older aluminum 15 inch MacBook Pro's lying around here with 512 hdd and I'm taking an old plasticky beat up cheap windows laptop with me for travel. The old plastic one only weighs 1300 gram; doesn't look like it's worth stealing and holds twice as many images, because I have upgraded it to 8GB/1TB for very little money. But the MacBooks make me a pro when I get them from my bag. Nobody can see it's only 4GB/512GB. And as slow as my beat up plastic windows toy. (Honestly it's from a toy shop. But Aldi has sold the same.) wim
  4. Free money, what's not to like. 😁 Clever move. We're all in consumer economies now. Having a good machine in your current situation is clearly important. Still I would bulk it up some more. And check beforehand if you like that 6K for editing. wim
  5. Looks a bit like my setup. With a wallet sized 2 TB. And a stack of 5TB's at home. wim
  6. But that would have had Calendar as the usage. One of mine was Television. Are we missing a huge crash of the Dollar or the Pound somewhere? 😂 wim
  7. Clearly an image from before Corona/Covid. One of 7 today. Jay! Oops three of those are refunds/resales of yesterday's five. The rest will probably follow. All 3 distro to Germany btw but different usage. (Scratching head.) Earlier on a re-fund for a $$ PU. Now a different PU for $. (More head scratching.) So only one today, just minutes ago. Not this one, this is one of the three distro's all about Amsterdam. It's an electric boat with a girls wine party on the Amstel River with the Magere Brug /Skinny Bridge. From my own electric boat, an inflatable dinghy. Mid $$ - direct mail and travel brochure. Maybe the German distributor has some Corona discount going on. Or Alamy has some sort of Corona discount going on for German distributors. 😷 wim
  8. Chevy Blazer of course. Somewhere I have a b/w image of me with one foot inside and leaning on the door with that huge exact same rear view mirror. That was taken around 1975. wim
  9. It depends a bit on what cameras you use, because for me that 512 ssd would fill up in under 2 weeks now. So for travel I have used a 1TB since almost 2 years now and are looking for replacement. I use an older Sony 42 megapixel camera plus a couple of 20 megapixel RX100-s. These however are sometimes set to continuous and at 24 fps their 128Gb cards fill up quicker than the 64Gb card in the A7R2. The 10-bit screen would be really nice to have. My workstation at home is 10 bit throughout, which is quite costly. If that's not a big deal for you, the 10 bit is what makes the whole setup twice as expensive. With 10-bit you do get better gradients in the sky though. The 6K may or may not be a pleasant thing to work with. It's great for viewing video, but for editing I prefer good old 72 dpi and my images at 100 or 200%. So I would not order one unless I had tried using Photoshop on it. Btw True Tone must be disabled if you're viewing or editing images for stock or clients. Or if you value true colors. Which True Tone contrary to what the words mean to ordinary people is not. It's a technique that Apple said it was new in 2016 when it appeared on their iPhones and iPads, but I had it on my 2014 Samsung phone and it was not new then. At Samsung it's called adaptive display. Which is what it is: it changes color when colors around you change. Meaning to adapt to the color of the light of course, but that will only work in a neutral white, grey or black room. I have it disabled on my phone also - I don't read in bed. If you are like me and only view your images on the road and store them for editing at home, a £500 laptop with almost the same specs would be quite sufficient. If however this is your main machine and are mainly traveling, this would be the machine to get, but with a much larger ssd. Also think about how long you have used your current laptop. Will you have the same camera throughout the same period from now on? I wouldn't. So on my workstation the memory is now 32Gb and can be enlarged to 128. It is 8Gb on my laptop, which is now as slow as a snail. Luckily it has USB 3 and that fast ssd. wim
  10. And that's not because you sold your iPhone 😂 Do you mean a regular Alamy sale vs an iPhone (Stockimo) sale on Alamy? Or an Alamy sale vs an iPhone sale elsewhere? wim
  11. A very wise thing (well just following Google's best practices) was to include a description in the file name of the image on the zoom page. Try one of your own; go to the zoom page and click view image. If it's not allowing a right click, use Shift-right click. Now check the file name of that image in the address bar or in your file manager if you download it. If you compare it with your file in AIM, you'll know where it comes from. That firmly links the image to the text, which is what Google likes. And there's image recognition. For the Google images best practices, click on the link in that article from your initial post: Google Images best practices When I do it, I get the text in Dutch, so not very helpful here. The copyright part of metadata is a vital part of fighting illegal use. And necessary for billing. It's against the law to strip copyright data from images (chapter III article 7 here). If I was Alamy, I would put not just my copyright data in every image file, but my contact info as well. Maybe even with something like: if you want to use this file in any way, please contact us at: sales@alamy.com. Maybe even put a phone number in there. (Remember that Gallup poll about what was the most effective election speech? The one where the candidate actually asked at the end: would you please vote for me. - Ok I do, but for the life of me I cannot find it. Does it really exist? Urban PR/marketing legend? 😕) wim
  12. Alamy strips all metadata from images on the site. Only images that go out to the client have some metadata. People that do not see the implications of this can not be saved I'm afraid. wim
  13. I am an android user too. Android smartphone. Mine is an old Samsung S5 mini. wim
  14. GT7CF8 - Edinburgh Who needs Photoshop if you can just go there? E8W4JR - Otago region NZ KK512B - I-80 West through Bonneville Salt Flats near Wendover Utah wim
  15. The Wimpy in your image was in a building on the corner of the Rembrandtplein, Korte Regulierdwarsstraat and Reguliersbreestraat. It's now a Flying Tiger shop. Before it was a Wimpy, it was the self-service annex (across the street) to an Amsterdam afternoon tea favorite called Ruteck's. I've been there often with my mother. The address is Rembrandtplein 2 btw. I have never been to this Wimpy however. And that's because just steps away in the Regulierdwarsstraat there was and still is the really good lunch institution Eetsalon Van Dobben. Just steps away because it's a very short (Korte=short) street. In your image it's to the left. Traditional lunch here is bun with kroket (croquette) and a glass of milk. They do have cheese and pastrami and even fries, but the humble broodje kroket is their claim to fame. Take a note of it, just in case you should pass through this neck of the woods. Better: give me a shout and I'll join you, as it's by far my favorite lunch place. No way Wimpy could ever hold a candle to that one. Here's an image of the tearing down of Wimpy's predecessor in November 1968. Here's an image from the city archives. According to the caption it's from the opening on June 13 1969. However all the other info mentions March 1st as the opening date. In 1969 there were already 53 Wimpy restaurants in Holland. On Wikipedia. No mentioning of Albert Heijn here. But here's the beautiful first Wimpy in Amsterdam on the Leidsestraat 77 on the heritage site of the Albert Heijn company. It opened in 1963 (Albert Heijn history). Btw I have been an intern next door at the Canon Photo Gallery on Leidsestraat 79. (See Holland is a village.) This is a shot on Twitter from 1982, when Wimpy was still there on the Rembrandtplein. This book mentions that the then owner of that Wimpy (it's a franchise) lost money on it or maybe even went bankrupt in 1983. The last Wimpy in The Netherlands closed in 1985 in Zandvoort. The McDonalds in the Regulierbreedstraat is actually the back door of the McDonalds on the Muntplein 9. It opened in 1973. Before that it was a printing business, mainly of securities, Van Mantgem. Surprisingly some of it's work is on Alamy. Even it's end is on Alamy: it burned down in May 1972. And here's is the source of that image on Alamy. Otherwise it's from Wikimedia here. The image shows the backdoor on the Regulierbreestraat. The front of the building on the Muntplein is on Alamy too (and one more), but as the current McDonalds. (Note the number 9 of Muntplein 9 now on the top of the facade.) So there you have it: Wimpy is still there until 1983 and McDonalds is there from 1973 onwards. Right and about my own name: Wimpy - here one would write Wimpie - is the diminutive of Wim. Wim is short for William -here: Willem. In my case it is Wilhelmus. (Which is also the Dutch national anthem. 😁) I was named after both my grandmothers who were called Wilhelmina. (I was called after both my grandfathers too: my 2 middle names.) wim
  16. You know of course that Wimpy is the diminutive for Wim 😉 I know them well. Not far from my birthplace. And I think you are correct about the Rembrandtplein. The Mac is opposite of the Cineac in the Reguliersbreestraat and you are looking at the Munt tower with the lights there at the end. I'll look into the history tonight. wim
  17. Congratulations Losdemas! Thanks everybody for voting! wim
  18. Absolutely. It works with an app called Imaging Edge Mobile on your smartphone. Initially it was a different app called PlayMemories which is not supported anymore. Edge Mobile here. Now the caveat: If you use the smart remote on your older Sony camera, some settings like RAW/JPG and file size must be set from within the app when it's running. Very convoluted. These are the cameras with a tab application list and downloadable apps, which have now been abandoned. The menu structure however has been retained including the dual setup. The cameras with newer firmware/newer menu structure, have a setting control with smartphone. This does not have the dual setup problem. It has however problems with making or keeping a connection. Not always though. It may even have been solved via one of the updates. It also from time to time forgets the cameras that it is supposed to be connecting to. So once in a while you're being asked for the password or the QR code. If there's no QR code showing on the camera, it has missed a firmware update. There are things that must be set on the phone: Mainly download images or not or smaller size downloads (jpg only). The rest can be set from within the app afaik. What smart remote or Imaging Edge Mobile can do depends on the camera. Some will only operate in full auto, others can be operated fully manual too and everything in between. What I am missing is a bracketing function. It can be done by hand via the exposure correction, but I want a simple link to the setting in the camera. wim
  19. Let's hope it's one of these and that it's not because we've lost some of them to the virus. My guess is that it's the recession combined with the quarantine/lock-down that drives people towards possible online sources of additional income. Plus maybe the house and the yard have been cleaned by now and people reading this sort of thing are just trying their luck. wim
  20. Or put your rejected images somewhere online at 100%. Maybe with a watermark. Make sure it is the exact same file, not altered by the platform like on Flickr. Then put a link here. wim
  21. Alamy said here it will take 3-4 weeks. So how long have you been waiting? And yes not every country is as intelligent in dealing with this crisis as Sweden is. (I am not in the UK either, and here we have called it an intelligent lock-down, but our true numbers are much higher than the statistics.) wim
  22. Richard Wareham can very easily be found using Google. The first entries are his site on PhotoDeck and his LinkedIn presence. There are however other Richards Wareham. Like the one on GitHub and the one playing rugby. Who may be the same person, but I doubt it. Funky (his pseudo here) did a long walkabout down under before Corona. He came home on the last flight out. He sort of blogs on LinkedIn. Images from his last trip can be accessed through there as well. (I'm guessing he will not mind me posting this.) wim edit: he didn't 😎
  23. Is it impossible to change a vote? wim
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