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Everything posted by wiskerke

  1. I once had to open 50 cans of Kodak somewhere myself, in case they were booby-trapped. That was years before 9/11. The Fuji Velvia cans were see-through. After 9/11 it was a totally different scene. My Olympus OM4Ti's regularly came up positive for explosives. You know with the swab thingies on a stick. In London Heathrow one of the bomb experts once recognized me from the week before and explained it was the lubricant. Combined with the hand-checking and the X-ray pouches it would throw them in a fit. Flying business or first helped a little bit, but was pretty rare for me. wim
  2. Haha! Yes I did hold up a couple of planes in the days. Then you're the last one in and they're rushing to close the door after you and the whole plane looks at you with eyes full of hatred. πŸ˜‚ Don't you miss those years? Mwah. Maybe not. 😁 wim
  3. Worldwide multiple educational editorial use. Duration: Unlimited. Mid $$. wim
  4. Have you checked if you maybe have a fever? Weird spatial feelings with my eyes closed are an indication I have a fever. Combined with a headache during the day may also just mean there's something wrong with my glasses though. wim
  5. Worldwide Editorial Duration Unlimited - low $. First sale of this one. wim
  6. Helsinki skyline. Magazine print, digital and electronic. Unlimited. Mid $. wim
  7. For a good scale one needs a scale, like wind force 😁 My favorite metric, I call it CTR for sales: V/S views divided by sales. Your 277 is not at all bad in my book. The good thing about it is that it's easy to compare months with months or even months with years. But the real metric is money in the bank. wim
  8. Thank you! Not all are bestsellers. πŸ˜‚ Some even never sell. It used to be that most never sold, which is still true, but now 30% have sold at least once. The lowest for 17cts total though. πŸ“‰ wim πŸ–– edit: oops 30% not 38% (innumerate me fighting with Excel)
  9. In general it's best to start each caption with the main subject of the image in the words clients are using researching that subject. A keyword like image should only appear somewhere in the keywords as an extra: just in case a client uses it and you would otherwise miss out a view. wim
  10. In a different thread I have offered these truisms on Alamy (but there are more): No views; no zooms; no sales: this is not your type of sport. Many views; no zooms; no sales: You're doing something seriously wrong. Maybe just keywording. Probably more than that. Style? Technique? Many views; some zooms; no sales: also something wrong, could be technique or style. Many views; many zooms; no or few sales: definitely style or technique. Many views: some zooms; many sales: you're a perfect match for Alamy. Too many views without sales however will lower your ranking on the page: go shoot popular subjects that return less than 2 pages of images. In this case also consider cutting back on keywords. wim
  11. @Angel and maybe some other readers of this: Let's give a link to AoA first. (A search here on the forum will bring up many explanations and instructions.) I remember doing the same search on AoA before, probably because of a discussion here, but maybe not, because using the search function I cannot find it. It may have been my own curiosity, probably while keywording. So I went to my files and found I had saved that exact same search in 2018 for the rolling year. In 2018 the total amount of searches for the keyword image was 2760. In 2022 the total amount of searches for the keyword image is 4621. Wow indeed! Has the total of searches also risen 67% from 2018 to 2022? (Let's not hijack this thread.) wim
  12. All good advice. Except maybe for image. 42 pages @100 in AoA for the rolling year for that keyword. Including lots that will make you laugh. However the client is never stupid. wim
  13. It could be a persistent filter. Using another browser, that one would not have it. And closing Chrome and opening it again could have cleared the filter. It would be really useful if there was a big warning somewhere about which filters are still being active. wim
  14. Maybe most clients never used small thumbnails? Like on their phone? πŸ˜‚ wim
  15. Volunteer holding baby turtles. Man begging in DC. Self portrait. wim
  16. That's because it wasn't there as a filter on the clients side. I used to get those searches regularly. Try setting the date well before the redecoration started. wim
  17. Who needs a tilt/shift? 3 x stitched RX100's aka a vertirama: UK worldwide book 1 page mid $$ Pierre Boulez Hall in the Barenboim Said Academy Berlin. Designed by Gehry. wim
  18. 21 for 484. Last time I looked it was a bit higher, but 3 refunds of 50 each on August 1, 2and 3 didn't help. Some came back for around the same amount though. wim
  19. LU is back to normal it seems and also copy/paste is working normally again. I still get multiple searches of 100 views when it's obvious that there has only been 1 client. wim
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