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Vote for the April Challenge

Vote for the April Challenge  

35 members have voted

  1. 1. 1. Which Image is the best in the April Challenge?

    • Colin Woods CTWATH Freedom
    • Michael Ventura AA8YKX A Woman Firefighter
    • John Mitchell DTHNH2 Young Homeless woman with her dog
    • Sally T2719A A woman getting tattoos
    • Eden HJ0FHC Anti Trump rally
    • TeeCee BT4AYF OAP ambassador Joan Bakewell
    • MizBrown HRHH9K Deaf Nicaraguan girl
    • losdemas E5YX45 Young woman with an opinion
    • Avpics M5RAXC When I grow up
    • NYCat HJPCNJ Maasai woman with water barrel
    • vpics EWBR8Y Soldiers
    • andremichel J6C154 A Lifeguard at Bondi

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  • Poll closed on 30/04/19 at 11:00

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This is what I wanted to see, some powerful images of women in our society, for better or for worse and you have let me down. Some great images for this months challenge. Many thanks for all those who entered. It as been very difficult to pick the 12 finalist shown below from the 53 images entered. 


You have until Midday on the 30th April 2019.





1) Colin Woods CTWATH Freedom



2) Michael Ventura AA8YKX A Woman Firefighter



3) John Mitchell DTHNH2 Young Homeless woman with her dog




4) Sally T2719A A woman getting tattoos



5) Eden HJ0FHC Anti Trump rally



6) TeeCee BT4AYF OAP ambassador Joan Bakewell



7) MizBrown HRHH9K Deaf Nicaraguan girl




 losdemas E5YX45 Young woman with an opinion



9) Avpics M5RAXC When I grow up



10) NYCat HJPCNJ Maasai woman with water barrel


11) vpics EWBR8Y Soldiers



12) andremichel J6C154 A Lifeguard at Bondi


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And the winner for the April Challenge goes to Michael Ventura with his image of the Woman Firefighter.

Many thanks to all those who entered the challenge and voted.  So over to you Michael for the May 2019 challenge.



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Thank you Alan and thanks for all the votes!  I will have a new challenge up by tomorrow.  


I want to give some background on the female firefighter photo.  I shot this many years ago, for stock, to illustrate this very topic. The woman was a girlfriend of mine and she is wearing my brother’s fire gear.  He was a career firefighter for the city of Washington DC in the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s...during that time there nearly no women firefighters on the force....and sadly he liked it that way.  It was a “boys club” for him.  He is now retired and things have changed.  So fast forward to today, I have a daughter who is 23 years old and has always wanted to be a first responder of some sort.  Against my brother’s advice she became a volunteer firefighter, for our community, and also works in a hospital emergency room as a nurse.  It does make nervous that she goes into burning buildings but so proud that she does (and can do now) what she loves.  Though I cringe at the stories I hear from her after a shift.  

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How wonderful, Michael. I love the people who put themselves in harms way to keep us safe. Your daughter sounds wonderful. And your girlfriend did an excellent acting job in that photo. She supplied the emotion. Congratulations on your win.



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Oh gawd - late on parade again! Second inclusion in as many months - just wasn't expecting that! Thanks for including me. Winner was never in doubt - very powerful portrait. Very well done all! 

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