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Dating Our Images

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Having a quick look at someone's Alamy collection yesterday, I noticed that they didn't have a date showing on their images. I thought we were obliged to show at least the year . . . and I think that is the year/date the image was uploaded. 


I'm just wondering what the rules for dates are at Alamy, what most of you do, and why we would want or not want to show a date? Some reasons, pro and con, are obvious, but perhaps some other reasons are not? 



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Sure it weren't scanned slides? Does don't show dates.





Not sure about anything, Philippe. That's why I'm posting these questions. Not that I remember, but I wouldn't want to post the member's name for others to look. I'm not trying to out anyone here. That would be inappropriate.


It is a puzzlement. 

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All my images show dates taken but that is from digital cameras where the information is already in the exif file.


I would imagine that if no dates show then it could be the tog has not set the date in camera or it was a lack of commitment to adding the dates to film images.



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Date field...is when the image was taken.




Years ago on the old Alamy blog (can't find it now, is it out 'there' ?), there was an article about dating the images. Picture researchers often want to know the date, even if the image was made a long time ago - eg. picturing the era (fashions/cars), or a changing skyline (like New York post 9/11).

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My early scanned transparencies images had an option to enter date either exact or year only but if I didn't offer a date back then, it could be left bank. 


If I venture back now and open any of those files, the Alamy system will insist I enter a date before closing, but it will be happy with year only. Most agencies don't go there.


Any new images from a digital camera will  grab the date from the camera data.


I haven't uploaded any scanned images recently, so don't know how it would work to-day. Likely the same as Alamy is still taking on agency bulk collections



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Edo,I saw your heading,'Dating Your Images' and I felt bad that things have gotten that bad in the Big Apple! :D



Hehe! That's what I thought too. I even started wondering if there was a space in the market for an Image Dating Agency... but then I realised that's all that most of them are anyway.



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I just looked at some of my scanned images that are awaiting key-wording and they have the upload date supplied by Alamy.  Since my images filenames contain the date, I will change them to when they were taken when I keyword them.  I have always filled in the date taken field.

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