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whats up with alamy payments!!!!

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Icon, I figure from your portfolio that you are in the USA. I assume then that you have set up to be paid via ACH for direct deposit to your bank account.


That's my situation too. I looked at my last half-dozen payments, and they have been deposited in my bank account anywhere from the 4th to the 7th of the month, depending on weekends/holidays etc. This month's was on the 6th.

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Slow month to Canada. July payment still hasn't arrived in my PayPal account.


I know it eventually will, though. B)



My July payment arrived around the 15th of July I believe,





Sorry, I meant August payment, which was for July. Not sure why Alamy PayPal payments take so much longer than those from other places, but I guess that's just the way it is.

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I still don't have my July payment. It's yet another wait to add to all the other waits for every process of this business. You wait at least a month to be told a photo has sold, then goodness knows how long for that money to be paid to Alamy, then more waiting before you reach the payment threshold, then another wait after being told they've sent the money before they actually send it.


My payment was paid into the bank on the 6th. 




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Mine July payment will be payed probably on September 6th because I'm returning from my vacation on that day.

After changing of payment date from August 1st, 2nd, 3rd and finally September 1st it is still not payed and it obviously will not before September.

On balance of account page paid* is blank, next payment date is 1st september and total ammount is still in cleared balance.

Very disappointing.

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I am not worried about Alamy's payments as always I received them on time since I am member. What I am worried about are all those old dated uncleared sales I see in my account instead. Some are dated last October, some are three-digit sales also. I wonder why for some buyers it take ages before they pay you. If they pay!  It looks like that infamous Brazilian distributor is not the only ghost we have to fight with :-(



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I was in the same place you are now until this morning. I had recently changed my payment method to PayPal and got the email saying I'd be paid on August 3. No payment by August 11 so I sent a friendly query to Member Services. Someone responded quickly saying it sometimes takes longer due to the amount of payments they make. Also said that if payment hasn't arrived in my PayPal account by the end of this week to let them know. It arrived hours later. A quick email to MS will answer your question.

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Got my pmt today.


Some advice to alamy---> "UNDER PROMISE AND OVER DELIVER".


Tell us we should be receiving payment by the 15 of the month. Then if we get it by the 13th....awwgeee the praises you would receive from us all!


seriously alamy, when you tell someone that you will be getting paid on the 3d and then we dont get it untill the 13th...that just sucks.

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icon, I got this email on 4 August and the payment reached my Paypal account overnight 12-13 August (I'm in Australia), so was 7 working days as promised. 


"Hi Carol We've sent you a payment for your recent Alamy sales - congratulations! The payment will be credited to your account within 7 working days. Please see the attached for more information. Cheers Alamy memberservices@alamy.com"
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I was in the same place you are now until this morning. I had recently changed my payment method to PayPal and got the email saying I'd be paid on August 3. No payment by August 11 so I sent a friendly query to Member Services. Someone responded quickly saying it sometimes takes longer due to the amount of payments they make. Also said that if payment hasn't arrived in my PayPal account by the end of this week to let them know. It arrived hours later. A quick email to MS will answer your question.


Thank you for your advice but I already did that and after a dozen of emails from both sides I gave up.

In short I don't have a printscreen of my account balance from friday 31th of july to prove my statement.

I am 100% sure that I saw cleared balance at friday morning including statement that amount will be payed on August 1st, but in net revenue report printed today by MS it says that it was cleared on august 1st.

So this case is closed for me but I will be better prepared next time if I saw changes in my balance of account on last day of month.

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icon, I got this email on 4 August and the payment reached my Paypal account overnight 12-13 August (I'm in Australia), so was 7 working days as promised. 


"Hi Carol We've sent you a payment for your recent Alamy sales - congratulations! The payment will be credited to your account within 7 working days. Please see the attached for more information. Cheers Alamy memberservices@alamy.com"


Thats great for you, but thats not how it was for me and afew others.

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The thing which puzzles me about this thread is that normally, if Alamy spot something written in the forum which they think is unfair, or misrepresents Alamy, they jump in and set the record straight. They haven't done so yet, and nor have they explained the apparent anomalies in the payments system which have been brought up.

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The thing which puzzles me about this thread is that normally, if Alamy spot something written in the forum which they think is unfair, or misrepresents Alamy, they jump in and set the record straight. They haven't done so yet, and nor have they explained the apparent anomalies in the payments system which have been brought up.

That is probably coincidence and based on my case it is obviously not true.

But it could be possible that they have some technical problems with payments or software bugs not known to us, contributors.

If there is a bug every source of information on bug effect could be valid, even contributor's forum chat content.

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