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Huff Post - Am I going mad?

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One of my images has been used by the Huff Post here;




I got to that page via a Google Images search but I can't see my image.


I have looked at the HTML for the page and it is there.


The image is CMHKPW.


Can anyone see it on the page? I am wondering if it is my browser (Chrome) or my location (UK) ?





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The only thing I can see in the HTML are the links in META tags to this cropped image (yours).


I took a look at the META tag, which has the giveaway content 'sailthru'. Found the relevant site and took a quick look at their preamble: sailthru.com, which seems to confirm my suspicions based on Craig's comments, viz: I imagine that the page contents are being determined by device use, so that a smaller resolution device displays an alternative image.


In short, large resolution device users (PC monitors, laptops, etc.) see one image (the album cover), while mobile device users see another image (yours).


I love a mystery!

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I do too - well sleuthed, Iosdemas.


It's a bit too late to track back through my sales and view them on a phone but I will do so in the future. Huff sales can be around $29 (?) but I wonder if this sale is lower, reflected in the fact that it's only viewable at a small res/size? 




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No (on firefox)

+1 but FF is a real pain atm, no thumbnails in MI.

Thanks for that, I was not aware of the problem.

I use firefox almost all of the time with very few problems although I cannot view skyplayer through it as it wants to keep loading already loaded silverlight, using google chrome however does not give me the problem.


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I do too - well sleuthed, Iosdemas.


It's a bit too late to track back through my sales and view them on a phone but I will do so in the future. Huff sales can be around $29 (?) but I wonder if this sale is lower, reflected in the fact that it's only viewable at a small res/size? 





Nope, it is a $29 sale. It is my first Huff Post sale. I recognised the sales information from other posts.

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One of my images has been used by the Huff Post here;




I got to that page via a Google Images search but I can't see my image.


I have looked at the HTML for the page and it is there.


The image is CMHKPW.



Often with HuffPost uses, the image that Google finds may not be from the actual article- There are streams of 'related articles' down the side of the page and a few at the bottom. Sometimes when Google's spiders index a page, they will pick up images from those thumbnails- which are linked to the 'correct' article... However, these links change constantly and the version that Google has recorded may not... This may be the case?



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I've noticed one of my images used and paid for by Huff Post here http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/28/how-to-avoid-fifty-shades_n_2567022.html.


I was paid for up to 1/4 screen but hidden in the code is this:


<meta property="og:image" content="http://i.huffpost.com/gen/961961/thumbs/o-BONDAGE-facebook.jpg" />


which links to a 1536x1017 pixel image, which I would say was full screen for most people. It's not visible on the page but Google finds it and makes it available. Not sure I'm happy with this.

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