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Sun sales, refunds, sales

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I was just about to send CR an email about this.


Two licenses I presume were for the Sun of the same image. My photo spotted in the Sun twice - last fall and earlier this year. Two refunds for those images came in this week.



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I had the same (weather news) image sold twice at the end of Feb on the same day. Upon checking via Google I found it had been used in the Sun online and something called 'UK Headlines' - I don't know what the latter is but it appeared to have the same layout / photos as the Sun article. Anyway yesterday I noticed that one of the two sales had been refunded. I can only presume that the UK Headlines thing is something to do with the Sun and they're classing it as the same publication even though it has two distinct web links - seems a bit odd.

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I had the same (weather news) image sold twice at the end of Feb on the same day. Upon checking via Google I found it had been used in the Sun online and something called 'UK Headlines' - I don't know what the latter is but it appeared to have the same layout / photos as the Sun article. Anyway yesterday I noticed that one of the two sales had been refunded. I can only presume that the UK Headlines thing is something to do with the Sun and they're classing it as the same publication even though it has two distinct web links - seems a bit odd.

ukheadlines is a foreign aggregator. It's nothing to do with the Sun. That use is an infringement but since it's based somewhere like Indonesia pursuing it is a waste of time.

Sun and Scottish Sun is a single licence.

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I've also wondered about the Scottish Sun - the license says "One use in a single editorial article used within the print and digital versions of a single publication."

That would suggest two payment expected. I know one of those that came through today was used in both, in different articles, so I'm looking forward to the second report.

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Well I've taken "publication" to include the Scottish edition. I haven't had two payments and i think I know the answer MS will give if I ask the question. After you?

I can just see that might (might) be justified if it's just the same article printed in both, but in one case the article was different, though on the same subject. We'll see.

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I received a response from Corin in CR early this morning. In my case he said the image was downloaded multiple times, including three times in one day, and the refunds are for the unpublished downloads.

In all honesty, this is one of my best sellers and it's difficult to sort out this particular client from others who have downloaded the same image. I'm also finding the new format, with refunds appearing at the top, rather confusing.



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I received a response from Corin in CR early this morning. In my case he said the image was downloaded multiple times, including three times in one day, and the refunds are for the unpublished downloads.

In all honesty, this is one of my best sellers and it's difficult to sort out this particular client from others who have downloaded the same image. I'm also finding the new format, with refunds appearing at the top, rather confusing.




I think the refunds have always appeared at the top if the original sale was for a previous licensing period i.e. month or year.  If you click on 2 months instead on 1 month then the refund should be under the original sale.



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I received a response from Corin in CR early this morning. In my case he said the image was downloaded multiple times, including three times in one day, and the refunds are for the unpublished downloads.

In all honesty, this is one of my best sellers and it's difficult to sort out this particular client from others who have downloaded the same image. I'm also finding the new format, with refunds appearing at the top, rather confusing.




I think the refunds have always appeared at the top if the original sale was for a previous licensing period i.e. month or year.  If you click on 2 months instead on 1 month then the refund should be under the original sale.





Right now when I go to Sales History I get three refunds at the top of the page. (23 March 2017) (28 March 2017) (27 March 2017) in that order.

When I change that to two months I get two refunds (14 February 2017) and (23 March 2017) in that order. Further down the page I have another one (28 March 2017).

If the top is a summary it doesn't seem to be in chronological order. Maybe I need to pull out my calculator and do the math.

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In Net Revenue, refunds are reported in the order they have been recorded. (Set to Date of invoice.)
In Summary of items sold, refunds are reported following the original sale.
So if you set your Summary for a long enough period (1 Month; 2 Months; 1 Year or All) all your refunds will be paired with the original sales.


edit: stupid mistake (thanks vpics!)
edit 2: where did all that code come from?

edit 3: where are my links?

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