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  2. Image ID: 2RJ7AHJ Historic Roman 1st century Tower of Hercules lighthouse still in use today A Coruña Galicia Spain Image ID: 2DW0GY3 Roman Chariot race track grassed over in Merida Extremadura Spain Image ID: 2BC9599 Roman stone bridge over the River Guadiana in Merida Extremadura Spain Image ID: 2BC959B Roman ruins at the Roman open air theatre Merida Extremadura Spain
  3. https://elpais.com/elviajero/escapadas/espana/2024-05-10/trece-paradas-imprescindibles-en-la-costa-quebrada-fervor-por-la-geologia-en-cantabria.html Marc-Philipp Keller Juanma Aparicio Xavier Fores - Joana Roncero JUAN CARLOS MUNOZ Xavier Fores - Joana Roncero Aniol Peracaula Moner Mark Green Zoonar GmbH
  4. My three ones Sibling Chicks common blackbird Wet chick common starling Gray Langur monkeys family
  5. Well I've been trying not to contribute to this thread, but........ I do agree with Phil's original post and it is an ongoing problem for all "News Photo" agencies. I do believe that Alamy is doing the best that they can dealing with contributors who are mostly not trained journalists. In my opinion, a larger issue are the individuals and agencies who just "dump" images onto the news feed without any editing (selecting) images. Not sure why anyone would upload 20, 50 or more images that are from the same event, often showing the same thing? To make it worse their captions accompanying those images are not specific and often not accurate. Just my opinion, Happy Friday Chuck
  6. I had one yesterday - of a church in an obscure town in Hungary. I can't imagine there is a huge demand for posters but it was $35 for the first quarter of the year. It seems the amount paid for each image depends on how many customers demanded a print. This looks like a potentially promising revenue source - of course, we don't know what percentage of the retail price finds its way to us, maybe we can work that out when the original print run of 1000 runs out and they renew it. I find the "up to 1/8 area" confusing, for a poster.
  7. June 2024, NFU Countryside, p55 & p62, common crane, PKM70M, tony mills [Alamy credit only] June 2024, NFU Countryside, p62, young common crane, 2F7BX50, Ann and Steve Toon [Alamy credit only] June 2024, NFU Countryside, p76, Brecon buff goose, CWPNJM, keith burdett [Cutout of juvenile goose. Alamy credit only] June 2024, NFU Countryside, p77, Brecon buff goose, CWPNJM, keith burdett [Cutout of 1 adult goose. Alamy credit only] June 2024, NFU Countryside, p77, Brecon buff goose, AW797T, keith burdett [Cropped. Alamy credit only] ISSN: 1462-0839
  8. https://www.traveler.es/articulos/planes-para-celebrar-san-isidro-madrid Image ID: CTE0P2 Contributor: ChaviNandez / Alamy Stock Photo Image ID: MT8G4E Contributor: Alvaro German Vilela / Alamy Stock Photo
  9. https://edition.cnn.com/travel/europes-best-long-distance-hiking-trails/index.html Keith Fergus/Alamy Stock Photo RM Ireland/Alamy Stock Photo
  10. I sure hope they can make a profit on those posters after paying you!
  11. I'm not sure that having 'naked ladies' as a keyword term will necessarily give the buyer quite what they were looking for . . . Alex
  12. Guardian Online https://www.theguardian.com/travel/article/2024/may/10/readers-tips-favourite-trips-in-germany-europe Look Die Bildagentur der Fotografen Deutschland Westend61 Shotshop B O’Kane Vivid Phantasy David Angel Joern Sackermann https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/article/2024/may/10/my-mother-spends-her-days-serving-a-holy-man-how-can-i-make-her-see-he-is-not-a-positive-force Alamy
  13. 11/05/2024, New Scientist, p1, Cliff Geyser in Yellowstone, F5HX2R, Gary Cook 11/05/2024, New Scientist, p9, Strokkur Geyser about to erupt, GYKAFP, Leonid Andronov 11/05/2024, New Scientist, p11, black hole in space, GR705D, Andrey Volodin 11/05/2024, New Scientist, p12, bumblebee nest, FGDCKA, FLPA 11/05/2024, New Scientist, p34, Ramesses III temple carvings, F7PD18, World History Archive 11/05/2024, New Scientist, p38, pouring filtered watrer into kettle, 2E4JEBB, Westend61 GmbH 11/05/2024, New Scientist, p43, LK-99superconductor, 2RFE71T, Rokas Tenys 11/05/2024, New Scientist, p46, woman holding mug, 2G8TR2M, Patricio Nahuelhual ISSN: 02624079
  14. 09/05/2024, Guardian, p3, Drinking Dinosaur in Yorkshire, 2RE7TRT, Michael Shannon [RF & no credit - poss not new sale via Alamy] 09/05/2024, Guardian, p5, Affordable Art Fair in Hampstead, 2X597E5, Paul Quezada-Neiman [via Live News] 09/05/2024, Guardian G2, p3, coffee pouring into cup, 2B21Y59, J Paulson [RF & no credit - poss not new sale via Alamy] 10/05/2024, Guardian, p9, marsh violets, 2X25YYA, Oliver Cservenyak
  15. I've begun the project of scanning and uploading archival images from my own and family collections. Yesterday's batch included some monochrome of my dad's from a visit to London Zoo in 1966 and some colour of my father-in-law's from 1971, which highlight the conditions accepted at the time. In researching dates of when the various enclosures were opened I'm now not convinced that all of the colour images are in fact of London Zoo, despite the labels. I first looked at when the Lubetkin Penguin Pool was altered to be more penguin-friendly and noticed that the colour image doesn't appear to match either the old or new design. Also the Giraffe House in the image is nothing like the vintage building still in use. The Mappin Terrace looks correct (though appalling) but knowing that there may be images taken at another zoo I'm now unsure of the lion, sealions, and birds, as well as the penguin location. I'll continue searching for information but would welcome any Eureka moments from any who may have first-hand knowledge. Thank you.
  16. "WOW!". Orange, one-eyed, steel man. Lakeland Great Outdoors, Plantation Bridge, Staveley, Lake District National Park, Cumbria. Country: United Kingdom Usage: Consumer goods Media: Retail poster Print run: up to 1,000 Image Size: up to 1/8 area Start: 03 May 2024 End: 03 May 2027 wall art - Print on Demand Sales Q1-2024
  17. Same for me but you have fared better with the prices. The one I got went for a measly $3.28 gross.☹️ Like you I’m left wondering about the price disparities between sales with identical usage details.
  18. I've had one too and the total is probably the cumulative royalties in Q1 for the photo based on multiple POD sales, rather than a one off sale.
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