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Is there a way to set a higher payment threshold?

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I know this may sound strange, but I'd like to set a higher payment threshold in My Alamy.
Though I'm happy I have to do it, since this means there is people who like my photos out there ;), the current threshold of $50 forces me to compile a VAT invoice each month, which is a bit annoying.
The possibility to set a higher payment threshold is a common feature, for example, for Google Adsense and affiliate marketing publishers, but I can't find a similar option in My Alamy's dashboard.

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2 hours ago, riccarbi said:

I know this may sound strange, but I'd like to set a higher payment threshold in My Alamy.
Though I'm happy I have to do it, since this means there is people who like my photos out there ;), the current threshold of $50 forces me to compile a VAT invoice each month, which is a bit annoying.
The possibility to set a higher payment threshold is a common feature, for example, for Google Adsense and affiliate marketing publishers, but I can't find a similar option in My Alamy's dashboard.


No, there's no option to be able to do this, riccarbi.  You could contact Alamy CR, but I doubt whether they are going to (be able to) make exceptions.

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1 hour ago, vpics said:

Why do you get VAT for sales in the UK when you're based in Italy?

You are right saying that VAT does not apply (so far) for services provided by an EU-based VAT-registered business to another (that's my case). Nevertheless, at least in Italy, you still have to write, for every provided service, a regular invoice (though VAT-exempt) for both the Internal Revenue Service and the  Customs Agency.

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4 hours ago, vpics said:

Why do you get VAT for sales in the UK when you're based in Italy?

As riccarbi says, VAT-registered traders don't have to charge VAT between themselves, but the still have to account for it. Alamy provides a compliant self-billing invoice.

So I understand. I've never been anywhere near the registration threshold personally.

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Apologies, no wish to sound harsh, but really don't see the problem. All I do is copy the figures Alamy supply each month from their self billing system onto one of my invoices- takes me all of a minute.
Am I missing something...?


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28 minutes ago, TeeCee said:

Apologies, no wish to sound harsh, but really don't see the problem. All I do is copy the figures Alamy supply each month from their self billing system onto one of my invoices- takes me all of a minute.
Am I missing something...?


Believe me, you are very lucky you live in the UK. In italy, tax regulations are so utterly intricate that I have to send every tax-relevant piece of paper I make to my accountant (who charges me some euros only to take a look and include it in my monthly fiscal report....). Some years ago, I was fined some thousand euros because i didn't make a tax payment of...0 euros (I discovered I had to present the relevant module even if empty)

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1 hour ago, riccarbi said:

Believe me, you are very lucky you live in the UK. In italy, tax regulations are so utterly intricate that I have to send every tax-relevant piece of paper I make to my accountant (who charges me some euros only to take a look and include it in my monthly fiscal report....). Some years ago, I was fined some thousand euros because i didn't make a tax payment of...0 euros (I discovered I had to present the relevant module even if empty)

Same here - if there is one golden rule in the UK, it's "Don't Mess With The Vat Man!" (My accountant didn't use the word "Mess" when she passed on that advice ....)
Tax regulations are intricate, onerous and varied everywhere, certainly throughout Europe.
In the end, there is only the vat content that is relevant - you need to show that on an invoice, and your spreadsheets too. Unless the Italian VAT/tax authorities need you to sit in front of them as you type out every invoice, I cannot see how this can stretch much beyond a couple of minutes, no matter how crazy the system over there...


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