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I liked this one by Steven Milne,....Wow, you can see the wot-nots on the sun!









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EJ27CH is a shot taken from a cruise liner in the arctic region on a specific trip to get this image of complete full corona of the sun (so it says ). It was way down on  page 7  taken by Kieth Smith  when  I looked down all the news images. It was the only full corona shot I found taken on 20thMarch

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Stockimos have a different reference number format.

Guess that proves that photo wasn't taken with an iPhone . . . sigh . . .


. . . "bleeding obvious" . . . 2 returns in Alamy Search . . .



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Eclipse was a non-starter in Cambridge UK. Thick cloud cover. Didn't get dark either just a bit gloomier.



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EJ27CH is a shot taken from a cruise liner in the arctic region on a specific trip to get this image of complete full corona of the sun (so it says ). It was way down on  page 7  taken by Kieth Smith  when  I looked down all the news images. It was the only full corona shot I found taken on 20thMarch


Thank you!

It is possible to do a search for Keith Smith in Live News, because the name of the photographer is inserted in the keywords by Alamy.



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