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Ready images not showing on port

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Since the site went down to implement the new changes, my newly key worded images have not shown on my port. Anyone with a similar problem?



Same here, but not surprising with the fixes going on and the weekend. 

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Still no images on sale after doing them Sunday. What's going on?

Same for me Betty. Some have finally gone on sale but I possibly keyworded those on Friday or Saturday. Sunday's are definitely not up though.


I'm told that the search engine hasn't been updated due to technical issues. I contacted CR as the images keyworded on Saturday aren't showing (although the number of images on sale in My Alamy is correct). They are working on it.
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It would be nice if Alamy would inform us when they have technical problems that affect our images. It would save a bit of angst. I can certainly understand and forgive those problems but would like to be in the loop so I wouldn't keep checking over and over.

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The slow turnover of Ready images to On Sale continues, at least for me. My last batch was Ready yesterday morning but still hasn't moved. 


On the other hand, I submitted some images late last night, and they were waiting approved by QC at 7AM this morning, New York time. Now that's quick.  :)

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The slow turnover of Ready images to On Sale continues, at least for me. My last batch was Ready yesterday morning but still hasn't moved. 


On the other hand, I submitted some images late last night, and they were waiting approved by QC at 7AM this morning, New York time. Now that's quick.  :)

Seems that whenever you submit the actual QC is done in the first couple of hours of work in the morning. I've just finished a marathon batch and nothing passed later than 1030 BST. Even subs at 2100 were passing by 0900. Very convenient.

So yours probably actually passed about 4am your time, Ed. Don't stay up too late.

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It would be nice if Alamy would inform us when they have technical problems that affect our images. It would save a bit of angst. I can certainly understand and forgive those problems but would like to be in the loop so I wouldn't keep checking over and over.

More than slow turn over here, images ready for a week now, and still in the same place. New batch accepted, but big batch ready to go still


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It would be nice if Alamy would inform us when they have technical problems that affect our images. It would save a bit of angst. I can certainly understand and forgive those problems but would like to be in the loop so I wouldn't keep checking over and over.

More than slow turn over here, images ready for a week now, and still in the same place. New batch accepted, but big batch ready to go still



Are you sure they're ready? A week is very unusual. Mine all went on sale as usual last week.

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