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ID of Sweets, Please

Ed Rooney

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Not sure of the top two but bottom one is a "Crumble" which refers to the coating on the top.


Usually an apple crumble and sometimes with other fruit added like blackberry, raspberry, etc.


So whatever it is it is called Apple crumble, Blackberry and Apple Crumble, etc. Usually with custard as in picture but also with cream or ice-cream too.




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8 minutes ago, Ed Rooney said:


In the top pic, that's whipped cream with a strawberry on the upper right. On the lower left, it's . . . ?



Looks like tiramasu to me. Did it taste of coffee?



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8 minutes ago, spacecadet said:

Is it a cheesecake?


It could be... and at the end of the day.. does it matter? By this, I mean we are all struggling to identify exactly what it is and so likely would a buyer. I would go with cheesecake or tiramisu  and if a buyer agrees and likes your cheesecake/tiramisu over other cheesecake/tiramisu images, then you get the sale! There could be anything in the mug underneath the cream and strawberry so I'd say there's definitely room for 'artistic license' there. I agree the pudding with custard looks like apple and blackberry crumble.. I feel hungry now! I love puddings that come with custard like this!

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Nope, not tiramisu, Alan. Which in Italian means "pick me up" or "lift me up".  


Matt, I think you're right. I saw this dessert a lot in Galway, and I sort of recall them saying it was cheesecake. But it did not taste anything like New York cheesecake. And yeah, the crumble was much better. Hmmm. Or order some of Alan's tiramisu. 😎

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8 hours ago, Ed Rooney said:


Or order some of Alan's tiramisu. 😎



Personally I'd stick with the rhubarb crumble. I love rhubarb. In fact I was planning to make one this week but the rhubarb was too expensive.



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I believe it was apple and rhubarb but I'll tag it rhubarb since you can't see the apple. I got pudding in the in the tags, Sally.


I do that too, Michael. But it was in Galway somewhere -- too much trouble to track down now and I didn't like it anyway.


John, I pointed at it and they handed it to me. I didn't like it and I don't like the image.  


Thank you all. You're very . . . sweet.  🍰

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