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Alamy Size Checker

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I found this tool online and was able to make a cheat sheet with the minimum pixel dimensions for different aspect ratios.  The calculator came out slightly under for 6MP so I used 6.1 for 16x9.

4x5,8x10 =2191x2739
2x3,4x6   =2000x3000
16x9        =3293x1852  (6.1 Megapixels)
8.5x11     =2171x2810


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49 minutes ago, Johnnie5 said:

I found this tool online and was able to make a cheat sheet with the minimum pixel dimensions for different aspect ratios.  The calculator came out slightly under for 6MP so I used 6.1 for 16x9.

4x5,8x10 =2191x2739
2x3,4x6   =2000x3000
16x9        =3293x1852  (6.1 Megapixels)
8.5x11     =2171x2810




i did wonder why you had 3 dimensional images, until i remembered the comma is not decimal in English 

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2 hours ago, Sally said:

I have just discovered, after upgrading to IOS Catalina that the useful little programme Alamy Size Checker doesn't work. The developer has retired so I guess it wont be updated, which is a shame.



Another reason for me not to upgrade from 10.11 El Capitan

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Size checker, although useful, was out of date, particularly as regards larger file sizes. It will often show uncropped images taken with 30+ megapixel cameras as failing due to large size, whereas they are nowadays perfectly acceptable. I often make large panoramas and these are the only ones where I try to limit file size.  I have made an Excel spreadsheet into which I put the actual image dimensions, which returns the long side length required to keep the file size to 200Mb, and that is the dimension I then use to limit the file size when I export from Lightroom. I have had AIM reject images over 200Mb, hence this practice. I have been doing this for some time now, so maybe even the 200Mb limit has increased, but it works for me and I have seen no need to test whether the system will now accept larger files. 


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To be honest I don't think it is needed any more now since Alamy reduced their max image size requirements and the cameras were only producing smaller images in my early days here (from 2008). The improvements to camera sensors and file sizes have come on leaps and bounds since the late noughties and early tens.


I know I have not used the Alamy size checker for yonks even though it is still on my system, (JIC). Although I won't be able to use it when I upgrade to Catalina as ASC is only 32 bit.




Edited by Allan Bell
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If you're exporting from Lightroom then the only problem that could crop up is if a small sized image slipped through the net, as it has for me once, but then the Alamy Uploader rejects it anyway, perhaps that's different for News. I have a LR preset which ensures that the colour profile is set to sRGB, together with the full metadata and EXIF but I don't resize normally. If you just want a quick way to review jpegs that have been exported from Lightroom before you upload them then it's possible that this Lyn app at the bottom of this review page might do it as I think it has a pretty comprehensive customisable Browser view - I don't know anything about it though.



Actually I think that Lyn might be quite slow and old-fashioned, still there is a free trial.



Edited by Harry Harrison
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43 minutes ago, Harry Harrison said:

If you're exporting from Lightroom then the only problem that could crop up is if a small sized image slipped through the net, as it has for me once, but then the Alamy Uploader rejects it anyway, perhaps that's different for News. I have a LR preset which ensures that the colour profile is set to sRGB, together with the full metadata and EXIF but I don't resize normally. If you just want a quick way to review jpegs that have been exported from Lightroom before you upload them then it's possible that this Lyn app at the bottom of this review page might do it as I think it has a pretty comprehensive customisable Browser view - I don't know anything about it though.




A few months back I remember viewing a Live News image from a regular Live News contributor that was 15MB, so unless it was a glitch News is likely exempt.

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21 hours ago, Sally said:

I have just discovered, after upgrading to IOS Catalina that the useful little programme Alamy Size Checker doesn't work. The developer has retired so I guess it wont be updated, which is a shame.



Yeah, Sally -- I used to use that nice, free app, too. But I don't really need it anymore, and I bet you don't either. 😉

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Oddly Windows seems to be more useful than the OS Finder, it's easy to add a custom column for Dimensions to the standard folder 'Details' view and then you can filter from the top of the column on the different sizes. Geosetter for Windows is based on EXIFTool and is brilliant for displaying and/or entering information about image files, it's not just for Geo map coordinates by any means.

Edited by Harry Harrison
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