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58 minutes ago, Betty LaRue said:

I take it now that when we check for sales just dropping in we can’t put a date further ahead than today’s date. Right? Or am I missing a trick? ^_^



I'm sorry, but I'm clueless on this.  Why would you be interested in a future date?  Dreaming of future sales? :D  Just kidding, I know there is a rational reason.  I've only sold 5 images here so I'm not all that familiar with sales. :lol:


Can you explain, Betty?



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When you do that look-ahead, you can see a sale a few hours before it's posted to Account Balance or Sales History. It still works, if you choose the last available date (and also select Date of Invoice in the dropdown). One of many obsessions you can get into around here.

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Rick, years ago we had a guy, Geoff Kidd, that shared the fact that when you look at the dates in the little boxes while on the Net Revenue Page, you could change the end date to something in the future.  Then a sale that just happened might not show up under “Sales” yet, but with that change of date, we could see it. No info of sales particulars, but the image number and amount it sold for. 

You have to change one of those boxes above the date (I believe) to “Date of Invoice”.

Used to, we could put an end date of next month, next year or whatever.  Alamy revised things a few months ago and now we have to choose today as the end date.

Once that little trick was shared, we all obsess checking “Net Revenue” a lot to see if a new sale dropped in. Once Alamy invoices the sale, we see it.

Then after the next regular update we see the particulars of the sale. Country, etc.

Now you can obsess with the rest of us. :D


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I hate when you check and you think yeh, punch the air at seeing you've made two sales only to notice one's a refund and the second is a resale for a few cents less. Talk about disappointment. Happened to me this morning. Doh! :huh:

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16 minutes ago, andremichel said:

I remember that name. He was doing very well with a smallish number of images.

Yes. He does a lot of commercial composite images, and also seeds and such.  He is very knowledgeable but there were some rude argumentative people on the forum at the time and I think he had his belly full. 

I don’t remember now what the issue was, but it could have been his argument for RF commercial. The discussion about it now is softer, but back then anyone who even whispered RF was drawn and quartered. I’m not saying that was the issue....just might have been.

It’s  a shame, because he brought a lot of useful information to the forum. As you see, I am a supporter. I only wish I had 1/10th of his talent.


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