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Processing - average wait time 24 hours

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It often results in a Partial Failure with one of the images failing due to a processing error but the other images should still pass QC.  Happens to me occasionally especially if my upload has been interrupted.



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If I had anything urgent when this happened to me I re-uploaded them.  They usually went quickly to Awaiting QC and then passed whilst the first lot were still stuck in processing.  I then just delete the first batch when they eventually pass.



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Dear Pearl,

Kindly keep your 'good' ideas to yourself in future. My batch has landed on the queue with the issue so now are all waiting for 24 hours - except it won't be. One queue is now into day 3.
What is Welsh for GGRR!! (GGRRIO?)

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Dear Pearl,

Kindly keep your 'good' ideas to yourself in future. My batch has landed on the queue with the issue so now are all waiting for 24 hours - except it won't be. One queue is now into day 3.

What is Welsh for GGRR!! (GGRRIO?)


Sorry to hear that Nick, I haven't had that happen to me. I will keep quiet.



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It sounds like the problem is at Alamy's end.  This happened a little while ago to a colleague's uploads and others were reporting the same.  Might hold off uploading for now.


Dim hapus



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Very weird - one pic I put up this morning has now been failed all in red. Yet whenI click on the entry number link it says passed! Somewhere there are issues and I have dropped a line to MS.


Apparently this happened once before to my knowledge. Seems QC were pushing the wrong buttons. :)



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I believe it was posted here earlier that if it says 23 hours it should go to QC soon. But if it says 24 hours then there is at least one image with a failed upload and it will take awhile for someone to manually process your batch. The batch will eventually go through with a partial fail on at least one image. The other images will go to QC

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I believe it was posted here earlier that if it says 23 hours it should go to QC soon. But if it says 24 hours then there is at least one image with a failed upload and it will take awhile for someone to manually process your batch. The batch will eventually go through with a partial fail on at least one image. The other images will go to QC

Correct. MS told me that it can take up to 10 days to go from "Processing" to "Awaiting QC". Once it hits QC and is checked, it will show as a partial fail due to a corrupted file (one failed image normally) and the rest will be passed..... unless if QC found any problems with the remaining files. This has happened a few times to me, I just continue to send other uploads which are handled in the normal way (provided they don't end up in the 24h queue) and the files in the 24h queue are picked up later once the system sorts itself out.

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I am a new (hopeful) contributor. 


My initial 4 images have been 'awaiting QC' since 24th July.  Is this part of the same issue?  Or is the initial submission QC longer than subsequently?


Should I just be patient? 



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I did my original 4 just this past Saturday. They don't do QC on weekends. They passed on Monday morning and it took about 6 hours or so for them to appear in the search and go for sale. 


I uploaded 2 pics yesterday and they are still in the queue.  I uploaded another 4 this evening, so we'll see which batch goes through first.

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I'm new and my first batch is now closing in on 72 hours.  Judging by your posts I should delete and reupload?  Suggestions for this newbie would be most appreciated!

You can't delete an upload, you'll just have to be patient. The first 4 sometimes take a bit longer.

72 hours isn't exceptional

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I'm new and my first batch is now closing in on 72 hours.  Judging by your posts I should delete and reupload?  Suggestions for this newbie would be most appreciated!


Welcome Allison!


No, I wouldn't delete and reupload (not sure you can actually delete a waiting batch) but I would just wait and see what happens.


Cheers, John.

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