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I am very fresh here and, even though I know CTR, views and Zooms are just a glimpse of what will really make my sales, it is the tool Alamy give us to steer the wheel.

I just wonder what would be good figures.

I currently have 610 views and 6 zooms, so a CTR of 0.98

Last month average in Alamy is 0.59, so I seem to be doing way better than the average, but I am not sure its a good figure.

My main concern is that I think only 6 zooms will mean it will take a long time to have a sale.

If you wouldnt mind sharing some of your experience, I would love to hear it.


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 My CTR is consistently less than half the average. I ignore it. Less than half my sales have ever been zoomed. I don't ignore sales.

Regularly put up varied, tightly keyworded images and sales will come. The rest is decoration.

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Hi Alexandre,


for individual zooms it is difficult to know whether a sale will result - more likely if there was only one zoom for that search .


Overall, however, if you are getting zooms (generally) you will get sales (generally), but as noted above, they wont necessarily be the images zoomed! However previous threads have noted that most peoples' ratios of zooms to sales are in the region of 3:1 to 5:1 so I would think from the numbers POV you are likely to have a sale coming your way in the nearish future!


Good luck!



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Hi Alexandre,


for individual zooms it is difficult to know whether a sale will result - more likely if there was only one zoom for that search .


Overall, however, if you are getting zooms (generally) you will get sales (generally), but as noted above, they wont necessarily be the images zoomed! However previous threads have noted that most peoples' ratios of zooms to sales are in the region of 3:1 to 5:1 so I would think from the numbers POV you are likely to have a sale coming your way in the nearish future!


Good luck!




I hope so Doc!

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  1. Click on your pseudonym name
  2. You'll see the different search terms. 
  3. For each search term compare "your zooms" with "total zooms"

Those figures tell you a lot more. It's like betting on a horse. If you have 1 zoom but the "total zooms" for that search term is 50, changes are little that your image will sell. On the other hand when your single zoom equals "total zooms(also 1 zoom) then changes are big that it'll result in a sale.






Ok, I did that, so for one subject I had two zooms and a total of 4.

For another it was 1 to 1

The third was 3 to 14


I know this is not rocket science, but I think it is a mix of zooms and the ratio zooms/total zooms, right?


So, my theory is

If total zooms for a subject is large that means there is a lot of people interested in that subject, that means it sells more

If the total zooms is much larger than my zooms it means the competition is tough for this subject.

if my zooms equal the total zooms, than competition is small.


Now its time to find subjects interesting for a lot of people and with little competition...

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So, my theory is

If total zooms for a subject is large that means there is a lot of people interested in that subject, that means it sells more

If the total zooms is much larger than my zooms it means the competition is tough for this subject.

if my zooms equal the total zooms, than competition is small.


Thats not quite correct.


You need to look at the number of sessions. If it is 1 then that is 1 customer search session. If it's 2 then it's 2 sessions.


Your theory should read:


If total zooms for a subject is large and there is 1 session then that means 1 customer was interested in looking at many Alamy images from the results pages.


If the total zooms is much larger than my zooms it means the competition is tough for this subject or the customer needs multiple different images for that search subject.


If total zooms are the same as my zooms then my image was the only that got the customers interest.


Hope that helps

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I am very fresh here and, even though I know CTR, views and Zooms are just a glimpse of what will really make my sales, it is the tool Alamy give us to steer the wheel.

I just wonder what would be good figures.

I currently have 610 views and 6 zooms, so a CTR of 0.98

Last month average in Alamy is 0.59, so I seem to be doing way better than the average, but I am not sure its a good figure.

My main concern is that I think only 6 zooms will mean it will take a long time to have a sale.

If you wouldnt mind sharing some of your experience, I would love to hear it.


CTR and ranking is important, but not as important as the images themselves. Also the ranking that is influenced by CTR is not updated/reflected fluidly, but on a semi-regular basis (as in a few times every year). 


Large highly visible dust spots visible at preview size across many images likely will affect one's CTR and/or even more likely prevent sales from happening I would imagine.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just updating my stats

I now have 1036 views and 9 zooms

As Armstrong suggested I checked and some of my zooms came from the same session.

The way I see it, it means this user was particularly interested in the subject, he took the time to check 2 of my images, but didnt buy it from me (don´t know if he bought it from somebody else).

Enough of stats, good night!

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Just updating my stats

I now have 1036 views and 9 zooms

As Armstrong suggested I checked and some of my zooms came from the same session.

The way I see it, it means this user was particularly interested in the subject, he took the time to check 2 of my images, but didnt buy it from me (don´t know if he bought it from somebody else).

Enough of stats, good night!



He may have bought from you.  Sales usually don't show up for about 3 months from when they are actually used.



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CTR is updated daily.

Many zooms but little sales means that one has good subjects but images are not good enough on closer inspection.

And then there are zooms that came to be known here as wtf-zooms: client looks for a cat on the beach. His/her search results are pages full of cats on beaches; then there's one with a dog. Client clicks on the thumbnail to find out where the cat is.

So some zooms occur because of faulty keywording.

Doc Kumar gave a good healthy average of zooms:sales.

Sales used to trump all other things in ranking.



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One thing I've noticed is that there appears to be no purpose to the 'Your sales' column, at least as far as my activity report goes. If I look at my most successful zooms I can see that a number have resulted in reported sales, yet the 'Your sales' column in my report shows zero. My assumption would be that the customer makes a note of the successful image and makes the purchase outside of that search session. A plausible idea?


As an aside, one of the search terms that threw up one of my images was 'UK OR Wales OR England OR Scotland OR 'Northern Ireland' OR Britain OR British OR 'United Kingdom' [FS]' resulting in nearly eight million images as a starting point. Someone has time on their hands!

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Just updating my stats

I now have 1036 views and 9 zooms

As Armstrong suggested I checked and some of my zooms came from the same session.

The way I see it, it means this user was particularly interested in the subject, he took the time to check 2 of my images, but didnt buy it from me (don´t know if he bought it from somebody else).

Enough of stats, good night!


He may have bought from you. Sales usually don't show up for about 3 months from when they are actually used.



I deffinitelly hope so Jill

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Zooms are only recorded if made by known account customers.

They may or may not result in sales.

Many sales, in my experience, are for images with no recorded zooms.

CTR is a useful measure but has its limitations.

You are getting zooms so your portfolio is prompting interest from account customers. 

Good luck.



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