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Everything posted by wiskerke

  1. https://goo.gl/maps/9XCkNFzKHZKzCJnV9 wim edit: maybe one meter to the left
  2. wiskerke

    Forum Link

    This is what it looks like: wim
  3. wiskerke

    Forum Link

    On the frontpage of Alamy, go to the link that says Contributor homepage. Then go to the link that says Join the discussion on our forums. If you go to your Dashboard page, go the link that says Help. Now to make matters worse, there are two buttons called Help. You need the one on the line: Tools: Alamy Image Manager;Account balance; Sales history; Help From there it's like from the front page. wim
  4. Hi Chris, Sorry, I'm not Sheila nor a Sheila 😁, The popup help text on your portfolio page says this: Contributor Portfolio Introduction: You can now curate and share your Alamy image collection through your portfolio page. Your portfolio page will display your images and you can personalise it by adding a bio, profile photo and cover image. How to share your portfolio: You can share a link to your portfolio page by clicking on 'Share this portfolio' underneath your bio. The first time you share this you can personalise your URL, but once you've chosen your personalisation and shared the link you won't be able to change this again. How to curate your first page: Your first page will automatically be displayed with your most recent uploads at the top, but you can curate this. You can move images around by using the 'drag and drop' feature and can move images to the top of the page by clicking 'move to top'. You'll find both features by hovering over the images with your mouse. How to create galleries: You can create a new gallery by clicking the '+' tab next to 'All Images'. To add images simply select 'curate gallery' which will bring up all images in your collection which you can search through and add by clicking 'add to gallery'. Once you've added images to a gallery you can curate them how you would your first page. How to share galleries: Once you're in a gallery you can share a link to this by clicking on the 3 horizontal lines to the right of the gallery title and selecting 'share' from the dropdown menu. This popup text is located under the button Get help setting up your page at the top of your portfolio page in edit mode. You have to be logged in and you can reach it from your dashboard page. wim
  5. And if you see that your images are being squashed, just check that box Keep original aspect ratio. To see the checkbox: double click the image after you have inserted it here. This also works for thumbnails that have been dragged and dropped: box not ticked. box checked. wim
  6. Try deleting a pseudo that's in use. (If it's in use, it will say - in use in the Manage pseudonym window.) A pop-up warning will appear: This pseudonym is in use and cannot be deleted. And indeed it's impossible to delete a pseudonym that has images in it. wim
  7. Machine for punching dog tags. Dog tag punch machine. There will be probably be a correct UK English name for it. Maybe at the V&A? I would also include vending machine. wim
  8. Did you double click on your image after you saw it was squashed? That's where the little check box is. As I said, not many people are aware it's there. You do have to turn back to the editor box first, because as long as that magnifying glass is active, there's nothing you can do, which is annoying, but that's the way it is. This has probably been done so that it looks and works the same in all browsers on all platforms. Does anybody know where the help function of this forum app is? I seem to remember there has been one. wim
  9. They should have kept the fireman and the stoker on the train. 😎 wim
  10. [insert picture of something religious here] 😁 Examination papers - print and electronic - lower $$ Media: Examination papers - print and electronic Print run: up to 10,000 Placement: Inside Image Size: 1 page Start: 16 October 2020 End: 16 October 2025 wim
  11. I know they have very old trains in the UK, but from before the wheel was invented? 😁 wim
  12. Manipulation is not forbidden under Alamy's contract. Theft is, so that's the question there if it's been nicked from that newspaper and not honestly bought from Getty or Alamy, will it count as fair use? It's election season after all. 🎃 wim 😱
  13. I can recommend his book Obama An Intimate Portrait. Great photography! I have not seen the Tale of the Two Presidents yet. wim
  14. See if you can guess whose image has been used on twitter here: Here is the answer 😂 wim
  15. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-04-24/want-a-better-roi-these-six-plants-make-up-a-high-margin-garden wim
  16. Some music with that: What is love suite - The Collectors (Can) -excerpt. Warning: 1968! 😎 wim
  17. Thank you! There are some I have never seen. The trainspotter is a different Wiskerke and I'll have to look up the one that's from Getty, but it's not me. Some people nick my keywords though and I used to have my name in it. wim
  18. 2B6R0XW 2 is here on Alamy already as a stereo pair. (just google) wim
  19. When you desaturate the color version, you do get something very similar to the b/w version. However the b/w version is very soft and OOF compared to the color one. So it's hard to be sure in Photoshop. Just in case the color version could be the original and the b/w the copy, this is what an autochrome, the color process of the time, should look like: Note: random blobs of color and no screen. Myth busted. wim edit 2: If you're looking for an interesting subject for study during Corona/Covid: https://filmcolors.org/ Have a look under screen processes. Not exactly there and quite a bit later, but surely interesting.
  20. > although that can be minimised to an extent by knocking the lens slightly out of focus ... Or contacting your film with the original film inside out. Btdt. 😁 Most of my work in this field has been for screen printing, but I have worked in several darkrooms for offset. And occasionally been what's translated called work planner (werkvoorbereider) here, meaning it was all prepress work including page make up with positives and film. Not typesetting, I had done that as well, both manual and photo type, but both only while at school. While and not at school, because at school we were only allowed manual typesetting. Photo typesetting had to be learned outside the art academy. It was still considered the work of the devil. This was in the eighties! Someone of the staff already had an Apple II. The Lisa came out in 1983. Bertholdt introduced the Diatype in 1958. Bertholdt was a billion dollar company. They ceased operations in 1993. (Kodak could have known.) Oh and I have done a workshop Photogravure. And even printed once. So I know what it's called and what it looks like. Which is not exactly knowing how. 😁 The thing against option 3 is that there is no optical flaw from a lens in there. All lines are perfectly aligned and square. Possible on a process camera, but not on anything else, until we got lens profiles in Photoshop. Process cameras do exist from somewhere in the late 1880s on. Possible yes - likely no. But again like you: where do these green and magenta casts come from? And not all dots and casts have the same shape, but that could be jpg compression. wim
  21. Most likely scenarios are three: 1 - Two contact copies of a negative halftone film. The result being two halftone positives. 2 - One contact copy of a positive halftone film intended for photogravure (intaglio printing), resulting in a negative. Then two contact copies resulting in two positives. 3 - Or a negative made by camera of a (news)paper print, then two copies made in contact, resulting again in two positives. In this time there were very few enlargers, most printing was still done by contacting either film/paper; film/film or paper/paper even. For amateurs, this continued well into the fifties. So it was a common thing that would have come easy for a photographer, much more so than for photographers from the sixties or later. How it's been colorized and why the screen is magenta in the colorized version I am unable to explain. Because the dots are so perfectly aligned I would opt for 1 or 2. Because some of the dirt and hairs are white and different in both copies I would opt for 2, albeit that some of the debris may have come from the glass the films are mounted in. I would not call the resulting images halftone, because the density of the film is not the same over all (Easy to see in Photoshop.) A true halftone image is achieved by tricking the eye with smaller and bigger black dots. These are true continuous tone copies made from a halftone image original. Now would this be a common practice with lantern slides? I have no idea and my source of knowledge has been dead for 9 years. wim
  22. Looking at them aligned in layers in Photoshop they are different. Also some dirt and hairs are the same, but some are different. Because you copied them while mounted, these can be on the mounts as well of course. wim
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