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Paul Mayall


18 answers to this question

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49 minutes ago, M.Chapman said:


Still works for me.


You shouldn't expect to have the same placement in a BHZ search as in a specific search as it all depends who your competitors are and their rankings, keywording etc.

The BHZ test only gives your position versus other contributors who play the BHZ game. Your AOA search is competing with all the (different) contributors who have images that meet your search criteria 




Yes, of course Mark. Silly me for not realising that when I posted.







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On 16/06/2019 at 16:01, Allan Bell said:


Is BHZ broken?


Still works for me.


You shouldn't expect to have the same placement in a BHZ search as in a specific search as it all depends who your competitors are and their rankings, keywording etc.

The BHZ test only gives your position versus other contributors who play the BHZ game. Your AOA search is competing with all the (different) contributors who have images that meet your search criteria 



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At the moment my BHZ image is on page 8 of 26 at 120 images per page.


In a search of AOA for "river great ouse" my first image appears on page 4 out of 50.


Is BHZ broken?


As an aside my BHZ image is sat next to an image of dog poo. Do you think someone is trying to tell me something?




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Thanks so much NYCat, 


I will try!! 😃


22 hours ago, NYCat said:

If you are new (which you don't seem to be)

yep not really new but new in the forum!! many interesting info here! thanks to all of you guys! 

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53 minutes ago, MaxF said:

Where do I see the ranks of the various pseudo to understand the level of each one?


Sorry for the obvious question .. but really I checked everywhere.. :D


Put BHZ in an image as a supertag and wait for the update so it is active. Then do a search for BHZ. If you do that for each pseudonym you can see which one comes higher up in searches. This is a method started eons ago so we could check our rank back in the days when there were big periodic re-ranks. Now ranking is more complicated and not as likely to change but this should work to see rankings of different pseudonyms. If you are new (which you don't seem to be) all the pseudonyms you use might have a middling rank until you have established a record of sales.



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Where do I see the ranks of the various pseudo to understand the level of each one?


Sorry for the obvious question .. but really I checked everywhere.. :D

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My most useful pseduo is the default I use exclusively for all new uploads and news images. When image manager changed (a long time ago now) I had trouble finding the newly uploaded images that needed keywording etc. 

Now everything I upload has the same pseudo - news and new stock - and only when I am happy with captions, keywords and annotating, do I assign the images to their relevant pseudo. Live News images remain there, until and I decide to chose to properly annotate them or go back to the RAW file and produce a better quality version of an image for stock, when I can delete the first upload.


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2 hours ago, Sally said:

As I understand it, Alamy changed things so that different pseudonyms from the same contributor are lumped together in search results, therefore giving no advantage having different pseudonyms. But someone can correct me if I am wrong.


I'm pretty sure a contributor's pseudonyms are not all 'lumped together' in the sense of each pseudonym  being treated equally with all the other pseudonyms belonging to that contributor. My  best ranking pseudonyms will appear higher in a search than lower ranking ones. (I'm basing this thinking on the correlation of my views/zooms with how my various pseudonyms show up in BHZ, and on their CTR rate, which forms a part of search ranking). 


I think there is also a strong element of each contributors overall search ranking across all their pseudonyms being taken into account when ranking search results. Therefore, a contributor with  several pseudonyms, each with a high ranking, will have an overall better placement in a search than mine, where I have a couple of highly ranked pseudonyms and several modest to poor ones.


My feeling is that the advantage of having several pseudonyms really rests on nurturing the highest ranking ones with the best of my newly added, well-keyworded, images, rather than simply chucking all new images into older, poorly ranked pseudonyms which look destined to stay in the doldrums forever, never to appear in the upper reaches of any search. In a poorly ranked pseudonym even a good image may never be seen.

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On 17/05/2019 at 20:13, Joseph Clemson said:

A few things spring to mind which may be worth your consideration.


3. I have a 'Sunday Best' pseudo, in which I put my best images, and only ever the best image from any series of shots. It is carefully curated. Thus, in this pseudo, I rarely get lots of similars appearing in a search and its CTR avoids taking a hit. It is also tightly keyworded and boasts not a single 'green' discoverability bar! This pseudo has only 10% of all my images but produces 25% of my zooms and 25% of my sales.

As I understand it, Alamy changed things so that different pseudonyms from the same contributor are lumped together in search results, therefore giving no advantage having different pseudonyms. But someone can correct me if I am wrong.

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1 hour ago, Harry Harrison said:


Is there a downside to suddenly changing the pseudonym on a bunch of images that have been there a while? Presumably it doesn't matter if they've sold under the original pseudonym but can their ranking be affected in any way?

As mentioned above, if you create a new psuedo, it will start with an average ranking. If yours is below average, that might help, for a while.

I think the way Alamy ranks photographers/images has changed and I'm not sure if anyone really knows how it works these days. 

The average CTR on Alamy last month was .57 (about normal) my better-performing pseudos were at 1.3 and 1.09 - the worst were .28 and .07!

It's swings and roundabouts.

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3 hours ago, Phil Robinson said:

I have several pseudos for different categories


Is there a downside to suddenly changing the pseudonym on a bunch of images that have been there a while? Presumably it doesn't matter if they've sold under the original pseudonym but can their ranking be affected in any way?

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I don't think it really affects sales but if you cover several distinct styles / subjects in your photos it can give you some useful information about how well they perform compared to one another. I have several pseudos for different categories and find it very useful to find how they compare.

Also, if, like you, you have thousands of images online, it splits them up into more manageable collections.

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It can be useful to help find usages to create a pseudonym that gives no hits on a Google search. Then, if an image is published with a credit line including your pseudo, or if an image is mentioned in the Alamy found images thread, it's easier to find. I spliced two words together to create made up words for my pseudos. 



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A few things spring to mind which may be worth your consideration.


1.  If you make a sa,le the pseudonym name is what appears in  the picture credit (if a credit is printed!). I had recently created a 'JY News Images' pseudo to use on my occasional Live News submissions. Unfortunately, that excursion was unexpectedly derailed when my Live News privilege was whipped from under my part-time journalistic feet. Hey ho.


2. A new pseudonym begins with a median ranking (I think that is still true. I do know my JY  News Images pseudo appeared relatively well up in the BHZ chart when I created it in July last year). New pseudos and initial ranking is a bit of a mystery, so I would be interested to hear how others view the current situation.


3. I have a 'Sunday Best' pseudo, in which I put my best images, and only ever the best image from any series of shots. It is carefully curated. Thus, in this pseudo, I rarely get lots of similars appearing in a search and its CTR avoids taking a hit. It is also tightly keyworded and boasts not a single 'green' discoverability bar! This pseudo has only 10% of all my images but produces 25% of my zooms and 25% of my sales.

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Not sure that it makes any difference, how is it possible to judge!


I have three, two with geographic connotations, and one a dumping ground during deletion. Not seen any improvement in sales since moving from 2 to 3 but so many other variables at work......

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