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Article in the UK Daily Mail today about earning money from the Alamy "S" division that can't be mentioned on here.

The article has lost a bit of impact though in the way that only the Mail can achieve by illustrating the story with an image sourced from a micro stock agency .... oops ... !!



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Well spotted!

A new app. - When was S*o launched? And a major UK paper calls it new? Surely this is not just the fault of the newspaper.


(the app was launched Feb 2014, more than 5 years ago)



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So...what's the point of the article at this moment in time?  Are the Mail just trying to actively encourage readers to sign up for S*o  in order to get more images at an even cheaper rate (£2,780, my ass)?!

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23 minutes ago, losdemas said:

So...what's the point of the article at this moment in time?  Are the Mail just trying to actively encourage readers to sign up for S*o  in order to get more images at an even cheaper rate (£2,780, my ass)?!

According to a Stockimo tweet earlier today, a lot of people had signed up, so they had an inspection backlog.

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1 hour ago, Thyrsis said:

Just had a quick read of this article and it's basically full of lies.  As for illustrating it with images sourced from another agency - well, it just makes the writer look stupid, doesn't it?! 🤣

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My last license on there netted me $25, so not bad at all. Ey***m, which I'm not on, just stopped "subsidizing" sales (so people got $2/per sale) and now some have received even less than a penny. Gotta love the big G. 


The article reminds me of the time my daughter was all excited about the new show she found, The Brady Bunch. But she was 8, so it was an understandable mistake.I worry about the future of journalism even more than I worry about the future of photography!

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I don't think the article mentions that the smart phone has to be an iPhone, unless A has managed to delve into Android too.





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36 minutes ago, Allan Bell said:

I don't think the article mentions that the smart phone has to be an iPhone, unless A has managed to delve into Android too.






"However, one of the main drawbacks of the service currently is that the system is only available to iPhone users who have an iPhone 4 or above and Stockimo has not revealed whether Android users will be able to contribute in the future. "

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37 minutes ago, Foreign Export said:

Daily Mail has been rapidly going downhill for years 

Yeah but it is good for a giggle - and making me look like I predict the future.

I gaze into my crystal ball and see somewhere in the next few weeks a DM article about "huge shark spotted off Cornish coast" with photos and descriptions of the silhouette in the water and wonderful coastline before somewhen in the last 3 or 4 lines it will admit the shark is indeed a basking shark, native to this country, that appears off Cornwall in large numbers at this time every year.

I was spot on with my prediction on the article about hedges wrapped in silk by caterpillers - unfortunately, my local example of this phenomenon is on a piece of national speed limit quite twisty road with no safe way of visiting on foot with the camera, so I was unable to send them a photo and get paid for predicting what they were going to write about.

On the other hand I recommend beach snappers see if they can get a couple of shots of the weaver fish in for August - as there is usually an article about the "rare" (it's not) "tropical" (it's not) fish with highly venomous spines that buries itself in sand in shallow water and causes nasty injuries if (when) trodden on.  

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